
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 16.10.2017

Tomato “Dar Zavolzhye”: Characteristics and description of the variety

So, on the agenda today is the tomato “Gifts of the Volga region” and its description of the variety, this is it in the photo. Reviews about this tomato gardeners tell more than a dozen years. We think that many now remembered this name, even if they didn’t even know anything about the agricultural machinery. Just the tomato was and is very popular, because it has its advantages. You can meet it in the markets in the form of seedlings and already finished crop. Will you plant the seedlings yourself from the first stages or buy them for planting on your site, it will be useful for you to read the article in order to reduce all the risks that so often darken the life of gardeners.

general description

As we said earlier, this tomato is known to us since the distant 90s. It was bred from Russia by breeders, entered in the register in 1992. This variety was bred for cultivation in the south, in the central part of the country, in the Black Soil Region and in the Volga region. But this does not mean that the northerners cannot plant the “Gift of the Trans-Volga region”, they just need to use a greenhouse. And as you understand, a tomato can grow both outdoors and indoors.

There are many positive aspects of a tomato, among which is a relative unpretentiousness, lack of standard to many agricultural practices, a friendly return of fruits, and, of course, yield. We cannot say that a variety is not sick, but you can reduce risks yourself, we will also tell about this below.

Tomato "Gift of Trans-Volga". Characteristics and description of the variety

  • Refers to determinant species.
  • Shtamba does not form. Bushes are well developed, have a strong root system, the average number of leaves on the branches. However, they do not have the characteristic gun.
  • The stem grows to a maximum of 70 cm, usually not more than half a meter. In the greenhouse bushes can be higher. Compact bushes do not require a garter, which saves time and effort.
  • It refers to varieties with medium early ripening. You will receive your first tasty tomatoes depending on growing conditions and climate in about 100-110 days.
  • Suitable for growing in greenhouses made of polycarbonate, under film, outdoors.
  • Tomatoes have very uniform returns.
  • Productivity varieties good. With one square meter you can get up to 7 kg of fruits, but with proper care, good shrubs can produce 5 kg of tomatoes per soil.
  • The weight of the fruit is compact - up to 100-110 grams, which is very convenient for winter spins.
  • Tomatoes are perfectly stored in a dark, cool place.
  • It can easily be transported over long distances, the fruits have an excellent presentation, which is not lost during transportation. Therefore, we often see the “Gift of the Trans-Volga region” on the market.
  • There is a certain resistance to the most common diseases, but correct agricultural technology is also important.
  • Tomatoes have a red skin with an orange tint. They ripen amicably, while all are very symmetrical.
  • Tastes are high.
  • The flesh is juicy, fleshy, very pleasant.
  • The shape of the fruit is round, slightly flattened, and there are less pronounced ribs.
  • The seeds in tomatoes are average, they are evenly distributed.
  • Non-hybrid variety, so you can use seeds for the next year.
  • Tomatoes do not crack during ripening and during heat treatment.

See also: How to feed tomatoes in the period of flowering and fruit set?


For information!

If you do not know what determinant varieties are, they are of limited growth. They have grown to its length and that's all, you will not have to pinch the bushes.


Excellent variety, which is loved by summer residents for so many years, and it is not just.Only good tomatoes pass the test of time. With the “Gift of the Trans-Volga region,” you will not have to bother much; you will need to do some agricultural techniques, such as a garter, and the bushes will not break from the wind. It is not necessary to form the stem, so that it gives more crop, does not outgrow. In a word, we recommend it to you. Further, we will tell you how to grow a tomato, what to look for.

Agrotechnology. Tomato "Gift of Trans-Volga"

Sowing seeds begin to produce from the end of February and the third decade of March. The main thing is to be guided by the climate in your region. If you freeze at the end of May, then the crop will be closer to the third decade of the spring month. If earlier, then the crops will be earlier. Of course, always consult the lunar calendar, every year that gives us exact dates for gardening works. These data are very important, do not neglect them.

So, to reduce the risks of disease, you need to do a number of actions. And start with pre-sowing seed treatment for 10-14 days before planting manganese in the solution. Then rinse the seeds with warm water and dry well. The same solution, and it is better that it was boiling water, you pour it and the ground, regardless of whether you use the purchase or make your own. Of course, boiling water is poured in advance. You can use the drug "Baikal" or copper sulfate.

See also: Why do tomato leaves turn yellow in the greenhouse and how to deal with it?

With regards to the soil and containers, there are a lot of options. From year to year, gardeners planted seeds in one container, after diving. But beginners are often afraid of this stage, because the seedlings are so small and fragile. You can make it easier - to plant each seed in a separate glass of special paper, you can buy such containers cheaply and almost everywhere in the season. Plastic packaging is also a thing of the past. Paper or peat cups do not require picking from you, and you will plant seedlings with them right in the holes in the plot. You can use peat tablets that have an optimal balanced composition. In a common container, seeds are sown at a distance of 2-3 cm and to a depth of 1 cm.

Soil can be bought in many stores, it is very affordable. If you decide to take the land from the site, then be sure to pickle it, add mineral dressing, humus, sand for drainage. Excellently helps the earth from parasites and pathogenic environment wood ash. In advance, the soil is prepared on the street or in the greenhouse. They dig it up, spill it with boiling water, apply fertilizer. You can use superphosphate - 50 grams, 20 grams of nitrate and potassium chloride. In the fall, you can bring in compost, rotted manure, humus, and dig up all this in the spring. This is quite enough for a good harvest.

So, the seeds you sowed, then pour out of the spray, cover with foil. The temperature in the room for germination and development of seedlings should not be below 23 degrees. When shoots appear, they are moistened as they dry out, they turn towards the sun. Before landing on the street for a week, the seedlings are hardened by the method of lowering the temperature.

See also: Varieties of tomatoes with photos and descriptions

Planting in a permanent place will be at the rate of 3-4 plants per meter, as the roots of the variety grow half a meter in the soil. The wells must be fertilized. You can also powder the roots or hole with ashes. Now your seedlings need watering, it is better that the water is warm, shelter in the first stages, if it is windy, and the temperature drops. Otherwise, everything is simple - watering, loosening, weeding. But so that the bushes do not start to hurt, you carry out preventive treatment - you can use microbiological preparations of a general spectrum of action, you can also spray with copper sulphate. The latter is diluted at the rate of 10 grams per bucket. Such measures will save phytophthora, also the soil is sprinkled with ash, it will help from the mosaic.



To increase the yield, during flowering, remove some flowers that are small, distorted.This will complement the description of the tomato variety “Gift of the Trans-Volga region” and help you to get a better and larger crop.


As you can see, the knowledge of some subtleties can solve many problems. "Gift of the Volga region" - a good tomato, productive, you can safely plant it in the new season.

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