
Growing tomatoes 9.08.2018

What happens - why tomatoes in the greenhouse do not blush, what to do


Planting tomato seedlings in greenhouse designs, every gardener hopes for a decent crop of vegetables. However, it happens that the already formed fruits stubbornly do not want to blush, and the leaves on the plants turn yellow and dry. To speed up the ripening of tomatoes should find out why the fruits do not want to blush and apply an effective method to eliminate the trouble.

The reasons

If at the end of the established for a grade or hybrid timing tomatoes in the greenhouse do not blush, the plant loses the leafwoo Factors affecting the violation of fruit ripening:

  1. Non-observance of temperature conditions optimum for a tomato. If in the greenhouse the air temperature drops below +18 degrees at night and increases above +32 degrees during the day, the biosynthesis of the carotenoid pigment lycopene is disturbed in the fruit. Natural dye determines the color of the fruit, because of the violation of temperature regimes, the tomatoes acquire a pinkish-brown shade, and the foliage turns yellow and falls.
  2. Lack or excess of lighting. When too dense planting seedlings in the greenhouse, the plants are poorly illuminated by sunlight and do not blush for a long time. When exposed to ultraviolet light too much, the fruit burns and does not ripen.
  3. High humidity. When the microclimate is disturbed due to frequent watering in the greenhouse, tomatoes begin to actively grow the vegetative mass, and the redness of the fruit is slowed down. In this case, the lower leaves are affected by pathogens actively propagating in the soil, turn yellow and dry.
  4. Lack or excess of minerals in the soil. With a lack of potassium in the soil, the process of transporting nutrients to the fruit tissue stops, the plant turgor is lost, therefore, with a lack of this element, the tomatoes will ripen for a very long time. With an excess of nitrogen in the soil, the bushes of tomatoes will rapidly increase the vegetative mass to the detriment of ripening fruits.
  5. Short light day. When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse in early spring or late autumn, it is necessary to provide plants with additional lighting so that the light day is at least 15 hours. Indeed, in the dark, the development of fruits slows down, leaf photosynthesis and lycopene biosynthesis stop. Tomatoes do not blush, and their foliage turns yellow and dries.
  6. Plant damage by pathogenic fungi and viral diseases. When attacking pathogens, the foliage of tomatoes will rapidly dry out, the fruits will be damaged by spores and not blush at all.

Methods to speed up tomato redness and preserve healthy foliage

In order for the fruit not to be green at the time of harvest, various methods are used that accelerate the redness of the tomatoes.

Proper feeding

In order to prevent inhibition of ripening of fruits and drying of foliage, it is necessary to organize the correct feeding of minerals and microelements from the beginning of the cultivation of plants in the greenhouse.

Preparation of top dressing from iodine and wood ash

If tomato bushes increase the vegetative mass to the detriment of fruit ripening, and the lower leaves turn yellow, feed ash and iodine, which corrects the imbalance.

  1. Pour 30g of superphosphate into a container with a volume of 10 liters, pour hot water over it.
  2. Liquid insist for two days.
  3. Add 2 cups of wood ash and 1 vial of iodine, stir.
  4. Conduct root dressing, pouring 0.5 liters of the prepared solution under each plant.

Preparing food from potassium and manganese potassium

When inhibited ripening of fruits, yellowing and drying of leaves, plants should be fed with potassium and potassium permanganate. After applying the dressing, the tomatoes will begin to blush in 5-7 days, the foliage will become a rich green tint.

  1. Pour water into an 8 liter container.
  2. Add 25 g of potassium and 1 g of manganese parchment.
  3. Conduct two foliar feeding with an interval of 5-7 days using a spray bottle.



In order not to cause a chemical burn to the plants, not to subject the foliage of tomatoes to even more abscission, you should feed them only in the evening hours. After fertilization, tomatoes must be watered.


Mechanical damage

Observant gardeners have long noticed that mechanically damaged fruits turn red twice as fast.

To use the damage method of tomatoes should take a normal pin. Using a mini-tool to hold ten punctures in each tomato.

The wounds left by the pin will quickly tighten, and the fruits will begin to blush after a few days.

The use of vodka

Often gardeners for the rapid reddening of tomatoes use ethanol alcohol, which, after being applied to tomatoes, causes their redness after a few days. To use this method, 40% of vodka should be added to the tool for injection, 1-2 injections should be made into each fruit, and 10 ml of alcohol liquid should be injected into each fruit. After five to six days, the tomatoes will turn red.

Spraying growth stimulants

Throughout the growing season, foliar treatments of tomatoes with growth stimulants, plants will be less attacked by pathogens, their immunity will increase, and fruits will turn red within the prescribed period. To apply the method every two weeks to carry out spraying preparations of Zircon or Epin according to the instructions.

Prophylactic fungicide treatments

By carrying out preventive treatments with copper-bearing preparations and fungicides during the whole cultivation season of tomatoes in the greenhouse, one can get rid of the drying out and the fall of the foliage. In this case, the fruits will ripen in time.

To carry out dressings from the very beginning of cultivation every two weeks: Copper sulfate, Ridomil Gold, Kvadris, Tattu, Fundazol, Metronidazole.



The last spraying fungicide should be no later than 10 days before harvest.



In order to create a favorable environment in the greenhouse for tomatoes, to ensure timely redness of the fruit, you should follow some recommendations of experienced gardeners:

  1. Under growing conditions close to natural, tomatoes begin to blush rapidly. Therefore, it is important to create a temperature regime of 25-27 degrees.
  2. Growing tomatoes, do not forget about the important agrotechnical reception - pasynkovanii. After all, redness of fruits is inhibited on unformed plants, air circulates poorly through the thickened bush, and this action leads to diseases and foliage drying out.
  3. When planting seedlings to maintain the distance between plants 40-60 cm.
  4. When choosing seeds of a variety or a hybrid, one should pay attention to the ripening terms of tomatoes, as well as the conformity of cultivation in film shelters.
  5. To let the tomatoes have time to turn red, you can limit the bush in sufficient metabolism by inserting a wooden chip into the lower part of the stem.
  6. In the process of growing tomatoes in the greenhouse, it is necessary to regularly carry out the necessary agrotechnical techniques: irrigation, loosening, and garters. Indeed, not complying with the growing conditions, the development of diseases that lead to the foliage drying out and the fruit not ripening is provoked.

In most cases, tomatoes do not blush due to cultivation errors.Therefore, if in greenhouses the fruits do not acquire color, and their foliage turns yellow and dries out, do not panic. And, having understood the reasons, eliminate the consequences.

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