Apache remedy for Colorado potato beetle: instructions for use (photo)

19.01.2018 Fertilizers and preparations


Apaches are a popular and sought after remedy for Colorado potato beetle. The prevalence and ubiquity of its use are due to a fairly simple instruction for use. The product is intended for potatoes. And potatoes are not only a subject of special addiction for the Colorado potato beetle, but also one of the main products in the national food mentality.

Apache from the Colorado potato beetle is a promising development of Japanese scientists, which is made with the addition of clotianidine to the usual composition. The features of its impact and the high efficiency of the application, as evidenced by the reviews of gardeners who have tested the product on their site, might be surprising. But they are quite easily explained by the fact that the death of potatoes, known as the Colorado potato beetle, has not yet had time to adapt to the action of the main, new ingredient.

The Colorado potato beetle (Latin: Leptinotarsa ​​decemlineata), also known as the Colorado potato beetle or potato leaf beetle, has been notorious for any gardener since its appearance on the continent, even for those who do not breed potatoes, but buy it in a store. A pest destroys entire fields. If you do not interfere with its distribution, then he eagerly eats the leaves of any nightshade crops. These include eggplant, and tomatoes, and sweet bell pepper. On small landings, it is collected manually or set up traps, significant plantings or fields are treated with poisons, to which the beetle develops resistance quite quickly.

The Apache Colorado potato beetle remedy is another development of the potato and other vegetable crops of the nightshade family that are attacked by the harmful beetle. Properly executed instructions for use help in the fight, which is constantly carried out with the Colorado leaf beetle.

Season and conditions of use of the product

As soon as the air temperature rises above + 140С, beetles wintering in the soil appear on the surface. Potato sprouts by this time have already taken shape and become for them not only the main food, but also a place for the continuation of the species population. On the back side of the leaf, beetles lay numerous eggs, from which over time soft-bodied larvae also eat leaves of the garden plant.

A favorable period for the destruction of a population is the moment of the appearance of an adult individual capable of producing extensive offspring, or the period of hatching of larvae that did not manage to acquire resistance to the drug used.

Instructions for use of the Apache remedy for the Colorado potato beetle contain repeated mention that the insecticide is based on a new principle based on the use of the active active substance clothianidine. The fact that the product of Japanese scientists was produced and tested outside the Russian Federation gives hope to gardeners that the local beetle lacks developed immunity to the action of the Apache Colorado potato beetle.

Note: reviews of specialists who have already used this drug indicate its high effectiveness. But it is possible only if the conditions for the dilution of the poisonous substance are met, and with the correct dosage of its amount.

Potato Apache is a chemical substance developed for special purposes. It has a triple mechanism of action, and this is confirmed not only by the presence of a development patent, but also by numerous positive reviews. There are various poisons from the Colorado potato beetle, but Apache now occupies a leading position. The mechanism of action includes three directions:

  1. Contact, based on contact with the body of an insect. When directly hit on the body of a beetle or larva, both individuals die due to the poisoning effect.
  2. Intestinal is the ingestion of poison into the body of the pest when eating leaves. The substance is absorbed during the digestion of the main food, which got the diluted chemical composition.
  3. Translaminar consists in the absorption of the product by the leaves and stems of the plant, which gives it the possibility of self-defense against the aggressor.
Fact: the chemical preparation is completely harmless to plants and tubers, and differs in specially provided durability: it is not washed off by rains and other atmospheric precipitation, and it does not evaporate under the influence of sunlight.

The composition of the tool and safety measures

The drug from the Colorado potato beetle Apache, like any pesticide that is potentially dangerous to humans, is equipped with detailed instructions. It says about all the nuances of its use and chemical composition. The main active ingredient is clothianidin, a product developed by chemical scientists of the Japanese corporation Sumitomo Chemical. The class of chemical composition is neonicotinoids, designed for the further introduction of strong nicotine poison, which was previously used in pest control.

