
Tips 24.03.2019

Favorable days for landing in May 2019 on the lunar calendar

apple trees are blooming

In May, they continue to prepare seedlings: they water, nourish, and loosen the soil. You can begin to make the air for a while, if it's warm enough outside. In the garden and garden, a number of works on soil preparation and crop care are carried out.

Works in May in the garden

At the very beginning of the month, the planting of fruit crops and grafting is completed with cuttings, take care of the plants, feed them and prepare for the flowering period. For the month is to do the following list of works:

  • inspection of trees and shrubs for damage;
  • pruning damaged dry branches, treatment of cuts;
  • planting apples, pears, cherries, cherry plums, plum trees;
  • grafting pear trees, apple trees;
  • pest control by complex methods;
  • work with strawberries: pruning of old leaves, loosening the soil, fertilizers;
  • fertilizing berries shrubs, covering the soil mulch around them;
  • collection of plant waste in compost.

In the process of preparing for flowering, feed all trees and shrubs with fertilizers with mineral complex, and in the middle or second half of the month irrigate the same slice of berry bushes with the same solution, pre-watered, and then cover the soil with mulch.

In May, they are actively preparing the soil, sowing crops that are resistant to coolness, start planting greenhouses and continuously care for the plants: they feed them with fertilizers, monitor the soil, remove weeds. Usually the following list of works is done in the garden in May

  • preparation of potato tubers for planting, when the soil is 10 centimeters deep will be quite warm (above 10 ° C);
  • cut the first crop of greenery;
  • cabbage planting: early varieties - at the beginning of the month, later - closer to the end;
  • in the last third of May - planting cucumbers in open soil;
  • preparation of protection against possible frosts: film, raw materials for smoking;
  • watering and caring for planted plants.

Watering should be carried out, digging grooves on the ground, and then pouring warm water into them. It is not necessary to pour from above: an ice crust may form.

Lunar calendar for May 2019 by day

A good help for the gardener and the gardener will be the lunar calendar, which you can navigate. You can make a plan of planting, based on favorable and unfavorable days, which are presented in the table.

Effect on plants


Most favorable 7, 9, 14, 21, 31
Good 2, 10, 15, 17, 20, 28
Neutral 1, 3, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 22, 23-25, 27, 29, 30
Negative 4-6, 12, 19, 26

The moon will decrease at the very beginning of the month and in the second half, the new moon is waiting for us on the 5th, the full moon is 19. These days it is better not to sow the crop, limiting ourselves to caring for plants. But some dates in the period of the growing moon, on the contrary, could not be better suited for all work in the garden.

The most favorable days in May 2019 are the 7th, 9th, 14th, 21st and 31st numbers. That is, at least once a week a good day of planting is given. Crops planted on favorable days give a stable and abundant crop, they take root easily, and the fruits are juicy, tasty. The success of the lunar calendar depends on the sign of the zodiac and the visibility of the moon. New moon, full moon and the process of transition between the quarters is not the best time to manipulate plants. The most fertile signs are Taurus, Fish, Libra, Cancer.The sign of Virgo is good for planting flowers, ornamental plants, but when Aries dominates the sky, it is better to give the plants in the garden and garden a rest.

1st of May

Fish favor fertility, so if the weather permits, on this day you can start planting ornamental plants, bushes with berries: blackberries, raspberries. It will be useful to plant grapes and strawberries. This medium is suitable for planting cucumber seeds and tomatoes, different types of cabbage, leafy vegetables.

Not recommended: prune branches and leaves, get rid of pests, water the beds too much.

2-3 May

The moon continues to decrease, it passes into the sign of Aries - this is not a very fertile period, so it is better to pay attention to the soil: loosen, dig, feed with fertilizers, weed, engage in thinning. In the garden - to carry out procedures for getting rid of harmful insects. If you really want to do the landing, then you can sow small greens. Aries contributes to good drying of the plants - so if you want to dry herbs, the effect will be good.

It is better not to: engage in picking, pasynkovaniem, cut the leaves, branches, germinate seeds.

May 4 - 6

Fifth day we are waiting for the new moon: the planting calendar does not recommend actively engage in plants from Saturday to Monday. The twenty-ninth lunar day is one of the hardest in the cycle: the processes are slowed down and then updated. New moon - a bad day for crops, it is better to leave the garden and the garden on this day alone. It is not recommended not only to plant, move, but in principle touch the soil around - you can accidentally damage the roots, cause damage to the future crop. But on the sixth, you can gradually return to the working rhythm: break through the soil, plant fast-growing crops, transplant flowers.


The day before the new moon - 4 numbers, as well as the next day after - 6 numbers will be very effective in caring for plants, cleaning plant debris, getting rid of pests, removing damaged dry branches and leaves.

May 7

Great day to work with plants. The moon is in the growth phase, it favorably affects the metabolism, promotes growth. During this period, the part of the plant that is on the surface is actively developing. A good period for planting different types of cabbage and leafy vegetables, pepper, peas. It is also a good idea to spray plants with an anti-pest agent.

Not recommended: pick picking, replant grassy crops.

