
Growing tomatoes 2.07.2018

Korovyakovy infusion: the secret of a good harvest of tomatoes

How to properly dilute and feed tomatoes mullein

Tomatoes are particularly good for feeding with mullein, this universal organic fertilizer contains all the macro and microelements necessary for culture. It is sometimes used fresh, but more often it is put into compost and nutritious infusions are made. We use the advice of experienced gardeners, let's talk about what exactly the mullein is useful and how to use it properly.

What is the mullein, the benefits for tomatoes

Korovyak significantly increases the content of humus and nutrients in the soil, it is called a complex or even complete fertilizer. If we compare pig droppings with cow's, then the second one brings benefits 2 or even 3 times more, it decomposes for a long time, due to which it feeds plants for a long time and evenly. The list of elements contained in such a fertilizer is rather big. Basic substances: magnesium, boron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, copper and nitrogen.


Often, mullein is confused with slurry, these are different concepts. Slurry is clean, liquid cow manure, and cow manure is fermented water solution of cow manure.

Korovyak promotes the development and reproduction of microorganisms in the soil, it improves the properties of the soil, converts insoluble substances into an easily digestible form. Fertilizer structures the soil, tying it into small lumps, in such conditions the plants are most comfortable. Lumps of the earth are washed away with water, but remain strong, in simple words such a soil is called fat.

After making cow droppings in heavy, clayey soil, it acquires looseness, is easier to process, it does not stagnate and water accumulates faster. At the same time, tomatoes grow strong, their immunity to various negative factors improves, and the yield and quality of fruits increase.

Mullein species

In total there are 2 types of natural fertilizersThey differ in additional ingredients that depend on the method of keeping cows.

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Litter Solid mixture of cow dung with hay, straw or peat, used as bedding. When overheated, it becomes compost. At the same time, the excrement lying on the peat is rich in ammonium, easily assimilated by nitrogen. Straw substrate gives a large concentration of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, which is completely absent from the peat litter.
Undepleted A mixture of liquid and solid excrement without any impurities. Fertilizer is rich in ammonia nitrogen, is the basis for the preparation of liquid mullein for root dressings.

In specialized stores you can find another kind of mullein - factory. Industrial, concentrated liquid fertilizer made on the basis of manure. Also on sale is a dry and granulated mullein, which is diluted in ordinary water.

Let us also recall the rotted cow dung, its peculiarity is that during storage it loses liquid, and aggressive, harmful nitrogen disappears. Decomposition and overheating occurs in the composting process, after which humus is used for digging (up to 11 kilograms per square meter of earth) or nutritional infusions are prepared - a kilogram per 5 liters of water. If you mix this compost with the earth at a rate of 1: 2, in the resulting mixture you can grow tomato seedlings.

How to fertilize tomatoes with mullein, recipes dressings

To feed tomatoes use mostly litter grass, but it is not used when planting in its pure form, there are 2 reasons for this. Fresh cow manure, when decomposed, produces a higher temperature, as well as too much ammonia nitrogen in it, both factors lead to burnout of tomato roots.


Only transplanted seedlings with a mullein do not fertilize at all, the first top dressing can be carried out only after the bushes take root in the garden, get used to the new conditions, take root and get stronger. This period takes about 10–20 days. Liquid fertilizer is used after good watering, while it is not recommended to pour it directly under the root, it is better to make special pits around the bush and fill them with a mullein.


Fresh manure can be brought under the autumn digging, evenly scattering it on the beds under the tomatoes. Soil enrichment is carried out no more than once every 3 years, using no more than 5 kilograms per square meter.

How to make liquid fertilizer for a tomato based on cow manure:

  1. Manure is mixed with water (1: 5), tightly covered with a lid and left to infuse for 2 weeks. It is desirable to use the container enameled or plastic. One part of the infused mixture is diluted with two parts of water, the fertilizer is ready for use. Consumption - 500 grams per bush.
  2. They take 5 buckets of water on a mullein bucket, insist 2 weeks. It is desirable to remove the cover only for periodic mixing of the mixture (every 2 or 3 days). When the mass is completely fermented, a half liter of clear, settled liquid is taken from the top of the container, diluted in a bucket of water and 3 grams of potassium permanganate are added. 3–5 faceted cups of fertilizer are poured under each bush.
  3. A kilogram of fresh manure is poured with 6 liters of water, 40 grams of wood ash and 20 grams of superphosphate are added, cover and leave for a week. Under one bush take half a liter of infusion.

Liquid fertilizers prepared according to the first and second recipe should be used when symptoms of nitrogen deficiency are observed. Also fertilizing is useful for slow growth in the early stages of the development of the bushes, when they increase the green mass. During the period of flowering, setting and forming of fruits use the third variant of fertilizer. Korovyak can be made at all stages of growth of tomatoes with an interval of 2 weeks.

Usually cow dung insist for 2 weeks, but if the tank is put on a sunny, well-warmed place on the plot, then the mullein may be ready a little earlier. On the beginning of the fermentation will say bubbles that appear on the surface of the solution. Later, the color of the liquid will begin to change, it will become much lighter, due to the fact that all solid particles sink to the bottom. This indicates the end of the fermentation process, then after 3 or 4 days the fertilizer can be used. Ready mullein stored in a closed container.



The frequency of dressing tomatoes with cow dung depends on the condition of the soil. Do not use it when the land is already fertile and rich. Particular care is taken in the event that in the fall a mullein was introduced for digging.


A solution of cow droppings fertilize even tomato seedlings. For feeding, take 500 grams of mullein per 10 liters of water, add a teaspoon of boric acid, mix. Under each bush poured no more than 50 grams of nutrient fluid.

Do not forget that everything must always be done on time and in moderation. Excessive and improper use of mullein can lead to unexpected results. Do not exceed the rates of fertilizer and monitor the condition of the bushes of tomatoes, if outwardly they are strong and beautiful, the fruits are poured and ripen well, then use the mullein better to give up. Insufficiently rotted or not fermented manure can cause irreparable harm, in such fertilizer pathogens of various diseases often develop.

Cow dung - this is an environmentally friendly, incredibly valuable fertilizer that can replace absolutely all complex mixtures sold in stores. Its benefit is difficult to overestimate, the main advantage is that all necessary elements and substances are quickly absorbed by plants. Another plus is the availability of cow dung, even if there are no farms nearby, a good mullein will be a good replacement for it, it will definitely be found in any specialty store.

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How to properly dilute and feed tomatoes mulleinHow to properly dilute and feed tomatoes mullein

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