
Tomato blanks 11.09.2018

Delicious sweet pickled tomatoes with garlic

Pickled tomatoes with garlic

Fragrant tomatoes, marinated for the winter with garlic, have a very tasty, memorable sweet taste. Delicate tomatoes in vinegar filling are great for any dish.

Cooking time: 1 hour. Servings Per Container: 1 can for 3 liters.


  • tomatoes - 2 kg.,
  • coarse salt - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar sand - 4 tbsp.,
  • filtered boiled water - 1 l.,
  • dill - a bunch,
  • parsley - bunch,
  • laurel leaf - 2 pcs.,
  • allspice and black pepper (peas) - 3 pcs.,
  • garlic - head,
  • Table vinegar concentrate 9% - 1 tbsp.

procurement products

How to cook sweet pickled tomatoes

To begin with, they washed, sterilized glass jars and metal lids, put spices (allspice peas) and washed greens on the bottom. Replace fresh greens can dry branches of spicy herbs.

putting green in a jar

We wash the tomatoes thoroughly, dry them, if desired, you can scald the fruits with boiling water and remove the skin. Fill a jar of tomatoes to the level of the upper rim. For pickling choose whole tomatoes without rot and cracks. The denser the fruit, the better the roll will be stored.

filling cans with tomatoes

Top out the peeled garlic cloves. Tomatoes will be sharper and more savory if you add extra chili peppers and onion rings. You can also pour a little ground paprika or red pepper. The snack will be unusual if you lay out the ingredients in layers: herbs and spices, tomatoes, chopped garlic, spices.

garlic and pepper packing

Boiled water in a saucepan, poured tomatoes with spices to the top, covered with a lid and left to steam for 15 minutes. After that, pour boiling water over for 15 minutes and drain. Then they poured the water into the pan, prepared the marinade: they added sugar, large table salt, black peppercorns, poured table vinegar essence with a concentration of 9%.

Stir the brine with a spoon and bring to a boil, then pour a jar of tomatoes to the top. The jar will not crack if hot marinade is poured in, slowly over a spoon.

pour marinade

Next, roll the jar lid and leave to cool, turning upside down and wrapped in a fur coat / warm bedspread. Marinated tomatoes can not only roll up for the winter, but also close the lid, put in the fridge and eat with your favorite dishes. Delicate tomatoes are ready to eat in 1-2 months.

sweet tomatoes for the winter

Enjoy your meal!

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Pickled tomatoes with garlicPickled tomatoes with garlic

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