
Preparations and fertilizers 28.04.2019

Natural and inexpensive remedy for aphids, slugs, caterpillars and ants

mustard powder

Mustard is widely used in the economy. This product is useful both in everyday life and in growing plants. It helps protect the crop from pests. Of particular value this way of dealing with insects is that it does not harm humans, animals, the plants themselves and insects. Unlike chemical preparations of insecticidal action, mustard is not toxic. It does not accumulate in the tissues of the fruit. Therefore, it is possible to use funds based on it at any stage of growing plants.

Ways to use mustard in the garden

White mustard has special value for gardeners as a fertilizer and pest control agent. Its well-developed root system takes nutrients from the depths of the soil to the surface. With the onset of autumn, the mustard is mown and left to re-peret directly on the plot or laid in a compost pit. Then all the accumulated nutrients are converted into a nutrient mixture.

In the mustard accumulates nitrogen and phosphorus, necessary for the development of fruit crops. They are transformed into a form that is easy for plants to master and pass on to them. The plant contains essential oils and phytoncides that disinfect the soil when it digs. Plant debris during decomposition gives nutrition to soil microorganisms.

Mustard cultivation on the plot is useful for organizing proper crop rotation. This plant is sown in the fall after the harvest of tomatoes and cucumbers. The mustard plant destroys dangerous bacteria that have accumulated during the cultivation of tomatoes. Then in the spring you can again plant on the same plot tomatoes or cucumbers.

Use against the Colorado potato beetle

To fight the Colorado beetles mustard is used in different ways:

  • planted in the rows of potatoes and other plants that attract pests;
  • mustard powder is bred in water and the aerial part of plants is treated, paying special attention to the lower part of the leaves, where females often make egg clutches;
  • The remaining mustard plants are digged in the fall along with the soil to destroy the wintering larvae.
On a note!

You can simply lay out the cut mustard branches between the rows of potatoes. Colorado beetles do not tolerate the smell of this plant and will soon leave the landing.

The most commonly used agent is based on mustard powder and table vinegar:

  • 200 g of mustard powder;
  • 150 ml of table vinegar;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 100 g of laundry soap.

How to cook:

Mustard powder is diluted in water and left to stand for 24 hours. Then pour in vinegar, mixed with grated household soap. Cooked means sprayed plants infected with the Colorado potato beetle. The treatment is carried out in dry weather in the evening when there is no active sun.

The use of mustard to kill snails and slugs

These pests are very difficult to drive out of the garden.They are nocturnal, love to settle in wet places where the plants are planted thickly. Most often strawberries and strawberries suffer from slugs and snails. Pests devour their berries.

For the destruction of slugs mustard is used in a dry form. The powder is scattered on the plants and sprinkled on the ground. Insects do not tolerate contact with a burning substance and die or go away. You can prepare an aqueous solution of mustard powder by mixing 150 g of mustard in a bucket of water. With this composition, the plants are sprayed on top.

Mustard versus wireworm

Wireworms are larvae of the click beetle. These insects infect potato tubers and gnaw through their long strokes. Mustard is used to clean the area. Its seeds are sown between rows of potatoes. By its smell, the plant scares off the pest, and thanks to an extensive root system, it loosens the soil.

Wireworms live in the soil. Therefore, to protect against it during planting potatoes in each well pour a little mustard powder. It will scare away the pest and protect the crop.

You can use mustard plants as a siderata. For this, seeds are sown after harvesting or in spring in April. The plant saturates the soil with its essential oils and phytoncides and eliminates the wireworm.

To protect against aphids

Currants, raspberries and other fruit bushes are often attacked by aphids. These insects inhibit growth, reduce the number of ovaries and greatly reduce yield. In places where the plant is affected by aphids, bulges appear or the leaves curl and blacken.

Mustard is used to get rid of aphids or as a prophylactic agent. To do this, prepare a solution of 10 liters of water and 100 g of dry mustard. The liquid is left to stand for a day and diluted with the same amount of pure water. In order to better adhere the solution, grated laundry soap is introduced into it.


Spraying of bushes against aphids is carried out only in dry weather. It is advisable to do this after the completion of the flowering period after 2 weeks. If necessary, you can repeat the spraying in a few days.

Mustard to protect cabbage

In summer, cabbage is affected by butterflies, scoops and cabbage moths. Fight against these insects begin 15 days after planting seedlings into the ground, giving time to rooting.

The following ingredients are used to make the infusion:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 1 cup of tobacco crumbs;
  • 1 cup of mustard powder.

How to cook and apply:

Dissolve dry ingredients in water and leave to sit for 72 hours in a sealed container. Then the infusion is filtered and watered the soil between the rows of cabbage. The treatment is repeated three times a month until the crop is harvested.

sprinkling cabbage

The cruciferous flea is another dangerous pest for cabbage. A mustard infusion with vinegar is used against it:

  • 100 g of mustard;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l acetic acid 70%.

How to cook and apply:

Mustard is diluted in water and left to infuse for 5 hours. Acetic acid is added before use and mixed thoroughly. To eliminate the pest plants are sprayed with the resulting solution. If necessary, after a few days the treatment is repeated.

Mustard versus carrot and onion flies

These insects appear in warm weather when onions are planted. To protect the vegetable from the pest, a mixture of 3 parts of wood ash and 1 part of mustard powder is poured in the hole during planting. After germination of seedlings and regrowth of feathers 5 cm in length, the treatment is repeated. Now a mixture of mustard and ash poured between the rows. Just spend three treatments at intervals of 2 weeks.

This same mustard mixture helps to cope with carrot fly. But this insect is active throughout the summer. Therefore, for its destruction are not limited to three treatments.Row spacing continue to sprinkle until harvest.


Dry mustard is used to destroy pests in any weather. But solutions and infusions with it will be effective only in the absence of rain. The result is stored for a week. Then it is desirable to repeat the treatment. Proper use of mustard can increase the yield of vegetable crops, protects the soil from weeds and leaching.

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mustard powdermustard powder

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