
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 30.11.2017

Beautiful indeterminantny grade "Budenovka"

Not only did the tomatoes come into our life and did not leave more of it, but also the breeders brought out and will continue to produce a lot of excellent varieties. Each summer resident will find cultures for himself, whatever demands he may make to them. To know more about tomatoes, you need to read detailed characteristics about them, and in this we help you. Here you can read all about the Budenovka tomato, get feedback about it, see the photo and evaluate the yield. Then you will understand, this variety is suitable for your region and for you exactly.

general information

If you are new to the affairs of the garden and vegetable garden, you can not spend much time in the country, then here the grade "Budyonovka" is an excellent option for you. This is because there is a minimum of trouble, the harvest is stable and high. He is not afraid of weather problems. It can well grow and develop in the greenhouse and on the street.

Tomato has been grown by summer residents for many years, and the reviews about it are excellent. This is one of the favorites of gardeners, often the variety is compared with another excellent tomato called Bullish Heart. The fruits are actually somewhat similar in appearance and taste similar.

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Characteristics of tomato "Budenovka" shows us a great variety, and it is not a hybrid. It is hybrids that have become more popular in recent years, because they are unpretentious, hardy and stable. But they can not give the same harvest next year. “Budyonovka” is not a hybrid, but many people are not afraid of the disease, and the weather is cool. In this case, the seeds of hybrids are always much more expensive than the seeds of ordinary tomatoes.

But this is not all that can be said about tomato. He was bred in our country. In 2002 was entered in the registry. "Budyonovka" tomato Siberian selection. And the beauty of this variety is that it can be grown in all regions of our country. And this is the cold conditions of the far north, and the Far East, Siberia, a temperate climate and south. Everywhere a tomato shows excellent results.

Characteristics and description of the variety

  • Tomato belongs to the indeterminate varieties. Such tomatoes do not stop their growth throughout the growing season, respectively, they grow strong and tall. Pinch the top of these varieties.
  • Bushes do not form a trunk. The height can reach 130-160 cm. As a rule, they make a stem about a meter high.
  • Tomato has a very powerful root system, which spreads wide inside the soil, so you should not plant close shrubs from each other so that the roots can develop well and not interfere with each other.
  • The stalk requires a garter, because it is not thick and can break under the weight of the crop.
  • Bushes do not have dense foliage, form about 6-8 brushes. Each inflorescence can form 6 tomatoes.

See also: "Königsberg" sort of tomato (reviews, photos) for the Urals

  • Tomato refers to varieties with medium early ripening. The first fruits will ripen in 100-105 days after sowing.
  • It can be grown in a greenhouse, under the film, on the street. In cool conditions, the bush does not develop as much as in a greenhouse.
  • The fruits have a universal purpose - they are eaten fresh, boiled juices, sauces, canned.
  • Highly resistant variety to phytophthora, powdery mildew, mosaic and other tomato diseases.
  • The shape of the fruit is oval-round, the spout is elongated, resembles a heart.It was in form that the name was given, because many believe that the tomato resembles the headdress of the red army.
  • The fruit weight is an average of 350 grams, but with proper care, gardeners can grow tomatoes and 800 grams in weight.
  • Skin color - scarlet. It is noteworthy that the fruits are considered the most mature and tasty, when the skin is a raspberry shade, and not darker.
  • The taste and aroma of Budenovka is decent, the flesh is fleshy, juicy. A couple of these tomatoes can completely saturate the body. There is a slight sourness. For the conservation of whole tomatoes, the variety is not suitable, but often housewives simply cut the fruit into pieces and salt it.
  • The fruits can be very well preserved, because they are often grown for sale. To transport the crop over long distances is also not difficult. But it is best to store the fruit in a dark place where it is dry and cool.
  • Productivity is high. One bush can give 7-9 kg. One square meter - 20-25 kg of tomatoes.
  • Fruits are resistant to cracking.


In order for the crop to form better, you can pinch several flowers during flowering.


Agree that the Budenovka tomato is a very worthy variety. He has no flaws, so you can safely choose him if you do not know what to plant or want to change varieties to new ones.

Growing and caring for "Budenovka"

You already know the general characteristics of the tomato “Budenovka” and the description of the variety, now what about agrotechnology.

If you plan to grow a variety in greenhouse conditions, then crops can be carried out in March, if on the street, then closer to the third decade of the month or in early April. Before sowing, seed is best treated to minimize the possibility of disease. For this most often use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds hold here for about 15-20 minutes. Then washed with warm, running water.

Soaking was high, soaking is also used. Only for this purpose take such drugs as "Epin" or "Zircon". Additionally, you can soak seed in wet gauze before planting in 2-4 days, shoots will soon appear.

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After all the manipulations, you can immediately plant the seeds. Planting can be carried out in a container in the nutrient soil at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other to a depth of 2 cm, or use peat pots. They also fill in the soil and put one seed. After that, any container covered with a film, pre-watered with a spray bottle.

With regards to the soil, it is bought in the store for the garden, also in many outlets such soil appears when the season of planting seedlings is appropriate. Take the soil or universal, or for tomatoes. You can make the soil at home with your own hands - sand, humus and garden soil are mixed in a ratio of 0.5: 1: 1. After that, sypit a spoonful of wood ash.


Any soil, whether purchased or made with your own hands, it is better to pickle beforehand from diseases and parasites. To do this, it is poured boiling water with potassium permanganate or just boiling water.


After 7-10 days shoots appear. You remove the film from the pots where the shoots have proklikulis and leave it only where there is no seedling yet. When the seedlings formed 2-3 leaves, and if they were planted in common containers, they dive into cups. Again, it is better to take the container from the material that quickly decomposes and will not need to remove the seedlings from it before planting in the ground.

Crops are made in the spring, because the light will be enough for them to grow and develop, but move the pots so that the stems are even. With regards to care, you only need to monitor the optimum humidity. Before transferring to the street, you reduce the temperature in the room or bring your seedlings to a balcony for hardening.

On the street, landing is best done on the sunny side of the plot;The distance between the seedlings should not be less than 50 cm, the wells are prepared in a few days. The soil must be heated, fertilizer is applied to it. You can pour mineral dressing in each well in a spoon. The landing pattern is staggered.

This variety will need to be bitches, regularity - once every 10 days. When the bush has grown to 50 cm, it is formed into one stem. For the prevention of diseases, seedlings can be treated with microbiological preparations.

Tomatoes are watered at the root, the next day the soil is loosened. Once in 14 days organic or mineral supplements are added. You can buy everything at a store selling finished products or organic products, for example, chicken droppings in a dry form. The instructions describe in detail how to water each crop. The variety of tomato "Budenovka", according to reviews, is rarely exposed to insects, but if they appear, then take immediate action. Insecticides or folk recipes are used for this.

This is all we had to tell you in order to fully describe the variety. It is perfect for all summer residents.

Video review varieties tomato "Budenovka"

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