
Growing tomatoes 14.02.2019

Pick a tomato in the lunar calendar 2019

seedlings of tomatoes in pots

Picks tomato seedlings is one of the main methods of strengthening plants before they are transferred to open ground. Active growth of greenery is extremely necessary for the formation of a full-fledged stem and several pairs of leaves, but often when sowing seeds it is impossible to immediately ensure a sufficient amount of free space.

Gardeners are faced with the fact that tomatoes fall ill after picking, become sluggish for several days and stop growing. This is due to the non-observance of the recommended dates, the wrong choice of processing method.

Picking time

Transferring plants to a separate container will be very stressful for them. It is important to understand when diving tomatoes after germination, how to determine the readiness of seedlings for transfer. The most successful picking of tomatoes will be standard lunar calendar for 2019. Given the favorable and unfavorable days, you can find the best time to work with seedlings.

Tips agrotechnikov

All tomatoes, regardless of variety or ripening period, are characterized by a special process of ripening of the root system and leaves. The main process should give a lot of lateral roots, which will strengthen the tall bush and allow it to get maximum nutrients and water from the soil. The lower leaves, which appear first, are of particular importance from the point of view of evaporation of moisture and protection of the base of the bush from excessive sun exposure. For this reason, a pick at a certain time is very important.

The standard period for such work is 10 days after the appearance of all seedlings. It is necessary to count from the moment when the green has already straightened, and the plants have taken shape, new seedlings have ceased to appear. As a rule, such processing of tomatoes is necessary in March. Since this is a busy time, many novice gardeners prefer to either carry out the procedure earlier, or postpone it until the bushes are already crowded in their containers. This can not be done for many reasons.

On a note!

Optimal picking time limited to a few days, maximum one week.

The first seven days, the future bush forms the main root. He is actively gaining thickness, growing deep into the ground. Then, lateral branches begin to grow gradually, which actively select micronutrients from the substrate. A picking is needed precisely at that period of time when the side roots have not yet grown, and the main process has already formed. His pinching in the process of transfer will allow the plant's vital forces to be directed to the growth of branches. But they cannot be traumatized, as this can lead to the death of the seedlings.

As a rule, after picking you can observe the active growth of the main leaves. When they begin to develop, the tomato is deficient in water. The roots can not yet provide the necessary balance between absorption and evaporation, the increase in green mass is suspended. But after the picking, when the roots gain strength, the leaves will grow. This phenomenon is not connected with an increase in the size of the container, as many people think, namely with the change of structures and the redistribution of growth forces.

Slightly different in terms of repeated forced picks.It is necessary in the event that the bush receives too little light or grows too fast in height due to excessive feeding, too high temperature in the room. Such a picking of tomatoes is needed in April, in 2019 according to forecasts for spring, the period may be slightly shifted to the beginning of May. It is important to see in time the first signs that the tomato is developing incorrectly, namely:

  • the stem twisted and bent to the base;
  • disproportionate distance between the leaves;
  • the stem is unevenly thinned;
  • upper leaves become paler.

If the planting is too dense, the plants can be woven with basic leaves. This can happen quite quickly, because tomatoes, in principle, have this property. Such a phenomenon creates a blackout effect, later on when transplanting it will be too difficult to disengage the tops, there is a great risk that most of the tomatoes will be broken. Therefore, at the first contact of the leaves, you must also re-pick.

On a note!

For this reason, it is better to immediately seat the bushes in spacious boxes with a reserve of space.

Tomatoes can be re-dive is not easy by necessity, and for a certain number of days before transplanting into the ground. It takes an average of 20-25 days to strengthen the roots of an adult plant. It is desirable to sustain this gap to the new transfer. Otherwise, the survival rate of seedlings will be reduced. It is because of the wrong timeframe that many gardeners consider secondary picking to be harmful and unnecessary.

Lunar Calendar Tips

You should also consider the days that are favorable for picks, according to the existing lunar calendar. Any manipulation of the roots of the plant will be a serious stress for him. Even if a specific schedule is not at hand, you can follow the basic rules. The days of the new moon and the full moon should be completely excluded. This is March 21, April 5, April 19, May 5 and 19. During this period, all plant diseases are activated, at the same time, sap flow slows down, growth almost stops. There is a complete update, which means that it is impossible to interfere in these processes. It is better to start preparing the container, mix the soil, make plans for future seating arrangements.

The most favorable periods will be the phases of the month when the moon passes through the sectors of Cancer, Taurus and Libra. The ability to regenerate is activated during these periods. Therefore, damaged roots will quickly recover, there will be no problems with decay or death, falling leaves, withering of the stem. April 7 and 8 is a good time for the first picking, especially in the Volga region, Central Russia and the Moscow region. Here you can start planting tomatoes in late May and early June. Gardeners should also be aware that in March 21 and 22 days will be favorable. An earlier transplant can damage the plants. For the second pick, the numbers 4, 5, 10, and 16 may be the most suitable.

