
Cucumber blanks 6.10.2018

Georgian cucumbers for the winter - super tasty recipe

Georgian Cucumbers

This recipe will appeal to lovers of spicy, spicy dishes, because this preparation has just such a taste. I suggest you diversify the autumn menu of blanks of cucumber appetizers in Georgian. Surely your men will appreciate it, because this is the most delicious recipe of cucumbers for the winter. Preparing a dish is quite simple, in the autumn season is not expensive.

Ingredients (0.5 l. Jar):

  • cucumbers (small size) - 500 g,
  • tomatoes (juicy, fleshy) - 300 g,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • salt coarse - 0.5 tbsp. l.,
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • hops-suneli - 1 tsp,
  • pepper (ground) - 1 tsp,
  • vegetable oil (refined) - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • Table vinegar (9%) - 25 ml.

procurement products

How to cook delicious cucumbers in Georgian

We wash the tomatoes under running cool water, put them into slices and send them with the peeled garlic cloves into the blender bowl. Grind to a state of mashed potatoes. If there is no blender, skip the tomatoes through a meat grinder, and chop the garlic on a grater or press.

We shift the tomato puree in a saucepan and add salt, sugar, sunflower oil, hops-suneli, ground pepper, and also vinegar.

season the tomato sauce

Mode clean (washed under running water) cucumbers in cubes.

chop cucumbers

Bring tomato sauce with spices and boil for 10 minutes, then send cucumbers to saucepan.

add cucumbers to the sauce

Mix the products and cook on low heat for another 5-7 minutes, stirring the billet.

boil the sauce with cucumbers

Put cucumbers with tomato sauce into sterile jars and, without losing time, roll up sterile, boiled lids. We keep the preservation until it cools down in a blanket, then store it at room temperature in a convenient place.

check the consistency

In winter, open a jar of cucumbers and enjoy a cooked side dish, such as mashed potatoes, pasta or cereals. Georgian cucumbers can be used in the same way with meat dishes, due to their sharpness they are perfectly combined. Eat on health and with pleasure.

jar with blank cucumber salad

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Georgian CucumbersGeorgian Cucumbers

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