
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 19.11.2017

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Asking the question: “Which tomato varieties are the most fruitful for open ground?” It is necessary to clarify the fact that there are different forms, the selection of which matters.

Undersized varieties

Choosing the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground from undersized, it should be understood that a small plant with a height of 40-50 cm cannot produce a marketable form that the vegetative form will give under 2 meters.

Among the most fruitful are the following:


Salad tomato of early ripening. It tends to lay the first bunch over a 5-6 leaf. The shape of the fruit is flat, the fruit itself is dense, smooth, very fleshy. The stalk has a green, not disappearing spot. Tomato mass up to 200 g. Taste is very good, sugar content is up to 3%. Productivity to 9 kg with m2. The fruits ripen amicably

"F1 Debut"

Lettuce, early, flat-round, shows a weak ribbing. Fruits are medium density red. Nest in tomato 6-8. Weight within 230-230 g. Tasting assessment is good and excellent. Productivity to 10 kg from meter. The variety is resistant to fusarium.



"F1 Merchant"

The variety produces fruits weighing up to 250 g and requires supports and garters, and in some places even forms.

The plant has a beautiful bush with large foliage of a characteristic tomato type. Fruits are flat-round, average in density, smooth. Green spot is present even in ripe condition. Ripe fruit is red. Tomato nests 4-6. By taste

Score "good." Productivity to 9 kg from square meter. The plant is very resistant to verticillosis and Fusarium.

"Simone F1"

Ploskookrugly, slightly ribbed fruit will delight you with amazing taste. A very dense tomato will never allow itself to be cracked. In full ripeness, the fruit is red with more than 4 nests. Weight varies between 240-280 g. The variety has enviable resistance to fungal wilting.

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Krasnodon F1

The plant is mid-season, salad with round, dense and slightly ridged fruits. In full maturity, the fruits are scarlet in color with 4-6 nests and weighing about 240 g. Even the gourmet will like the excellent taste range. The variety is very resistant to tobacco mosaic virus and fungal wilt.


"Sungari F1"

Recommended for cultivation in all regions. Although the plant is powerful, it is very difficult for him to retain a huge harvest of large, weighing up to 250g of tomatoes, therefore it requires garters, formations and supports. Early fruiting will allow you to enjoy the excellent taste of rounded beautiful, smooth fruit, with a very dense texture. The red fruit is completely devoid of white spots at the stem. When the cut is seen more than 6 nests. The variety is sufficiently resistant to classical diseases of tomatoes.

"Three F1 Bears"

All regions can afford to grow this tomato. Without garters and legs, the branches will break under the weight of fruits in 250-260 g.The plant will soon enjoy the harvest of round, slightly ribbed, dense lettuce tomatoes of rich red color. The tomato has a very large leaf, characteristic of the variety. When cut, you can count 6 nests, sometimes more. In terms of taste, this tomato can be attributed to the best.

"Anniversary F1"

Tomato for a delicious, early salad. The shape of the tomato is flat-round; it feels rather firm to the touch, slightly ribbed. Nests can range from 4 to 6. The weight of a tomato keeps between 180-220 g. The resistance of the variety to the complex of diseases is very high even in bad years, never affected by top rot.


Large fruit


This tomato is absolutely not able to hold the fruit without a garter. Weight in more than 300 g for grade norm. Early and lettuce, he will forever remain a resident of your garden beds. The fruit has weak edges on a flat-round "body". The tomato itself is not very dense, which is reflected in its impossibility of long-term transportation. An unripe fruit has a pronounced green spot on the stem, in a mature fruit, the spot disappears, and the tomato itself turns red. The tomato has 6 nests and weighs up to 310 g. The tasting commission has rated "good."

"Ivanhoe F1"

Early, salad variety. If you like pink, large, slightly ribbed tomatoes with excellent taste, then the tomato is for you. Getting the weight up to 350 g, the fruit becomes flat-rounded, and the yield of the variety is up to 130 kg / ha.

See also:What are the most productive and stunted tomato seeds?

 "Babay F1"

Tomato excellent taste. Lettuce and early, he quickly allows you to enjoy their fruits, whose weight is within 250 g. The vegetative form develops according to the classic tomato type. The yield of the plant shows within 10 kg / m2.

The variety is sufficiently resistant to disease.


"Raspberry F1 wine"

The plant will not be able to do without forming, garters and supports. The fruits are very weighty and reach a weight of 350 g. Salad variety of early ripening with dark green medium-sized foliage. Tomatoes have a rounded shape, it is smooth and even, medium in density, without a spot. The ripened fruit has a uniform raspberry color. Excellent taste and high yields make vegetable growers plant tomato again and again.

"Well done merchant"

This is a variety for lovers of tomato giants. The weight of an average fruit is about 400 g. Red, huge, round, with weak ribs, fruits of medium density have up to 6 nests. By creating a grade, Agrofirma Aelita has invested all the skill, and a young promising variety is already winning the hearts of the gardeners.


