
Pests and diseases of tomatoes description with photographs and methods of treatment 6.09.2018

Southern sclerocial tomato rot: symptoms, causes, treatment

tomato sclerotsial rot

Southern sclerocic rot of tomatoes is caused by the bacterium "Sclerotium rolfsii". The fungal origin of the disease allows gardeners to completely cure plants from the disease. If tomatoes are not treated, then the vegetable crop will eventually die.

What are the first symptoms of the appearance of the disease?

Symptoms of illness

Fungal disease affects young seedlings, root collar, and the fruits of tomatoes. The first symptom is the appearance of a dark brown spot on the bottom of the stem of the tomato. The disease develops quickly, after a week the spot grows all over the lower part of the plant and it rots. If the disease began to spread at the beginning of the fruiting of tomatoes, then the entire stem is defeated, the leaves in turn do not lose color, but simply fade.

At the extreme stage of development, fungal mycelium begins to appear on the affected areas. White patches are traced on brown spots, on which small sclerotia are formed. After maturation, they are spread by wind or insects, to other plants of the garden. If the vegetable is contaminated during the fruiting period, then the fruit suffers. They start to get stained and rot.

Causes and vectors of southern sclerotic rot

Saprofit maintains its viability on plant residues for 2-3 years. Infection of tomatoes occurs through water, soil, seed, through air currents, as well as through garden tools. The development of the disease contributes to the establishment of hot weather at a level of 30-35 ° C. and high humidity.

Treatment and Prevention

For the treatment of southern sclerosal rot, gardeners use a number of fungicides, such as:

  • "Kvadris." For spraying tomatoes, you need to dissolve 40 milliliters of the drug in 10 liters of water. 10 m² consumption is 1 liter of the finished solution;
  • "Acrobat". Liquid mixture for the processing of tomatoes is prepared on the basis of 40 grams of the drug and 10 liters of water.

Fungicides can also be used as preventive measures to prevent the development of diseases.

As a disease prevention, it is accepted:

  1. Observe crop rotation on the plot. Tomatoes should be planted after sorghum or corn.
  2. Remove all plant residues, burn them as soon as possible so that they do not lie on the garden bed.
  3. Follow the regime of watering tomatoes. Do not pereuvlazhnyat beds, so as not to provoke the development of fungi.

Resistant varieties

Unfortunately, breeders have not yet bred tomatoes with resistance against southern sclerocial rot. But there are a number of tomatoes that have good immunity and resist fungal and bacterial diseases:

  1. "Raspberry giant."
  2. "Ilyich F1".
  3. "Geisha".
  4. "Waterfall".
  5. "Puzata Hata".
  6. "Yablonka Russia".
  7. "Blitz".

With the right care and planting of a sustainable variety of tomatoes, the probability that the plants will get sick is 40%. In cases where it was not possible to avoid the disease, apply the proposed means for treatment. Remember: "The earlier the disease is identified, the less the plant will suffer!".

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Comments on the article: 2
  1. Shamil

    Please tell me how to get rid of sulfur rot


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