
Growing tomatoes 2.07.2018

Yeast with sugar as a top dressing for tomatoes

Growing tomatoes, many gardeners add mineral and organic fertilizers. One of the most common types of fertilizer is yeast. Yeast is a group of unicellular fungi and is absolutely safe for soil and plants. Moreover, they contain a storehouse of nutrients. They began to be used in Soviet times, but even years later, yeast did not lose its popularity. In this article, you will learn about the benefits of yeast feeding, as well as how and when to use them.


People use yeast in the following areas:

  • cooking;
  • the medicine;
  • industrial production;
  • gardening.

They are great fertilizer, due to its rich composition, not only for tomatoes, but for all garden crops in general. With yeast top dressing Bushes form more quickly and acquire immunity, which further leads to a fruitful harvest.

Yeast can be used at all stages of plant life. Start feeding with seedlings. In this period, young shoots absorb a lot of useful microelements, due to which the root system becomes stronger and grows faster. In the future, it will facilitate picking and it will be easier for the tomatoes to take root.

You should continue to feed and adult plants. Yeast will help strengthen the immune system, enhance cell growth and flowering buds, contribute to an increase in future yield and accelerate fruiting.



In addition to affecting the plants themselves, yeast also increases the activity of soil bacteria in the soil, thereby increasing the mineralization and fertility of the soil.


It is worth noting and material benefits. Yeast can be purchased at any grocery store, and their price is low compared to other mineral fertilizers.

Terms of cooking yeast dressing

To make this fertilizer is quite simple. You can use dry powder, fresh baker's yeast or granules.

Cooking options:

  1. In 5 liters of warm water must be diluted with 1 kg of fresh yeast. Immediately before feeding, dilute the fertilizer with a water ratio of 1:10.
  2. In 5 liters of warm water, dilute one tablespoon of sugar and 5 g of dry yeast. Then leave the resulting mixture for 2-3 hours. Before bait dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 5.
  3. In 3 liters of warm water, dilute 100 g of alcohol yeast and 100 g of granulated sugar. Cover the resulting bait with gauze and leave to infuse for a week in a warm room. Before use, dilute 1 cup of fertilizer in a bucket of heated water. Water should be calculated with 1 liter per root.

To make tomatoes strong and better adapted to the summer heat, you can prepare the following solution:

  • pour water into the bucket and heat it;
  • place there 100 g of fresh yeast;
  • mix the composition.

Use this fertilizer once every 7 days, 1 liter per bush.

How and when to add yeast dressing

It is possible to apply such fertilizer on tomatoes of any varieties, regardless of whether they grow in the soil or in the greenhouse. The main thing is that the soil is warmed up, because yeast is activated only in warm conditions.


Start feeding from a mixture of yeast and water should be after the picks.For convenience, you can use a measuring syringe or a small watering can.

For foliar application, pour the filtered solution into a spray bottle and spray, gradually moving from the stem to the inside and outside of the leaflets.

Foliar top dressing is most effective for young seedlings. Moisture is absorbed and penetrates deep into the leaf structure. This method is absolutely safe, burns when spraying yeast mixture can not be obtained.

Adult plants

Starting to feed the tomatoes with yeast should be in 1.5 - 2 weeks from the date of their landing on a permanent place in open ground or greenhouse.



Yeast dressing not only makes tomatoes strong, it helps them to resist the summer heat.


Then fertilize every 2.5 weeks and immediately 1 time before flowering. On one bush leaves 1-2 liters of the mixture.

Useful tips

In order for the yeast to work for the plant for the good, it is important to observe several rules:

  1. Before feeding, check the condition of the soil. It should be slightly wet.
  2. The optimal time for watering is early morning and evening.
  3. Yeast absorbs calcium. To make up for its level, add ash under the tomatoes.
  4. Water only with fresh warm solution. The longer the mixture costs, the less nutrients it contains.
  5. Yeast fertilizer with sugar is better to water the plant root, not the leaves.
  6. Do not increase the number of dressings. Stick to the correct dosage.
  7. Manure and droppings of poultry reduce the beneficial effects of yeast. Instead, it is better to add ground egg shells, ashes, tops or hops.

Subject to all recommendations and rules for the preparation of yeast fertilizer, young shoots will turn into strong and healthy tomatoes.

The effect of this type of dressing will be difficult not to notice.

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