Delicious Chocolate Plum Jam with Cocoa

28.08.2019 Winter blanks

Having tried a spoonful of this jam, it is difficult to resist, so as not to eat the second, and then the third, fourth and fifth. It is so delicious, fragrant and tender! At the same time, “Plum in Chocolate” with the addition of cocoa is not more difficult to prepare than ordinary plum jam. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, put butter in the pan with the delicacy, thanks to which the jam turns out thick and soft. The addition of oil does not affect the method and shelf life - it is checked repeatedly.

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You can also put chopped nuts in a small amount in preservation - it will turn out even tastier!

Ingredients for 1 jar with a capacity of 0.5 l:

  • plum (blue, red) - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 190 g;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • drinking water - 40 ml;
  • butter - 50 g.


How to make jam "Plum in Chocolate"

Wash the plums well, wipe dry with paper towels. Remove the seeds from the fruit, and cut the pulp into 6-8 slices.

To prepare such a jam, it is advisable to use a juicy, sweet and sour, fleshy plum, with a rich color and aroma.

Fold the plum into a saucepan or jam bowl.

peel and cut plums

Add the same water and a tablespoon of sugar.

add water and sugar

Put the pan on moderate heat and, stirring with a wooden spatula, cook for 20-30 minutes. The plum wedges will become soft, put in a lot of juice and warp. Remove the foam that forms on the surface of the jam with a slotted spoon.

boil plums

Mix the remaining sugar with cocoa powder.

sugar and cocoa

Add it to the sink, mix and return to the fire. Cook for another 7-10 minutes, stirring with a spatula.

add sugar and cocoa to plums

Then put a piece of butter in the jam - it will give the delicacy a velvety texture and make it thicker.

put butter

Boil the jam for another 5 minutes, then arrange in sterile glass jars and close with clean, dry lids.

jam in the jar

It is better to store such jam at a low temperature, away from sunlight and moisture. Shelf life of conservation is approximately 1 year.

Chocolate plum jam is very tasty, rich, aromatic. In terms of density and consistency, it is more like jam. It is very tasty to eat, spread on a slice of fresh loaf or half a bun.

Have a nice tea party and good preparations!

chocolate plum jam

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chocolate plum jam with cocoachocolate plum jam with cocoa

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