3 ways to freeze zucchini for the winter fresh

20.09.2018 Winter blanks

frozen zucchiniIf you have neither the strength nor the time to preserve vegetables, but really want to be able to eat your vegetables in the winter, then this small note about how to freeze zucchini for the winter at home for you. Thanks to freezing, the maximum amount of all useful substances is preserved in the fruits.

Particularly effective will be freezing in high-quality and modern freezers, because they are equipped with a quick freeze function. Freezing zucchini is a pleasure. Fuss with these vegetables quite a bit, and the result is simply bombing. Zucchini at all do not change their taste even in frozen form. You can get a portion of such zucchini at any time and add them to some dish.

For example, it is an indispensable component of vegetable stew. And just stewing zucchini with meat and potatoes is a great dinner option. The main thing before freezing is to cut the fruits of zucchini in convenient slices and pack in small portions. This will greatly facilitate their further use.

Indeed, if you freeze the fruits as a whole, they will not only take up a lot of space in the freezer, but it will also be inconvenient to cook from them later. It is worth noting that frozen zucchini do not need to be thawed, you can immediately start cooking, after they got out of the freezer.

Essential Ingredients:

  • The fruits of zucchini (preferably young).

fresh zucchini

How to freeze zucchini for the winter?

First, select the zucchini. If you have your own harvest, that’s just fine. And if not, then on the market in season you can buy these great vegetables for a penny. We select only young fruits, without defects and damage. Their skin should be thin and smooth. The fruits should not be lethargic.

Remember that the more seriously you take the choice of zucchini, the better the result will be in the future. After choosing the vegetables, we wash them and cut the tails. If the zucchini peel irritates you in the finished dish, then you can remove it before freezing.

remove the peel from the zucchini

Next, we start cutting vegetables. For convenience, we will do this in three ways: with rings (for frying),

sliced ​​zucchini

dice (for stews, omelets, caviar),

diced zucchini

rub on a coarse grater (for pancakes, first courses, mashed soups).

grated zucchini

We freeze the squash in parts, in several passes. First, lay out on a flat surface, and slightly freeze for a couple of hours. Grated zucchini is not laid out on a flat surface, but sent immediately in small bags and to the freezer, until they had time to let the juice go.

zucchini slices zucchini cubes

After the vegetables are “grabbed”, we lay them in plastic bags and hide in a freezer for storage. As it turned out, freezing zucchini for the winter at home is very simple.

packaging of zucchini zucchini in the package grated squash in the package zucchini for the winter

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