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Neonicotinoids lack many of the shortcomings of the substance of which they are derivatives, and have acquired new, more useful properties:

  • the danger class for humans has changed from threatening to moderately dangerous (the drug does not accumulate in the receptors of humans and warm-blooded animals);
  • the substance has the ability to accumulate in the plant in a short time, but does not have a detrimental effect on it (phytotoxicity);
  • compounds are not volatile, but unstable, and quickly decompose in the soil into constituent components (this makes it possible to avoid the accumulation of poison in tubers that are eaten).

It is impossible to call a remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Apache absolutely safe for humans, and the instruction translated into Russian warns about this ambiguously. But, compared with previously available drugs, it is much more optimal to use. Neonicotinoid is contained in granules or powder in a proportion of 500 g per kg (in a 1: 2 ratio), carefully packed in a white foil bag and a cardboard box, which excludes its effect, when closed, even when stored at home.

The second packaging option is bags of 35 and 50 g, of which there can be 25 or 50 pieces in a box. When dissolved in water, a very faint, barely perceptible smell is emitted.

Important: the instruction warns that Apache is used not only from the Colorado potato beetle, but also from other pests (leafworms, aphids, cherry flies, apple moths, thrips, weevils, nutcrackers, etc.). But it is no less dangerous and toxic to bees.

Forms of the drug and the necessary conditions for its dilution

Apache from the Colorado potato beetle provides certain nuances in the instructions, which must be observed depending on whether the powder or agent is dispersed in dispersible granules. A bag of powder weighing 0.5 grams is enough for two hundred parts of the garden when diluted in 1 liter of water. For processing 10 acres you will need 5 bags of powder, diluted in a 5-liter container.A package of 2.5 grams is impractical to buy with a small area of ​​the garden, but it is convenient if the site is significant.

Experts recommend that the contents of a large package be divided into 5 parts and diluted gradually in the required amount of water, as the prepared solution ends.

There are quantitative differences in how to breed Apaches from the Colorado potato beetle, and from other insects. This must be taken into account, carefully studying the instructions for use of Apache for potatoes and for pests on other plants. With the help of the product, it is possible to process the soil under the bushes, in which beetles can hide. For this, 1 g of the mixture (or 2 bags of 0.5 g.) Is taken per liter of water, which is diluted in a liter container.

For reference: Apache practically does not penetrate the fruits. This makes it safe for potatoes, but also useless when processing trees or shrubs with fruits that have pests.

The third class of danger to humans involves the work of breeding and spraying with the use of protective equipment for the face and hands and in calm weather. How to breed the drug is described in detail in the attached instructions, but the poison from the Colorado potato beetle Apache usually does not cause any difficulties for gardeners in practical use.

Tip: the effect of the drug extends for 1 month, and although 1 spraying is enough to destroy the harmful beetle, it is better to coincide with the period of the beginning of potato ripening, when the bush is needed to feed future tubers.

Apaches: advantages and disadvantages of using

Reviews about the Apache remedy from the Colorado potato beetle that Russian sales representatives receive are almost always favorable. Japanese development really has a number of undoubted advantages, among which one can note:

  • a systemic effect that can be obtained when processing the soil, and provided that it does not fall on all the tissues of the plant;
  • quick effect - the pest literally dies within half an hour;
  • the Colorado potato beetle does not show resistance to the action of diluted powder;
  • solubility, allowing the use of water from + 200С;
  • soluble sachets that do not need to be opened, it is enough to lower them into water;
  • minimum spending standards;
  • the ability to destroy any leaf-eating pests on personal land ownership.
Interesting: Apache is officially approved for use on personal household plots, gardens and summer cottages.

Apaches are a cure for the Colorado potato beetle, and consumer reviews also mention minor flaws. These include short-term (over a month) action, toxicity to bees, which upsets beekeepers, and inability to destroy ticks. An obstacle to its use for people with financial disabilities is a rather high cost.

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