

Lunar calendar of landings for March 2019, the most favorable days


It is time to plan the landing days in March 2019. A large amount of work falls on the first spring month. Many important things to do in the garden. It's time to cook greenhouses and greenhouses for the new season, to engage in vegetable and flower seedlings.

The quality of the harvest and the decorative properties of the flowers depend on which day of the month the seed will be planted.

Influence of signs of the zodiac and the moon on garden and garden crops

Weather quality, soil fertility, and the moon affect the quality and volume of the crop. People have long known about the influence of luminaries on plants, but not all gardeners take it into account. Although those who use the lunar calendar, never complain about the yields.

This happens because they are engaged in transplanting, planting vegetable and flower crops, saplings of trees and shrubs in those periods when the luminary is under the influence of fertile signs. Experienced gardeners and gardeners make up their seeding calendar for March 2019. Take into account the influence of the stars.

Fertile sign What plants favors pros Barren mark Minuses
Taurus Spinach, beets, turnips, lettuce, radishes, parsley root, potatoes, cabbage Plants planted under this sign bloom profusely, they form a powerful root system, they tolerate drought and heat without problems Aries Fruits are small, poorly stored
Crayfish Raspberries, grapes, any vegetables, flowers Fruits are juicy, tasty, but not for long-term storage. Twins Low yield
Libra Flowers Fruits are stored for a long time, you can collect seeds for reproduction a lion Uneven shoots, plants do not tolerate transplant
Scorpio Tomatoes, onions, garlic, carrots Plants are actively developing, large fruits Virgo Small crop
Capricorn Perennial plants, fruit trees, shrubs, onions, potatoes, soybeans, beans, beans Plants rarely get sick and damaged by insects. Sagittarius Sowing and irrigation should not be carried out, you can work the soil
Fish Cucumber, radish, grapes, cabbage, corn The harvest is plentiful, but not stored for long, the fruits are best used for winter harvesting. Aquarius Shoots rare, weak

Early crops in March

Cold-resistant vegetable crops can be sown to the ridges prepared from autumn in March. Suitable for super early crops:

  • carrot;
  • salad;
  • radish;
  • spinach;
  • dill;
  • celery;
  • sorrel;
  • peas;
  • onions (chernushka).

Ridge need to be raked in order to retain moisture. Spinach, onions (chernushku), radishes, carrots, celery is better to sow 1-2, 10-12, 13-14, 22-29. Good days for planting greenery:

  • 1-2;
  • 13-14;
  • 23-24;
  • 25-27;
  • 28-29.

The surface of the ridge after sowing need to roll. This will improve the contact of seeds with the ground, retain moisture.

When to plant peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes

For unheated greenhouses, cucumber seeds are sown in the second half of March: 03/15/2019, 03/16/2019. Balcony varieties can be sown on favorable days of the month 10-12. 15-16. Popular hybrids for growing in an apartment:

  • All the envy of F1;
  • F1 fun guys;
  • April F1.

Peppers for seedlings sow well from 10 to 12 number. These days the moon arrives and is in Taurus. Vegetables planted during this period produce a large crop that is well stored. You can sow pepper on the arriving Moon in the constellation of Cancer. This is March 15 and 16.

On the same days, it is worth picking up seedlings sown at the end of last month. Although it is better not to dive the peppers, sow the seeds in individual cups, the numbers 15 and 16 for planting the pepper are most favorable.


March 3 and 4 are unsuccessful days for seed germination, planting, watering and fertilizing. The moon is in the barren sign of Aquarius.

The table shows the favorable days for planting tomatoes and caring for them.

Event date
sowing 15, 16
picking 1, 2, 15, 16, 19, 20
fertilization 1, 2, 5, 23, 24, 28, 29
pest control 1, 2, 3, 8, 9

Planting flowers in March and moon phases

Immediately you need to identify the most unfavorable days of March. These are 6 and 21 numbers. They have a new moon and a full moon. These are crisis days in which it is not necessary to be engaged in flowers. Any manipulation: transplant, seeding does not favorably affect plants.

Sowing annual flowers

From 6 to 21 the number of the moon grows. Under its influence increases the movement of juices. This has a positive effect on the development of the aerial parts of plants. In the first half of March, it is possible to plan the sowing of young migrants on the growing Moon:

  • vervains;
  • gazanii;
  • tunbergia;
  • schizantus

For planting days are suitable when the luminary is in signs that are fertile.

Favorable days of the first half of March Zodiacal constellation
10 Taurus
11 Taurus
12 Taurus
15 Crayfish

The constellation Taurus enhances the positive influence of the moon. It is considered an important fertile sign. Flowers in these days of March, you can plant, replant, dive. Cancer is the most fertile sign. You can safely sow annual seeds when the light is in this constellation.

In the second half of March, it is necessary to sow the left arms, aster, snapdragon, Chinese carnation. The days favorable for planting annual seedlings are listed in the table.

