
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 3.04.2018

Selection of tomatoes "Mammoth": description and characteristics of varieties

Considering the tomato "Mammoth" characteristic and description of the variety, reviews, photos, yield, everything suggests that the breeding product has the right to revival. An alternative to "Mammoth" is the "Golden Mammoth" of unknown origin, but worthy of attention.

Description of the variety "Mammoth"

Lubov Anatolievna Myazina submitted an application for entering the variety into the register of selection achievements of the Russian Federation to the commission in 2005 For two years the registration service conducted a variety test on the fields of all regions of the country. The process was successful and in 2007 the variety was listed as 9463480.

Applicant and originator of the variety Myazina L. A.

The variety is recommended for cultivation in all regions of the country in gardens and under the greenhouse shelters of summer residents and amateur gardeners. The variety will delight the fruits in the middle of summer, but on the direction it is salad.

For more than ten years now, the brand has "gone" to the people, but has not gained much popularity. There are not many reviews about the variety, however, those that exist say that this variety is a godsend for lovers of large-fruited tomatoes.

Characteristic variety

Tomato refers to the early maturing. But if you understand, to get a large and very large fruit of the early term of ripening is not so easy, because time is needed for the growth of shoots and the growth of the fruit itself. And if, moreover, the tomato still has an excellent taste, then there is no equal to it.

The vegetative form is tall, indeterminate, the plant reaches a height of up to 180 cm. The leaves of the “Mammoth” tomato bush are medium in size with rich, dark greenery. The plant is not very leafy, and huge tomatoes are clearly visible on the shoots.

Tomato fruits are large. The register of varieties indicates 250 g, but those vegetable growers who grow the variety from year to year claim that if you keep the crop the way the breeder recommends, then the weight of the fruit in 500 g is not uncommon. Those who conducted experiments and left several colors on the hand could easily boast fruits weighing 800 g.

Tomatoes are flat-rounded. At the cut, the seed chambers (6-7), which are filled with saturated pulp, are well calculated. Tomato seed is small. The tomato is tender and moderately soft, with a rich, tomato flavor and strongly pronounced ribs, which can sometimes crack.

During ripening, the fruit is light green, and ripening, becomes raspberry-pink.

Tastes during the variety testing are determined to be “good”, however, many vegetable growers say that the Mamont tomato is the most delicious in their garden.

The balance of organic acids and sugars is very well chosen. The taste is not cloying and at the same time with a pronounced tomato aftertaste. This property allows the variety to be among the leaders of tomatoes, with which gardeners do not want to part.

Tomato yield is legalized at the level of 4.7 kg of a square gardener. The breeder also indicates that one bush can produce up to 6 kg of tomatoes, subject to the instructions of the culture.

Pros varieties

The variety deserves to occupy a place in the garden.In the list of his positive qualities lead:

  • early ripening;
  • growing in any region;
  • large fruits;
  • heat resistance;
  • drought tolerance;
  • excellent tasting performance.

As a drawback, the cracking of those fruits, which are already very large, can be noted, as well as the need for timely storing and tying up shoots.

See also: Tomatoes series “Sweet bunch”: descriptions and characteristics of varieties

Features agrotehnika

The breeder, the author of the variety, talking about his varieties constantly draws the attention of vegetable growers to the fact that when growing it is necessary:

  • grow strong, stocky seedlings;
  • to land at the age of 50-55 days;
  • landing scheme withstand 40 x 80 cm;
  • be sure to carry out timely pasynkovanya;
  • culture should be carried out only in one shoot;
  • constantly adjust the number of brushes;
  • regularly feed tomato plants.

Disease resistance

Neither the registry nor the breeder indicate the characteristics of the variety regarding pathogens and pests.

Those vegetable growers who have cultivated a variety for a single year claim that the variety is no different from others in terms of sustainability.

Conducting preventive spraying in a timely manner, you can be calm in terms of fungal diseases.

"Mammoth German Gold"

There is also among amateur vegetable growers and the rumor about the variety "Mammoth German Gold". It is difficult to trace the pedigree of this variety, since it is not entered in the register and where it is not known from.

Tomato "Mammoth German Golden" reviews, photos, yield is not unambiguous. Seeds are usually sought out from collectors, and the result is different.

Variety description

Most lovers who grew the variety talk about tallness up to 200 cm, indeterminacy and bicolor.

