
Growing tomatoes 17.03.2019

When is it better to plant seedlings of tomatoes in April

planting tomatoes

Transfer of tomatoes to a permanent place of germination is one of the important stages in the cultivation of this crop. The result of the correct choice of date and compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology will be a friendly abundant harvest. Tomatoes can be grown in open ground and in greenhouses.

What affects the landing time

When growing tomatoes, it is important not only to sow and buy seeds in a timely manner. You need to choose the date of transplantation. In determining the timing of great importance is the region and its climate, as well as the variety of crops grown, especially with regard to precocity.

How does the region affect the choice of date

plant tomatoes in April

The territory of Russia is very large, each region has its own unique weather conditions. In accordance with the selected planting dates.

  1. Moscow region and central Russia. This territory is characterized by temperature drops throughout the day, the probability of night frosts in spring is high. Therefore, the planting of tomatoes in open ground are engaged only at the end of May. If you land earlier, you should provide additional shelter for the first time. The best time to land in greenhouses is the end of April - the beginning of May.
  2. Leningrad region. Here the climate is harsher than in the Moscow region. Terms of landings move for 2 weeks. Seedlings will be ready by mid-May.
  3. Siberia and the Urals. The coldest territory of the country, where they practice the cultivation of early varieties of tomatoes. Plants are planted mainly only in greenhouses, greenhouses and film shelters.
  4. South of Russia. This part of the territory is characterized by a warm mild climate. Early varieties of tomatoes are planted in late April - early May, right on the beds. Tomatoes can be transferred to the greenhouses from the beginning of April in order to obtain the earliest possible harvest.
On a note!

In very rare cases, a tomato transplant is done in April. The exceptions are heated greenhouses, as well as warm southern regions.

Date selection depending on the variety

plant tomatoes in April

All tomatoes can be divided into groups according to precocity:

  • very early;
  • early;
  • late

The first two types are used for early harvest. They have a short growing season, seedlings are ready by the end of April for planting. In warmer regions, early tomatoes can be transferred to greenhouses as early as mid-April.

Late and mid-season tomato varieties are grown for preservation and storage. They have a longer growing season, they are planted in May, they can be transferred to heated greenhouses at the end of April.

When to transplant tomatoes in April

The choice of the date of transplanting tomatoes should be made based on the particular climate and the place where they will germinate. In April, it is advisable to transplant seedlings into greenhouses, and for open ground it is recommended to wait until the weather becomes stable and the probability of night frosts disappears.

Many gardeners transplant tomato seedlings in April according to the lunar calendar, because everyone knows the influence of the moon on the processes occurring on Earth. Since the fruits of tomatoes are formed above the ground, it is worthwhile to engage in agrotechnical work with this crop during periods of a growing moon. At this time, the maximum activated juices in the green part of the plant.

But there are also unfavorable days, on which there should be no picking at all, transplantation and other work with tomatoes. Most often these are the days when the Moon is in the New Moon and Full Moon phases. In April, these days will be April 4, 5, 23.

Transplant to greenhouses

plant tomatoes in April

If there is a heated greenhouse available, and the seedlings are ready for transfer to a permanent place, then April is a great time. Replant can be at the beginning of April.

If the seedlings grow in comfortable conditions, then you can choose the proportion of planting in greenhouse conditions on April 7 and 8, when the growing moon is in the constellation Taurus. In colder regions, seedlings are transplanted at the end of the month. Favorable days in 2019 are 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27 April.

Transplantation in open ground

It is possible to conduct transplants in open ground only after stable weather has been established. If climatic conditions allow, then seedlings are planted in late April. For transplantation of seedlings in open ground, you can use the following numbers: 19, 20, 23, 24, 25.

In the southern part of the country by this time there are no night frosts, but it is still recommended to install the arcs and cover the landing with film for the night.

How to transplant tomatoes

By the time of planting seedlings tomatoes must be formed. They should have already formed the first brush with the ovary, and the second - with flowers. From the time of sowing to the landing approximately 55-65 days pass. It is also important that weather conditions allow this. It is best to replant on a cloudy day, and it is recommended to shade the saplings until the moment of strengthening.

On a note!

To transplant seedlings without damage, watering is stopped a few days before the procedure, and immediately before the procedure, tomatoes are watered abundantly.

Transplantation in open ground

Pre-prepare the beds. Before planting, fertilize the soil. For each finished composition should prepare the following composition:

  • 1 bucket of compost or humus;
  • 0.5 liters of ash;
  • 1 tsp urea.

The wells dig more than the capacity in which the tomatoes grew.

If the seedlings have a standard height (25-30 cm), then use the vertical method of planting. Depth is performed before the first true leaflets. If the seedlings overgrown, then it is placed at an angle of 45 degrees so that the lower leaves are located above the ground at a height of 20 cm.

After planting, seedlings are watered. It is important to ensure that water does not fall on the leaves; this can cause burns and phytophthora development. If this happens, remove any liquid droplets immediately.

Transplant to the greenhouse

planting tomatoes in April

To transplant seedlings in the greenhouse can be a little earlier than in open ground. When the seedlings reach the age of 50-60 days, they can be transferred to greenhouse conditions. By this time, the plants should reach a height of 25-30 cm.

The greenhouse must be preheated. It should maintain a temperature of 18-20 degrees for several days. The principle of greenhouse planting does not differ from transplanting into open ground. For the stability of seedlings it is tied to supports, especially if tall varieties are used.

On a note!

To produce tomatoes require pasynkovaniya. The first time the stepsons are removed two weeks after transplantation.

As can be seen, transplanting tomatoes to a permanent place is a responsible and painstaking process. In addition to properly prepared seedlings, it is important to provide it with comfortable conditions for germination and to perform agrotechnical works according to the rules.

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planting tomatoesplanting tomatoes

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