Plums in own juice for the winter

15.09.2018 Winter blanks

plums in own juice

This is an excellent recipe for sweet plums marinated in their own juice with sugar. This method of harvesting for the winter is magnificent in that the fruits retain absolutely all the vitamins and usefulness, since they are not boiled, but only sterilized before rolling. This preparation is preserved for a rather long time, although it contains less sugar than, for example, jam from the same sink. For cooking, you need to take dense, tight fruits, but ripe and sweet. If you take the unripe, then the fruit will release the liquid very poorly, and if it is too ripe, they will spread and turn into porridge. Such plums can not only feast on, but also add them to homemade cakes and desserts, as a decoration or filling.


  • plums - 350 g.,
  • granulated sugar - 170 g.


How to prepare plums in your own juice

Wash fruits, slightly dry.

wash the fruits

After we divide into two parts each plum, removing the stone. We do this exclusively with a knife, because with our hands it will not work to do it evenly.

split and take out the bone

We prepare a glass container: we clean jars with baking soda, rinse, sterilize and dry. Now we form jars: put the halves of plums, alternating with granulated sugar. And so on until the whole jar is filled. Pour some sugar at the very top.

fill the jar

We don’t touch the jars for a couple of hours, so that the plums let out a little liquid.

Now we send the blanks to be pasteurized in a convenient container, with a cloth towel covered with the bottom. We pasteurize for a quarter of an hour. After that, we will immediately see the changes that have occurred with our plums: there is more juice, and the color has become more saturated.

to sterilize

Next, we clog the cans with lids, check if the lids are tight. We wrap up our blanks with thick old blankets until they are completely cooled.

close the jar

After that we hide for storage in the basement / pantry room.

ready plums

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plums in own juiceplums in own juice

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