
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 16.02.2019

Tomato fighter: advantages and disadvantages

tomatoes on a bush

Tomato Fighter is popular. A bad review about him will not hear. Very hardworking grade. Fruits in any weather.

It is successfully grown in Siberia and in the south. It is cold-resistant, drought-resistant and heat-resistant.

A bit of history

Tomato summer residents are known by two names: Fighter and Buyan. In the State Register variety appears as a fighter. The second name is folk. It is also indicated on the seed packaging. A team of breeders from Novosibirsk worked on a tomato. After testing, the variety was included in the State Register in 2000.

There are no climatic limitations. Buyan tomatoes can be grown in open ground in all regions of the Russian Federation. The variety is cost-effective for small farmers. Caring for him is easy. It has good cold resistance and drought tolerance.

Why gardeners choose tomato Buyan, pros and cons

It is the drought and cold resistance varieties Fighter made him so popular. These 2 characteristics are important gardeners, rarely coming to the country. Tomatoes tolerate irregular watering without problems, ovaries and flowers do not crumble in the heat, as the variety is heat-resistant.

Bushes do not require formation. This is another plus of tomato Buyan. It takes little time to care. Novice gardeners should take this variety into service. Even in the complete absence of experience, he will not leave without a crop.

In terms of immunity, everything is fine too. Buyan has a low susceptibility to bacterial infections. Practically not affected by tobacco mosaic virus. Due to its precocity, it has time to get away from phytophtoras.


Early ripening. This is indicated in the description of the variety and gardeners who grew tomatoes Fighter agree with this characteristic. The first fruits begin to ripen in 95-100 days. The term depends on the weather a little. Judging by the reviews, tomatoes ripen well even in rainy summer. The variety can be grown not only in the garden. In greenhouses, it shows the same level of yield as in the soil.


The plant is a standard, undersized. It does not exceed 40 cm in height. According to the type of growth, the bush is determinant, it stops growing. The Buyan area is small due to the compactness of the bush. According to this characteristic, the variety is suitable for summer houses, where little space is allocated for the garden.

Growth force, seed-forming ability, the number of leaves is average. Remove the stepson all summer is not necessary. The leaves are not large, corrugated, dark green. Inflorescence simple type. The first is laid after 6 sheets. In the future, they are formed in each 1-2 sinus.


Bushes are low, so you should not expect a huge yield. The number of tomatoes from the Buyan tomato bushes in the ground does not exceed 3 kg. In the greenhouse due to a longer period of fruiting the yield is higher. There from a square meter of a ridge collect 4-4.5 kg.

Characteristics and purpose of the fruit

In the photo of the Buyan tomato, it can be seen that the cream is a classic, elongated oval-cylindrical shape. They come in 2 colors - yellow and red. Unripe fruits are pale green, the stem is darker. Buyan tomatoes are being eaten quickly.They can be plucked green and matched in a box. The taste of the fruit does not lose.


Their seeds of Buyane can be used for subsequent reproduction.

Tomato sizes are medium. Mass ranges from 70 to 180 g. The flesh does not strike with a special taste, but for early tomatoes it is not bad. Seed chambers 3-4 pieces. The skin is smooth, durable. Fruits do not crack in rainy weather. When canning the skin preserves integrity.

Buyan tomatoes are used in different forms:

  • eat fresh;
  • salt;
  • marinate;
  • dried

About the cultivation of tomato Buyan

Tomatoes of this variety are grown seedlings. Organizing care, take into account that the plant is determinant.


To determine the date of sowing seeds for seedlings, use the standard formula. From the date of the proposed landing in the ground they take 60 days. If they want to plant Buyan in the garden on June 2, the seeds are sown on April 1-2. Shoots will appear in 7-10 days.

By June 2, seedlings will be about 50 days. At this age, seedlings of short-growing tomatoes are viable, ready for transplantation. Seeds are treated with the drug Epin, the planting soil Fitosporin-M fungicide.


With a lack of sunlight (cloudy weather, the northern window), Buyan seedlings are illuminated.

Sow in a common container. Dive into separate glasses in the phase of 2 sheets. Before the emergence of shoots, the temperature is maintained around 25 ° C, then reduced to 18 ° C. In the last 2 weeks before transplanting, they reduce the temperature to 8-10 ° C at night. The seedling fighter with proper care is not pulled out.

Transplant into the ground

In the description of the variety, a scheme of planting a Buyan tomato in the ground is given. For 1 m² you can plant up to 8 bushes. Such a planting scheme with balanced dressings allows you to get a great harvest of early cream.

