
Tips 24.04.2019

Women's happiness (Spathiphyllum): the secrets of abundant flowering


Spathiphyllum is a decorative flowering culture growing in nature in tropical and subtropical climates. In the middle zone they are decorated with window sills of private houses and city apartments. Abundant bloom of "female happiness" can stretch out for a long time, if you create the necessary conditions for growing and provide appropriate care.

Plant description

Spathiphyllum is an evergreen plant from the Aroid family. The genus includes about 40 typical species. The plant owes its Greek name to the cob buds, wrapped in a thin white coat. The homeland of "women's happiness" is South and Central America. In the natural range of culture prefers swamp forests. Less commonly, plants can be found along rivers and lakes. On the basis of typical species, breeders deduced many hybrids and varieties of various sizes.

Some of the varieties are cultivated as pot plants for a long time. But more often hybrids are grown on the windowsills. During the double bloom, which lasts a long time, the flowers are contrasted against the background of large leaves of bright green color, developing from the root. In terms of flowering phase with proper care, as a rule, falls in the fall and spring.

Optimal conditions for growing

Under natural conditions, the spathiphyllum grows in the lower tiers of the jungle. It should be protected from direct sunlight. It is better to place the pot on the windowsills of the east and west directions, where there is a lot of soft light, since the lack of lighting can shorten the flowering period or lead to its absence.

We can not allow drafts, the flower is very sensitive to them and may even die. Temperature range depends on the time of year. For summer, flat temperatures are suitable for a flower; in winter, the value should be at 18 ° C. The critical temperatures are 15 and 32 ° C. Since the flower grows in swampy places, next to the pot is to place a container with water that will provide the necessary moisture.

Home care

In order for the plant to develop intensively and throw out the arrows twice a year, it should be well looked after. In addition to creating the required microclimate, the flower should be provided with irrigation mode, feeding with certain fertilizers that will stimulate budding, rather than increasing the green mass.


Moisturize "female happiness" abundantly, but in such a way that moisture does not stagnate in the roots. Between portions of water the surface layer must have time to dry. In the period of rest, which falls on November-January, the pot is placed on wet pebbles or expanded clay.


The leaves of the plant are systematically wiped with a damp sponge, which increases moisture and facilitates the breathing of the flower.

Top dressing and fertilizer

During the growing season Spathiphyllum is fed twice a month. Use complex mineral fertilizers with a high concentration of phosphorus and potassium. Excess nitrogen can cause the lack of flowers due to the stimulation of green mass. During stagnation, fertilizing is not carried out, except in those cases when the spathiphyllum is still blooming.Monthly fertilization is enough.


The frequency of the procedure depends on the age of the plant and size:

  1. The first few years Spathiphyllum cross over annually.
  2. After reaching the age of five, the transplant is performed once every 2-3 years.
  3. Overgrown specimens that have reached the maximum size do not touch, but annually update the upper layer of the substrate.

Spathiphyllum grows well in fertile loose soil. It can be made independently by mixing peat, garden soil, perlite and soil for orchids in a ratio of 3: 2: 2: 3. At the bottom of the tank must be placed a thick layer of drainage material.

How to make bloom

Sometimes flower growers face a serious problem in growing “female happiness” - the lack of flowering. If there are no flowers for a long time, there can be several reasons:

  1. Spacious pot - until the roots cover the whole ground, the spathiphyllum will not bloom.
  2. Lack of lighting - when there is not enough light, the flower does not form arrows.
  3. Excess fertilizer - only vegetative mass goes to growth to the detriment of flowering.
  4. No rest period - the plant should stop watering and move to a cool place.

Spathiphyllum is a beautiful exotic plant. With minimal care, it decorates the room with unusual flowers twice a year.

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