Yellow fruit

From the most productive varieties of tomatoes with yellow fruits, you can consider the following:

"Fire Bird F1"

The leaves of this early lettuce tomato are medium in size, relatively dark green, inflorescences of an intermediate type and begin to lay over 6-7 leaves, and then after 1-2. Fruits are smooth, even, flat-round. Ripe fruits of orange, rich color with excellent taste and long aftertaste. Only 4 nests, the seeds are located directly in the pulp. Fruits have a weight in the range of 135-145 g, and a high content of beta karathin makes them dietary. The tomato is very cold-resistant and won its lovers in the northern regions.

"Honey Heart"

Honey heart perfectly corresponds to the name. The fruit has a heart-shaped, orange color. The average weight is about 150 g. The skin is smooth, pleasant, and the tomato is of medium density and has up to 6 nests. Excellent yield of very tasty, honey tomatoes allows you to remain the favorite of many gardeners.


Orange Fight F1

A round, orange tomato ripens early and is suitable for both salads and whole-fruit canning, although fruits whose weight does not rarely reach 200 g can hardly crawl into the jar. The variety is very resistant to high temperatures and fungal wilting. The taste of the tomato is good, and high transportability allows you to transport it over long distances.


Tall varieties

The most fruitful varieties of tomatoes for open ground are those that allow you to fill the bins and surprise you with your taste in a processed form, you can imagine the following varieties:



Mid-season stunted, with medium foliage, and the leaf itself with weak corrugation. Tomatoes of this variety sometimes appear on the bush with a "nose", and sometimes smooth. Ripe fruits are orange, and weighing from 50 to 80 g. Commodity yields are within 320 centners per hectare, while irrigated crops easily produce 600 centners per hectare. Tomatoes are very resistant to Alternaria, and their versatility makes them desirable.

 "Badgio F1"

The plant is short, however, requires forming and garters, the average maturity. Fruits are tasty, obovate, red, and do not happen more than 80 g. Well behave during canning and processing. Resistance to viral and fungal infections put this tomato in the first rows of desirable tomatoes for the beds.

Classic Tomatoes (100 g)


The plant is early ripe, short, and under the weight of the fruit requires a garter. The fruits are uniform, weighing 100-110 g amicably tied. The tomato is red, cubical in shape with light ribs, excellent taste, with good resistance to cracking.



Beautiful, tasty, orange, smooth, medium-dense fruit is laid together and the branches bend under the weight, therefore, requires constant formation and garter.

The variety is very resistant to temperature changes.



Early varieties

Early varieties of tomato for open ground are particularly pleased with vegetable growers of those who do not have the opportunity to grow crops in the greenhouse. Choosing what to sow, you can consider the following varieties:

Early Salad

"Alejandro F1"

Salad with heart-shaped fruits and smooth dense skin the fruit of red color decorates tall bushes. Tomatoes of average weight up to 160 g have a very good taste, and the yield will surprise even experienced gardeners.

See also:Varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse resistant to phytophthora


 "Scarlet Frigate"

Tall tomato, requires constant tying and shaping. The fruit is elliptical, dense, smooth, red without a green repellent spot.

Fruits weighing 100-120 g are very tasty, and the yield with optimum irrigation and weather conditions reaches 20 kg / m2. High agricultural technology will allow to obtain a stable harvest from year to year.

"Indian summer"

Tomato hybrid, tall. Fruits are round with weak ribbing and medium density. The ripe fruit is round, orange in color, weighing up to 300 grams and excellent taste. The plant can be kept in 2 and 3 stalks with a pinching sticking. The harvest will surprise you, but will require constant watering and fertilizing.


For whole canning

Selecting varieties of tomatoes with a photo and description, you can easily understand whether this high-yielding variety is right for you and decide on a choice. For successful stocking, you can consider the following varieties:

"Forte Mare F1"

The variety is versatile and behaves very well during heat treatment. Medium early ripening, tall. The fruit is round, smooth, flat with excellent taste and weighing about 70 g. The plant is very resistant to diseases, even under adverse conditions.





Tall, requiring garters and the formation of the plant. Early, versatile, with excellent taste, both fresh fruits and canned. Tomatoes are round, loose, with weak ribbing, beautiful orange color. Weight 80-90 g, fruit with 3-4 cameras.


"Money bag"

Tomato is suitable for salad and for processing with excellent taste and yield. A tall plant should be constantly tied up and pinched. The fruit is round, moderately dense, smooth, consisting of 2-3 nests. Tomato weight is 90-100 g, and taste according to tasters is excellent.

Having considered the characteristics of the fruitful varieties of tomatoes, you can easily choose those that are suitable for your garden and maybe they will always remain the most beloved.

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