When planting, add a handful of humus, a handful of ash, ammofosku - 1 tsp. Fertilizer mixed with the ground, so as not to harm the roots. Support when planting can not be set. Stake will need during the loading of the fruit. Seedlings are planted by the method of transshipment, watered, the holes are mulched with humus.


Care for tomato-Buyan uncomplicated. Shrubs low, strong branches tied to the pegs during the fruiting period. The instructions indicate that the variety does not need a garter. In practice, it can not do without. Branches, richly hung with fruits, will lie on the ground.

Bushes steppe boy only at the beginning of summer. Remove all stepchildren that appeared on the gap of the trunk from the ground to 1 flower brush. All others do not touch. Water the beds for the weather - 1 time in 5-7 days. Moisturize the soil to a depth of 30 cm.

For dressings use infusions of herbs, mullein. During flowering and fruiting, use mineral fertilizers:

  • nitroammofosku;
  • diammofosku;
  • ammofosku.

Secrets of high yields of tomato Fighter

Gardeners do not complain about the yield of tomato. Small bushes together give a crop in any weather. Experienced gardeners use simple agrotechnical techniques that allow you to extend the fruiting, to improve the quality of the fruit.

Top dressing

Top dressing is especially important in bad weather. When cold spells root fertilization does not bring effect, so the emphasis is on feeding on the sheet:

  • 10 l of water, 1 tsp of complex mineral fertilizer, humate (according to the instructions);
  • non-fat milk - 1 part, water - 10 parts.

It is necessary to moisten the lower part of the leaves with liquid fertilizer. Byman Buyan there is a large part of the stomata.

Disease prevention

Bushes of tomato Buyan rarely suffer from phytophthora. Prophylactic treatments are necessary if there have been infections in this or previous season in the garden or neighbors.In order to prevent healthy leaves and stalks of tomato Fighter process Bordeaux liquid.

Spraying is repeated every 10 days. Spray dispersed spray guns are used, in its absence they resort to the “old-fashioned” variant - they put a broom in a solution and spray a tomato ridge. If the leaves show signs of infection, use systemic drugs:

  • Acrobat;
  • Oxyh.

Fertility restoration

Competent soil care, systematic fertility restoration guarantee high yields of tomato Fighter. In the autumn, the plot is cleared of roots, stems, weeds, dug up. Humus is introduced in a bucket of 1 m².

In the spring using mineral fertilizers. The introduction of manure can cause late blight, so before digging around the ridge scatter granules of complete mineral fertilizer. Choose tuki, which include trace elements and a full complex of N: P: K.

Crop rotation

In the garden, where they try to follow the rules of crop rotation, vegetables do not get sick. In tomato, Buyan's immunity is excellent, but when planting it, you also need to follow the rules:

  • break the ridge away from the potato plot;
  • do not plant after solanaceous vegetable crops (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants).

Soil treatment for infection and pests

Experienced gardeners have many original methods of purifying the land from pathogens and pests. When growing tomatoes Fighter can use one of them. In the autumn the ridge sow winter rye.


When rye stalks rot in the soil, hay bacillus reproduces, it destroys harmful fungi.

In the spring, it will turn green. In place of the holes to snatch it, use as mulch. Seedlings plant. Seedlings surrounded by rye will take root faster. During the day she does not suffer from the sun, at night from the cold snap. A little later, rye needs to be cut and left on the ridge.

What do gardeners say about the brawler

Tatyana Viktorovna, 47 years old, Novosibirsk

Soot Buyan about 10 years. I grow it in a garden without shelter. Sort like. Low shrubs. I tie up all the lashes to the support, otherwise because of the abundance of fruits they fall on the ground. I am not engaged in the formation, just delete all stepchildren to 1 flower brush. Canned tomatoes, eat in salads. I grow up Buyan yellow and red. They differ only in color. All other characteristics are the same.

Galina Grigorievna, 41 years old, Moscow region

One bush grew in a greenhouse, one in the ground. Both did not disappoint. Tomatoes were many, all high-quality. Cold June did not affect the yield and speed of ripening. The bush growing in the garden did not hide anything from the rain. Tomatoes do not crack, ripen on the bush.

Svetlana Nikolaevna 35 years old, Chelyabinsk

Tomato Buyan friends advised. I read the description, reviews on the forums, planted. Did not regret. For several years now I have been fond of love for him. Tomato is a hard worker. This is the most accurate feature. The bushes are small, covered with pretty, strong cream in any weather. They quickly ripen, do not deteriorate upon contact with the ground, do not burst in the rain. I can praise the variety for a long time. He has a lot of advantages. For our climate, its cold resistance and early maturity are important.


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