May 8-10

On the May holidays, the moon will be in the fertile sign of Cancer and continue to grow. You can safely plant tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant, leafy vegetables. Easily go through the transplant process. In the garden you can do medical cutting of branches and leaves, mow the lawn, plant ornamental bushes and perennial flowers.

It is necessary to delay with: planting and movement of tubers, pendant plants, and the use of toxic chemicals.

May 11

The moon is in this day in Leo: this is a good time for rest and simple works with plants. It is not recommended to plant anything, except asparagus and beans. This day is the best fit for thinning beds, treating plants, cleaning plant waste. You can cut the flowers - they will stand in a vase for a long time, as well as make various preparations, canning, make sour cabbage.

You should not: water and move the plants, carry out a pick.

12 May

Bad day to work in the garden and the garden: the infertile sign of Leo does not contribute to the growth and development of plants, and the transition of the moon from the first quarter to the second - an unfavorable time for transplanting and sowing.On this day, it is best to give yourself and the plants time to rest.


This weekend, May 11 and 12, it is possible to collect medicinal seeds and herbs that are already ready: the time for this is just the most favorable.

May 13-14

The sign of Virgo, which dominates the sky these days, brings beauty and stability, therefore it is good for ornamental plants. But the fruit at this time it is better not to plant - the result may not be the most impressive. Flower growers can do with full swing for planting, gardeners and gardeners are best to pay attention to the care of plants.

Not worth it: prune the plants, soak the seeds.

May 15-16

The moon continues to grow and passes into Libra - this sign promotes fertility and balance, gives a stable harvest. If it is warm enough outside, then you can plant potatoes. Feel free to plant cucumber, pumpkin, corn, spinach.

It is better to refrain from: tillage, pest control.

May 17-18

Scorpio is a very fertile sign, and the weather conditions at the end of the month usually favor planting any vegetables, root crops, and melons. You can feed the culture of minerals, water. For the garden, these days are successful in caring for shrubs, breeding with cuttings, rooting strawberry tendrils.

Not recommended: divide the roots, cut the plants, dig up potato tubers.

May 19

The negative impact of the full moon requires to refrain from any work in the garden, if you do not want to damage the future harvest. You can slightly gnaw the ground, clean up, get rid of weeds. It is better not to touch the plants themselves: they easily get wounds and injuries, they are very sensitive to changes and influences.

May 20

The moon in Sagittarius is not the best time to work with fertile species. A suitable period for planting plants to obtain seeds, thinning and weeding. You can pay attention to pest control.

It is better to refrain from: abundant watering, diving, pinching, removing branches and leaves.

May 21st

A very auspicious day for all kinds of garden and garden work. On the waning moon, it is good to plant legumes and tuberous plants, and the Capricorn sign promotes a stable bulk crop of plants planted on this day. You can weed beds, feed plants with minerals.

Do not: transplant plants - you can damage the roots.

May 22-23

This Wednesday and Thursday is well suited for planting cucumbers, onions, and garlic. You can also plant squashes, squash, planting perennials. Thinning and picking, pruning of plants for the purpose of treatment and prevention is not forbidden.

Not recommended: touch the roots, water abundantly.

May 24 - 25

The moon in Aquarius is a barren sign, so planting crops at this time will lead to crop loss. You can loosen dry land, weed the beds, cut dry branches, shoots. Spray the garden and vegetable garden with a pest control, and clean the plant garbage.

It is necessary to refrain from: abundant watering, feeding, transplants.

26 of May

The evening of this day, the moon begins to move into a new quarter - it is better to refrain from sowing and transplanting. It is allowed to water the plants (but not too much), dig out the flower bulbs and tubers for further storage, carry out simple cleaning and maintenance work.

It is better not to: treat the beds with means of pests, cut off the plants, water it abundantly, feed them.

May 27-28

The fish give a good rich harvest: the fruits will be juicy and tasty, but this time is not the best for harvesting seeds. These days you can sow carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, radishes. You can feed the plants, but observe the measure, it is better to use liquid organic feed. Flowers can be planted any - the sign of Pisces contributes to their successful growth and development.

Not recommended: prune plants, heal, get rid of pests.

May 29 - 30

The waning moon enters the sign of Aries, which is bad for fruit crops.Pay attention to loosening the soil, pruning leaves and branches, thinning seedlings. Engage in the treatment of plants, landscaping the garden. You can cut flowers for a bouquet: they will not wilt for a long time.

Refrain from: sowing, transplanting plants, watering, feeding.

May 31

Taurus is one of the most fertile signs, plants that have been planted on this day, give a lasting bulk crop. It's time to plant carrots, potatoes, peas, beans, cucumbers and tomatoes. Gardeners should plant trees and shrubs, and flower enthusiasts should plant perennials.

Do not: dive, touch the roots of plants.

Of course, choosing favorable days for landing should not be guided only by the lunar calendar. To a greater extent, the schedule of planting and caring for plants depends on the climate in your latitudes. Focus on temperature, weather conditions, and favorable lunar days will help improve the result.

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apple trees are bloomingapple trees are blooming

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