The Miracle of Fertility, universal organic fertilizer: instructions, reviews

2.02.2018 Fertilizers and preparations

The Miracle of Fertility is a universal organic fertilizer that, for obvious reasons, has earned both positive and negative reviews from consumers. Its name gave great scope for the imagination of those who were not too lazy to leave negative reviews, without having bought a remedy. For those who nevertheless acquired a new product for themselves and carefully studied the instructions for use, it was useful many times and helped not only achieve the desired result, but also to appreciate the benefits of organic fertilizers.

Calling complex organic fertilizer a miracle, its creators did not exaggerate at all, because the main component of the composition in convenient packaging is river sapropel. Sapropel is a real miracle of nature, a completely natural component, a natural biological growth catalyst, the use of which allows, even as a monocomponent, to increase the result by 1/3, or even half.

Calling his universal organic fertilizer the Miracle of Fertility, the manufacturer not only characterized the useful properties of the produced composition, but also used a widespread meme, which in the minds of competent vegetable growers is always associated with the unique characteristics of the action of sapropel on any type of cultivated plants. Complex fertilizers with sapropel can be used for watering indoor flowers, to effectively stimulate the growth of seedlings (especially if it is planted a little out of time, and the owners want to keep up to planting at the optimal time.

But on this the scope of the use of universal organic fertilizer is not limited. Instructions for use provide several options for feeding plants, of which an ordinary gardener will be interested in the ability to increase the fruiting of tomatoes and optimize the growth of potatoes.

With the introduction of the composition as a bait for potato bushes, not only the photosynthesis process aimed at the formation of tubers increases, but also the size and severity of the grown potatoes, which acquire additional friability and the ability to be digestible and friable.

Sapropel and the components of organic fertilizer

Miracle fertility is a name in which there is not the slightest exaggeration. It has long been noted that for the successful cultivation of garden crops, there is a certain balance of micro and macro elements, humus and humus, animal droppings and a certain amount of necessary chemical elements. While gardeners study smart books and try to create this very natural balance by mixing one or the other recommended ingredients, they invariably fail if they do not have the necessary intuition and observation, and many years of experience that beginner gardeners lack so much.

An experienced farmer just looking at twisted leaves or drooping inflorescences is enough to understand the problem. An excess or lack of organic or mineral fertilizers is equally capable of causing negative reactions in a whimsical pet. At the same time, tactics, the more the better, does not work in agricultural technology.


Bird droppings, widely used as a natural fertilizer, are recommended not to be used for many plants, for example, potatoes.Strongly diluted with water, it will not give the necessary result due to the individual rejection of the representative of nightshade, poorly divorced is able to burn the root system and stop the formation of tubers. Although in many nutrients included in its composition, a potato bush is urgently needed.

The lack or excess of mineral components leads to excessive growth of foliage and small fruits, or slows down the growth of both, modifies plant cells. Failures that every amateur experienced in the early years, before gaining professional experience, brought grief to hundreds of thousands of people hoping for a good harvest, thanks to bait, sometimes bought for a lot of money.

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Advice! Buying any composition for bait their wards from the world of flora, do not ignore the packaging in the store on which an unfamiliar word is written. It is better to return home and carefully study the concept of a horticultural term, which in the future may come in handy more than once.

Some people who wrote negative reviews did not buy the Miracle of Fertility due to the fact that they did not know what sapropel was, and at home, having looked at incompetent sources, they decided that it was a simple river mud with disinfecting properties.

The main ingredient of the complex composition for fertilizing the soil and fertilizing plants is sapropel, thanks to which the composition can be considered a natural miracle and can be attributed to universal organic fertilizers.

Fact! Sapropel is the only soil-forming fertilizer that can be applied by varying the dosage on any type of soil. Formed from animal and plant residues, it is a unique natural complex of necessary substances for plant growth, which cannot be created manually and balanced in the same way as nature did. Sapropel is mined only from the bottom of natural relict lakes with stagnant waters. In reservoirs of another type, nothing of the kind can be found at the bottom.

Expected and Received Effects

In the Miracle of Fertility, the main percentage of the content is just a unique natural composition, enriched with mineral components and recommended additives, although this type of soil-forming fertilizer is sold in its pure form and is also in great demand. The fact that the curious authors of negative reviews seemed to have a strange color and consistency was a unique enriched biocomplex, an analogous organic fertilizer that was successfully used by ancient civilizations, well aware of its useful properties.

But only modern biochemists, when studying the natural composition, found that it contains:

  • more than a dozen trace elements, including boron, manganese, molybdenum and bromine (some of them, for example, manganese, have disinfecting properties and are used to control pests, and some are indispensable for successful plant growth);
  • macroelements calcium magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus and iron (they have to be additionally introduced into the soil as part of chemical fertilizers, as vital);
  • fulvic and humic acids, amino acids, for which gardeners separately prepare organic compounds;
  • natural growth stimulants with soil-forming properties;
  • B vitamins, vitamins A and E;
  • microflora, which is taken care of additionally, covering and fertilizing the soil from autumn.
Important! Negative reviews are not accidental, because, having read the natural growth stimulant on the packaging, amateurs expected that the plant will begin to bloom and grow, as if synthetics were introduced into the soil. But this is an artificially created surge, which then negatively affects the plant.A natural stimulant rearranges the composition of the soil and requires assimilation through the root system, but gives a natural and prolonged result.

The drug receives the prevailing positive reviews about universal organic fertilizer. They come from those who carefully read the instructions, correctly prepared the composition for irrigation or top dressing, and patiently waited for the result in the form of the crop obtained at the end of the summer, and found that the Miracle of Fertility, even introduced for the first time, significantly increased productivity. This rise is noted from the processed seedlings, at least 1/3 compared to last year, when the balance between organic and inorganic, drawn up manually, constantly led to negative effects and had no pronounced effect.

Interesting: If you apply fertilizer with a rich sapropel content for several years, the soil acquires properties that it previously did not possess and sometimes increases crop productivity by 100%. Seedlings treated with a sapropel-containing composition have a better ability to sew after transplanting and picking, and a more powerful root system, and seedlings of fruit trees begin to bear fruit ahead of schedule and grow faster if they are introduced with the Miracle of Fertility 2-3 times per season.

Instructions for use

On a convenient package that resembles a bag of mayonnaise, the manufacturer has posted instructions for use, which provides the necessary dosage, frequency of application and even a method of diluting a fertile composition:

  • for indoor plants need 1 tbsp. l 1 liter of water, irrigated with fertilizer, depending on the season, 1-2 times a month;
  • vegetables, in the appropriate dosage case, watered, if necessary, 6-8 times;
  • garden flowers regularly, with the restriction of the first application - immediately after planting, or with the appearance of the first leaves.
For reference! Regular introduction of a small amount of sapropel with water into the soil is necessary to restore the natural microflora and soil composition, which forms relict silt.

The unique natural soil-forming compound, which is part of a comprehensive universal organic fertilizer, The miracle of fertility - 4000 years. And this is a real miracle, because all the useful substances accumulated by nature during the natural cycle of nature now form the soil in the garden and increase the yield and appearance of plants that modern people grow.

And in order to take advantage of a unique natural gift, you do not need to buy expensive synthetics, mess with specifically fragrant chicken droppings, or wear gloves for breeding inorganics.

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