In terms of ripening there are reviews that the variety even in the greenhouse shows itself as a medium late ripening.

The fruits of tomato are large, flat-rounded in shape. Some show a weight of 400 g, while other growers claim that more than 250 could not be taken.

The fruits have an interesting color and one plant can modify it from red with white stripes and spots to very light with small red spots and stripes. Very often, the variety is called “marble”, but it is completely different from the original entered in the registry, because it is tall.

There is evidence that a tomato often cracks, and almost every fruit has a white “tie”, which is clearly visible on the cut.

What all gardeners are in solidarity with, so it is in the description of taste. A sweet, meaty, fragrant fruit that everyone likes. On the cut, this tomato is also interesting. Red stripes and spots alternate with light orange. Some fruits are lighter, some are darker. There are many seed chambers and they are small. Seeds contained in tomato pulp and not a large number.

The excellent combination of dry matter, organic sugars and acids makes the fruit adorable for adults and children. To taste tomato pulp is tender, supple, with slightly perceptible sourness, which adds to the tomato refinement and piquancy.

Attitudes towards diseases and pests

Those who have already grown a variety, say about sufficient stability. Tomato does not require a special processing schedule. The "Golden Mammoth" is affected by diseases, under adverse weather conditions and non-compliance with treatments, along with other varieties.

It is impossible to leave tomato plantings without treatments. This is especially true of those cultivation areas where weather variability is normal.

To be effective treatment is necessary:

  • start spraying in the phase of the ovary;
  • conduct events regularly and in a timely manner;
  • constantly alternate fungicidal preparations.

If you plant tomatoes in the greenhouse, you can avoid thorough spraying. In addition, this tomato will extend its fruiting until late autumn and provide vitamin products.

What are the advantages and disadvantages

The biggest plus of this variety is taste.Vegetable growers say about him that he is unforgettable and ready to put up with low yields for the sake of taste. In addition to this indicator "Golden German Mammoth":

  • large-fruited;
  • shows good immunity against diseases.

Among the shortcomings can be noted:

  • cracking fruit;
  • poor product yield;
  • white "tie" in the center of the fetus;
  • low yield.

See also: Honey Giant Tomato: Large and Fruitful

Agrotechnika varieties

Rassada period

Since the variety is of medium or even medium late ripening, it is impossible to do without growing seedlings.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in the first of March on the growing Moon.

Selecting the soil, to it impose the following requirements:

  • high nutritional value;
  • ease of texture;
  • harmless in terms of pathogens and pests;
  • pH optimum for tomatoes (acidity).

Such soil can be bought in a shop for amateur gardeners, or you can prepare it yourself using:

  • rotted manure;
  • mature compost;
  • sand.

Everything connects 1: 1: 1 and superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, two tablespoons, are added to each bucket of the finished mixture.

Seeds can be preheated in a damp cloth for 1-2 days, and then sown. Initially, you can sow into a general container, but you need to pick it up in individual containers and do it better when the plant grows two true leaves.

When diving seedlings, it should be deepened to the cotyledon leaves and initially not to impose a full cup of earth, but to pour it gradually. Such a technique will allow the plant to grow a good root system.

Planting and fruiting

Planting of seedlings is carried out only when the frosts are no longer possible. Tall and large-fruited tomato requires soils with good nutritional value. When planting should create in advance of the holes and their depth should be significant, it will ensure a good growth of the root system.

As soon as the plant is planted, it is necessary to immediately build supports, because the plant cannot keep the shoots and fruits without fixing.

For this grade, pinching is of great importance. The culture needs to be conducted only in one shoot; otherwise it is impossible to reach large fruits, there will be many of them, but they will not reach 200 g.

For a grade the main requirements of agrotechnology are:

  • timely watering;
  • regular feeding;
  • mulching beds;
  • weeding weeding.

See also: Tomato "Red Giant": a productive and productive variety

To take a good harvest you need to constantly carry out feeding, starting from the moment of planting in open ground. Initially, nitrogen fertilizers are used, then potash fertilizers are added to the nutrient solution, and then they are transferred to potash-phosphate fertilizers. The alternation of organic and mineral supplements will help to get an excellent harvest of tasty tomatoes.

Grow "Mammoths" independently and they may become the most loved ones.

Video: Growing tomatoes (detailed instructions)

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Comments on the article: one
  1. Inga

    The variety is not a problem, it takes root well. Harvest too happy fruits: large, fleshy, sweetish.


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