
Preparations and fertilizers 23.05.2024

Fertilizer from the bread for flowering and cucumber ovary

Bread fertilizer for cucumbers

For growing juicy green cucumbers at the dacha, simple fertilizer from bread will be useful. It acts already from the first time: the plants grow quickly, develop actively and start to bear fruit early. It is easy to prepare an infusion, but you can use it several times over the entire growing season.

The principle of operation and the advantages of grain fertilizer

Bread contains a very valuable component for plant crops - yeast. They consist of nutrients, organic compounds, minerals. When the yeast dressing gets into the soil, the bacteria and fungal spores that live in it absorb the additive well, and this is immediately reflected in the vegetable. As a result, cucumbers look much better, and for what reasons:

Bread fertilizer for cucumbers
  • root system becomes more powerful, rapidly developing;
  • decomposition of previously applied organic dressings is accelerated: manure, smoke, oven ash, horse manure;
  • the number of greenhouses on the bushes increases significantly;
  • the amount of “good” microflora in the soil increases;
  • fruiting occurs earlier than expected by several weeks;
  • bushes lagging behind grow stronger, whips become thicker and more powerful.

Some gardeners even notice a change in the taste of the fruit: from bread dressing, the flesh becomes juicy and pleasantly sweetens.


Ever since the times of Russia, all the plants in the vegetable garden were fed with bread-based fertilizer. It has long been considered a proven folk remedy and is still in demand among many summer residents.

Cooking grain supplements

You will need any crackers, bread, crusts. You can take a frozen product or already expired, there is no difference. Experienced gardeners claim that black bread wanders faster than white, but acidifies the soil a little. However, the loaf is also suitable for making money, just the time it takes to ferment more for a couple of days. The additive is prepared in the following sequence:

  • fill a bucket with a capacity of 10 liters per 2/3 of the bread crusts and slices;
  • fill the contents with water at room temperature and set the pressure. The load will not allow the crust to emerge and protect it from the formation of mold;
  • transfer the filled container to a warm dark place and leave for 5-7 days. The warmer it will be in the room, the faster and better the fermentation process will take place.

When fermentation occurs, bubbles with a specific odor appear on the surface of the liquid, collected in a white foam. If there are a lot of them, then the process is in full swing, and if there are no bubbles, then there will be no foam. At the end of fermentation, they filter the mass from the remnants of the swollen bread, since only a liquid solution is needed. The concentrate is diluted 3 times, if the bread was a little (about half a bucket), then it can be diluted 2 times. Top dressing is ready to use.

The use of grain fertilizer

Bring bread dressing only at the root, replacing it with regular watering. It should be used during the active development of cucumbers. Once on the lashes appear young ovary, you can begin feeding.If the soil where the crop grows has a poor organic composition, then the additive can be applied from the moment of seedling in the 4-5 leaf phase.

The rate of irrigation per bush is 0.5 liters. To get a good harvest, green stuff is enough feed the culture 1 time in 5-10 days. The total number of dressings should not exceed 4-5 times. Grain dressing, conducted during flowering, increases the number of female inflorescences, and this has a positive effect on yield. During the ripening of the fruit of the fertilizer, it is better not to use or no more than 1 time for the entire period.

Harm from the grain additive may result from too frequent use or non-compliance with established concentrations in the preparation of fertilizer. With a high content of yeast in the soil soil acidity increases significantly, which can badly affect the condition of the plants. If cucumbers suddenly withered, and the leaves dry on the stems, the ovaries are formed slowly, then top dressing is stopped and the acid balance of the soil is leveled to a neutral value.


Bread dressings are used not only for cucumbers, but also for tomatoes, fruit and berry crops, peppers and even flowers.

Other options for dressing bread

For best results, gardeners recommend using fertilizer in conjunction with other nutrients. The more complex nutritional composition has a powerful effect on cucumbers. As an additional source of nitrogen, several handfuls of freshly cut grass are placed in a bucket of bread crusts. Nitrogen compounds are needed for good growth of green mass in plants, so weave and leaves will be formed better.

Another nutritional mixture can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • in a barrel of 100 l make a bucket of freshly cut grass;
  • about 1 kg of crushed bread and 500 g of yeast are added to the contents;
  • pour the barrel to the top with water and dissolve a glass of sugar.

Sugar will contribute to fermentation. Cover the container with a lid or film and kept in a warm place. After 5-6 days, 4-5 glasses of fine wood ash are added to the barrel. Additive ready. For its use, the concentrate is pre-diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5.

Bread dressing is an effective, but very affordable product that can be prepared at home. When used properly, it gives a good effect: cucumbers are healthy, and the composition of the soil changes for the better. It is necessary to try once such a fertilizer, and it will quickly become a favorite not only for greenhouses, but also for other crops.

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Bread fertilizer for cucumbersBread fertilizer for cucumbers

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