When planning a picking, it is necessary to take into account the phases of the moon, but only in accordance with the objectives of the treatment of seedlings. If it is necessary to stop growth, slow down the stretching, it is necessary to carry out all manipulations on a waning moon. This period will start from the 20th day and will last until the end of the month both in April and in May. But if rapid growth is needed, for example, after a close landing, when the bushes could not develop enough, it is better to plan work for the days of the rising moon: from 15 to 19 in March of the coming 2019, from 13 to 18 April, from 16 to 18 May.

On a note!

It is believed that any kind of transplantation is best done on Wednesday and Saturday, and the worst results can be obtained on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Technology picks

A pick is not easy moving from a smaller capacity to a larger one; this is a complete treatment of the future bush.It was during this period that the gardener has the opportunity to adjust the growth characteristics. Low-growing tomatoes tend to be strongly drawn out, which is uncharacteristic of them, consequently, leads to a decrease in yield. Tall can not form enough lateral roots and pairs of leaves, giving all the strength to increase the length of the stem. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the picking technique, which is different for the first and second transplants.

First carry

Before working with the soil, it must be poured abundantly. Even if the amount of water before it was reduced in order to prevent rotting, now it is necessary to soften the clods of earth in order to minimally injure even the smallest roots. When there is no moisture on the surface, it is completely absorbed, each bush is gently pulled using a small spoon or a special stick with curved ends. Pulling a tomato hands can not.

Two weeks after germination, the cultures are still very sensitive to temperature effects, so they recommend wearing thick silicone or fabric gloves. The plant will have some time to hold in their hands, and the heat from the heat of the body can cause severe stress, especially in weakened specimens. Such precautions are especially important if the variety is capricious, new and untested. Or shoots turned out to be less than what was planned.

Each seedling must be planted immediately in a new soil, it is impossible to extract all the young bushes and then process. Previously, in a new container, make hollows smaller than the root system. This will stimulate the growth of lateral processes. Pour a small amount of water to seal the coma of the earth, so the bush will be easier to consolidate in a new place. The central root, it is the longest and thickest, cut by one-fourth the length of a sharp scissors. Place the plant in the hole, lightly pour it over with warm water from above, so that the roots stretch out vertically, lay down without creases. Sprinkle with earth and knead slightly.

On a note!

If the ground is not light enough and airy, you can sift it as well as flour.

Second transfer

If a second pick is needed, it is important to minimally damage the roots. Some specialists in agricultural technology believe that even a slight tearing of the lateral process will completely stop growth for exactly one week. In this case, damage to the central root can completely destroy the plant. Therefore, the most suitable method of transshipment.

It is also necessary to moisten the soil to soften it. If there is not enough space in the old box, it is necessary to completely remove all the seedlings, without first cutting the ground. After gently hands separate the clods without strong pressure or substantial physical strength. If there was enough space, you can pre-cut the soil with a conventional spatula and roll over individual squares with seedlings. At the same time, it is necessary either to pinch the top in order to stop the growth in height, or to tear off the lower pairs of leaves and to deepen the stem to stimulate the strengthening of the plant.

Popular picking techniques

There are several interesting processing options that are widely known. The most common is Chinese. Plants that have reached a sufficient height, pinch on the middle. The root is placed in the ground as in normal handling, and the green part is sent to a transparent cup with water. You can also use a special nutrient fluid with organic and mineral substances dissolved in it. When the first roots appear, move the other half to the ground. So you can eliminate the shortage of seedlings, if the seeds were of poor quality and gave less germination.

Good results are also obtained by picking into the so-called diapers.Each young bush to put together with the soil on a piece of cellophane. Then fill the required amount of soil, roll the material in the manner used for diapers. Ready "packaging" to put in a box, tightly pressed to each other. The method is good because during subsequent transplantation it is easy to process each bush without damaging a single root. If the tomatoes become cramped due to active growth, you can simply move them to a more spacious container.

On a note!

Any film can be used, but primary food is preferable, the quality of which is often controlled better.

Classical picking involves placing the tomatoes in separate cups. They can be replaced by special peat squares. It is both a top dressing and a convenient container. This is especially convenient for gardeners who live in warm regions and keep the bushes at home for a very short time.

Tomatoes for seedlings in 2019 can be dived along the lunar calendar in March, April, and May. Only the day of the new moon and the full moon will be unfavorable, otherwise the lovers of tomatoes are practically unlimited in the choice of time. Observing the basic agrotechnical rules, choosing the right method of transplantation, you can get a large number of healthy and strong seedlings, which will take root well and quickly give the desired color in the open field.

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seedlings of tomatoes in potsseedlings of tomatoes in pots
Comments on the article: one
  1. Tatyana

    speak dive over cotyledon leaves, and do not do it on Video!


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