
Tomato blanks, Recipes 18.07.2018

Lightly salted tomatoes in a package in 5 minutes

Lightly salted tomatoes in 5 minutes

I know a few recipes for salted tomatoes in a package, but the most favorite and fast is a recipe in 5 minutes. I was always attracted to fast food recipes, and when I learned that you can pickle tomatoes in this way, I didn’t even wait, and I immediately wanted to cook. Since then, often marinated tomatoes in this way are quick, easy and affordable.

I no longer go to the store for pickles, because I cook everything at home. In the summer and autumn, when I am tormented by the thirst for salty, salted vegetables save me. Firstly, it is not necessary to open pickled cans that are waiting in the wings before winter, and secondly, lightly salted vegetables taste great, which differs from standard salty vegetables. If pickled tomatoes are always soft, then lightly salted specimens may soften slightly, but fresh aroma will still be felt.

It is worth noting that lightly salted tomatoes can have different tastes: after a few days of pickling, have a weak salty taste, but after a week they acquire a rich pickling taste with a taste of light fermentation. I love all kinds of tomatoes, so I always cook them in various ways for the winter, including lightly salted ones.

Quick tomatoes in a pack

My grandmother pickled tomatoes in barrels and kept them until the New Year. You can do the same, but just put the snack in the fridge, where it will ideally stand and show no signs of spoilage. I went further - I cook light-salted tomatoes right in the package, the recipe is so basic that everybody can cope. The main advantage of today's recipe is that it is cooked in 5 minutes, it remains only to wait for the tomatoes to pickle.

Required Products:

  • 700 grams tomato,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • 1/3 bunch of greens (dill and parsley)
  • 1 incomplete Chin. l salt.

ingredients for lightly salted tomatoes

How to make salted tomatoes in a package in 5 minutes

Immediately fill the plastic bag with tomatoes, only wash and wax them with toothpicks. In this form, the marinade will quickly penetrate into the vegetables, and they marinate faster.

puncture a tomato

Add salt to the bag with tomatoes, it will speed up pickling and salting.

falling asleep salt

Squeeze garlic for taste, which will make the tomato slightly spicy.

add garlic

Cutting all the greens, add it to the tomatoes, fresh flavor will make the most popular snack at the table.

add greens

Tie the package and begin to shake, so that all components are mixed with tomatoes.

shake the package

After 3-4 hours, the tomatoes will be tasty and lightly salted, just do not forget to shake them periodically. Let the tomatoes lie in the room and marinate, and before serving, cool them in the refrigerator.

leave to pickle

We take out of the package and lay out on a dish.

served at the table

Bon Appetite!

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Lightly salted tomatoes in 5 minutesLightly salted tomatoes in 5 minutes
Comments on the article: one
  1. olga

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