Favorable days of the second half of March Zodiacal constellation
16 Crayfish
19 Virgo
20 Virgo
23 Scorpio
24 Scorpio

Virgo is a sign of medium fertility, but it does not weaken the effect of the growing Moon, therefore annuals can be sown on March 23 and 24. The moon decreases, but the positive influence of the fertile sign compensates for this. These days, annual flowers for seedlings can be sown.

Sampling flower seedlings has its own nuances. The substrate is taken by the one in which the seeds are sown, and 1 part of high-quality humus is added to it. Days after 10 seedlings are fed with ammonium nitrate solution:

  • water - 1 l;
  • ammonium nitrate - ⅓ t.l.

Feeding up flower seedlings is also possible according to the lunar sowing calendar. It shows the successful days for March 2019. All types of fertilizers for flowers and flower seedlings are better to make 1-2, 5, 23-24, 28-29.

We are engaged in planting onion flowers

The flower garden for planting bulbous and tuberous ornamental plants are suitable for the days of March, when the light is declining and is in fertile signs:

  • 01.03.2019;
  • 02.03.2019;
  • 22.03.2019;
  • 23.03.2019;
  • 24.03.2019;
  • 28.03.2019;
  • 29.03.2019.

Not suitable for planting flowers days of the month: 3-4 (decreasing Moon in Aquarius), March 5 and 7 (days before and after the new moon), 8-9 (shone in the infertile sign of Aries), 17-18 (Moon in the barren sign of Leo ), 30-31 (shone in the barren sign of Aquarius).

Soil preparation and planting details

To sow the seeds of letniki need in a fertile, well-conducting moisture and air substrate:

  • sod land - part 1;
  • lowland peat - 1 part;
  • sand - ½ parts.

In March, the earth is good to do 1-4, 8-9, 13-18, 22-24, 25-31. These days you can prepare the substrate, disinfect it. Only large seeds fall asleep during planting. The thickness of the layer should not exceed the thickness of the seeds. Small seeds are left on the surface.

Gardener's calendar

In March, work in the garden a lot. It is necessary to clear the trunks and skeletal branches of the fruit trees from the gold-and-wolf nests and the haws, remove the mummified fruits. To cut pruning damaged by silkworm. Properly plan all activities using the calendar landings.

In March 2019, dry and extra branches of trees, shrubs, basal shoots are better cut 1-4, 8-12, 19-20, 22, 28-31. To pruning each plant must be approached individually. Ornamental shrubs delight the eye if they are cut annually and correctly. Cut out all dry, damaged and thin shoots.

Formative pruning is carried out, given the nature of flowering. Hydrangea paniculata, some varieties of spirea, bledya, bloom on the shoots of the current year, so the branches pruned in the spring strongly. Cut off almost all of last year's growth.

Forsythia and Chubushnik in the spring do not cut. They have flower buds formed on last year and perennial branches. Formative pruning of such plants is carried out later, after flowering is over. Over the summer they will have a young growth on which flower buds will form.

Only in sanitary pruning need varieties of ornamental plants, which are not formed escapes replacement:

  • barberry ordinary;
  • viburnum ordinary;
  • varietal lilac.

Until the buds have blossomed, you need to choose the time for early spring eradicating spraying the garden. It is necessary for the timely destruction of pests.


Trees and bushes in the garden are sprayed when the air temperature is 4-6 ° C.

In March, insects (aphid, leafworms, mites, sucklings) are at rest. In March, the most favorable days for pest control will be 17, 18, 22, 25-27, 28-31. To achieve the result, branches are abundantly moistened:

  • on raspberry 2-3% solution of Bordeaux mixture;
  • on an apple tree with a 5% solution of urea, take 10 liters of water and 500 g of fertilizer.

Top dressing in the garden is best done on March 14-16, March 23-24. Graft seedlings 1-2, 10-12, 15-16, 19-20, 23-24. In the southern gardens it is time to plant seedlings. Favorable days of March:

  • 15-16;
  • 22;
  • 25-29.

Calendar of works in the greenhouse

The planting calendar for greenhouses shows the days of planting onions on feathers and early greenery. Spices and salads are recommended to sow on March 8-12, March 15-16. Onions on a turnip to cook for planting and plant 1-2, 22-24, 28-29.

Early cabbage seeds are sown in a greenhouse or greenhouse in March. This year, the auspicious days fall at 10-12, 15-16. Sowing of radish seeds in the greenhouse is carried out on a decreasing Moon 1-2, 22-24, 28-29.

In March 2019, earthworks (hilling, digging, loosening) according to the lunar calendar is 1-4, 8-9, 13-18, 22-24, 25-31. Mineral fertilizers to make 7-9, 15-16, 19-20. Root top dressing with organic fertilizers is better to spend 1-2, 5, 23-24, 28-29.

When planning agrotechnical measures, you can focus on the lunar calendar of landings. Days need to be adjusted based on weather conditions. Neutral days are also suitable for planting flower and vegetable seeds for seedlings. Banned on March 3-4, 6, 21, 30-31. These days nothing can be planted.

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