Donskoy salad with cucumbers for the winter

26.09.2018 Winter blanks

Donskoy salad with cucumbersThe wonderful Donskoy winter salad consists of only three components: ripe tomatoes, fresh cucumbers and fleshy bell peppers. The salad is very tasty, bright, looks delicious on the table and is easy to prepare. Choose mature vegetables for him, but not ripening.

This is especially true for tomatoes - if the tomatoes are soft or too juicy, then during sterilization the slices will boil and lose their shape. As for cucumbers, if possible, buy not very large ground cucumbers with a thin light green skin.

If there were none, take the greenhouse cucumbers, but they will need to be at least partially cleaned, cut off part of the dense rough peel. Pepper is desirable to take red or different colors, certainly fleshy. You can change the proportions of vegetables, for example, take more tomatoes and peppers and fewer cucumbers. A recipe with step by step photos will help you prepare such a salad for the winter.


  • ripe dense tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • fresh cucumbers - 500 gr;
  • red bell pepper - 500 gr;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l on a half-liter jar;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l

How to cook Donskoy salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers

The best variety of tomatoes for this harvest will be "cream" - tomatoes with a dense skin, fleshy, oval. Cut the tomatoes in half, cut into slices 1-1.5 cm wide. Cut the cucumbers thinner, about 0.5 cm. Cut the stalk of the pepper, remove the seeds, cut the fleshy flesh into cubes.

chop cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers

Put the chopped vegetables in a bowl, add salt and sugar. Mix and let stand for half an hour.

salt and sugar vegetable mixture

During this time, vegetables will give juice, which will dissolve crystals of salt and sugar, to form the basis for the marinade. Before you lay out the vegetable mix in jars, try the taste and make adjustments if something is not enough.

insist salad

Banks do not need to be sterilized; they should be washed well enough and scalded with boiling water. Pour the covers with boiling water and let it boil for a few minutes. We lay out the salad in banks, put it tightly enough, taking into account the fact that when heated, the vegetables will settle, and the jar will not be full.

put vegetables in banks

We put the cans in a pan, at the bottom we must put a rolled-up cloth or a kitchen towel. We pour so much water that it reaches two-thirds of the banks in height. We put a lid on top of the neck, do not twist. We sterilize for 10 minutes with a weak boiling water.

sterilization of cans with vegetables

We open the lid, pour vinegar into the cans.

add vinegar

Add vegetable oil (only refined, without flavoring additives). We sterilize another ten minutes.

add oil

Gently take out the jars, holding under the bottom. Screw caps or roll up the machine. We remove it under a blanket or cover it with a blanket and leave it to cool slowly until the next day. Then we remove it into the pantry, cellar, basement. Good luck with your workpieces!

jar with finished workpiece

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Donskoy salad with cucumbersDonskoy salad with cucumbers
Comments on the article: one
  1. Avatar


    All my conscious life I lived on the Don. I tried a million variations of Don salad. But to have this salad with ripe red tomatoes is nonsense.

    To answer

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