
Tips 25.04.2019

100% win 70% vinegar over aphids!

aphid on garden plants

Aphids are one of the most common pests. She destroys the plants, sucking their juice. Because of the venom excreted by it, the leaves curl and die. Insect is a carrier of diseases harmful to garden crops. The peak of activity occurs in May - July. During the summer season it can give up to 50 generations. Such a number of pests can destroy the entire crop.

The use of vinegar to combat aphids

You can destroy the pest mechanically - washing it off with water, removing it with your hands, but such methods are ineffective. You can resort to the help of insects and birds that eat it. To do this in the garden to place the feeders, sow grass, attracting beneficial insects. It will be possible to defeat the pest with the help of various preparations for its destruction. There are special chemicals - Strela, Fitoverm, Intovir and other drugs. However, they are expensive and toxic, besides special tools may not always be at hand.

For the same purpose, you can use vinegar. It is absolutely safe, and due to its low cost it is available. The natural product does not affect the development of the plant, does not require special skills during spraying.

Acetic acid solutions are suitable for spraying fruit trees, currant bushes, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, pepper, dill, and flower processing. Spraying should be carried out at intervals of 3-7 days, then - as needed. In most cases, it is sufficient to process the cultures once every 3 weeks. In addition, vinegar can fully replace fungicides. This is the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases of plants.

Recipes for processing plants from aphids

The amount of acetic acid in the spray solution depends on its concentration. You can use table vinegar, apple cider vinegar and essence. Table acid is considered to be 9% acid. The following proportions are required:

  • table - 1 teaspoon mixed with 1 liter of water;
  • apple - 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon;
  • Acetic essence - 1-2 tablespoons - 10 liters of water.
Tomato spraying

To better adhere the solution to the plant and enhance its properties, you can add detergent or grated household or tar soap. This will prevent insects from escaping, and will also protect against rinsing the solution in case of rain. Enough 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of the prepared mixture. It is best to spray with a spray gun, carefully treating the plants from above and below, without missing a single sheet. You can use a regular watering can, but it is less convenient. Spraying should be carried out in the morning or evening, avoiding the scorching sun.


Can not be used to process pure vinegar. This will cause burns on the treated plant. For a person is fraught with poisoning and damage to the skin and mucous membranes. Applying acid, you should protect your eyes.

Vinegar solution - affordable and effective tool to combat aphids. Its quick and easy to cook. This method is used by many gardeners because of its availability and efficiency. He destroys aphids quickly enough. The tool can be a decent substitute for expensive and toxic insecticides.It is important to follow the specified proportions and follow the recommendations.

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aphid on garden plantsaphid on garden plants
Comments on the article: 3
  1. Zakharov Sergey

    I belong to those “nerds” for whom there is a clear distinction between delusion and falsehood, especially when it assumes the character of a public epidemic. So, dear liar pisaka! Aphid is no pest. The plants are affected by a fungus; it is he who clogs the stomatal cells of the leaves, depriving the plant of gas exchange. And the leaves start to hurt. But then ... ants come to the rescue, which you, a respected "authoritative" scientist, apparently also consider to be extremely harmful creatures. They convey the lamb to the affected leaves and begin to graze it. But aphid and cleans the fungus from the stomata of leaves. Then ants aphid "milked" - annoying her paws, forcing to allocate molasses, which they eat. However, what is ecology, you do not understand, as long as the theory of class struggle and the idea of ​​controlling the world prevail in the brain. It is good that all this nonsense is limited only to your site. Enough of that, we remained in a hopeless past in relation to world agricultural science: but we learned how to powder our brains with our anti-scientific advice under the slogan: “but it helps ...”.

    1. Apparently, my answer did not reach, so I will write one word - monstrosity! I don’t know, Sergey, what you belong there, but I haven’t met with any more nonsense yet.

  2. Anfisa

    Sergey, thanks for the information about the fungus. I am not an expert to argue that you are right, but I also think that all the fuss about aphids and ants is vain and harmless. As you know, aphid often affects plants weakened, young and overnourished. Therefore, I try, first of all, to strengthen the immunity of plants, it’s good that now there are a lot of preparations - Baikal, Zdoroviy Sad, etc. Previously, struggling with aphids, this is an ineffective exercise. Then she just stopped paying attention to her, and she herself disappeared somewhere.


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