
Pests and diseases of tomatoes description with photographs and methods of treatment 30.08.2018

Dry rot of tomatoes: how to fight, what to treat

dry rot on tomatoes

It is very important to carry out pre-sowing preparation of the soil and seeds, as they may contain infections that provoke diseases. One of the dangerous diseases of tomatoes is dry rot, it can destroy most of the crop, fruit infection occurs even when storing the harvested tomatoes.

Signs of

The first symptoms of the disease are small dry spots on the foliage, later they increase in size and cover the entire surface of the leaf. Spots appear, including on the stalk, after which still immature fruits are affected. Small specks form on the tomatoes in the region of the stem, they can be either light brown or almost black, they are a sign of tissue dying. In places of lesions on the tomatoes appear light brown cracks. With high humidity the course of the disease becomes more complicated, and the area of ​​the lesion increases.

The reasons

To provoke the development of the disease can the wrong care of tomatoes. Ailment can affect plants at different periods of the growing season. As for the causes of the disease, there may be several:

  1. Heat and a large number of fumes, optimal conditions for the development of fungus.
  2. Increased air humidity is also the cause of the disease, especially if the plants grow in the greenhouse.

The causative agent of the disease is spores of the fungus, under favorable conditions, they multiply rapidly, first affect the root part of the seedlings, if left untreated, pass to the leaves and fruits. Also bugs that feed on tomato juice can spread the infection.


The affected fruits are not to be stored, after collection they should immediately be processed.


The sooner the disease is detected and the necessary measures are taken, the less disastrous the consequences will be, and it will be possible to save most of the crop. With significant defeat folk remedies can not do, and you have to resort to chemical drugs.

Among gardeners in the fight against dry rot is a particularly popular drug called "Kvadris", it is used for prophylactic purposes and in the early stages of the disease. It is a concentrated solution, before use it is diluted with warm distilled water, strictly observing the proportions that are specified in the instructions for use. The resulting liquid sprayed planting, the drug will provide reliable protection for plants on day 21.

If a large number of plants are affected, it is better to purchase a stronger product, for example, Ridomil Gold. Tomatoes are treated with a 0.25% solution, after 7-14 days the procedure is repeated, but using other drugs. Perfect "Oxy" or "Bravo".


To protect the tomatoes from the disease it is necessary to carry out agrotechnical prevention, it includes:

  • crop rotation;
  • deep autumn soil digging;
  • disinfection of soil and seed;
  • timely removal of pests;
  • compliance with irrigation;
  • regular airing of the greenhouse;

It is also necessary to make dressing rich in potassium, and to prevent nutrient deficiencies in the soil. During sowing, 1% Trichodermine solution is applied to the wells, at the rate of 3 ml per shrub. Later in the prophylactic purposes, you can conduct foliar treatment with the same drug.

Resistant varieties

Among the variety of tomatoes there are varieties that are resistant to the disease. Choosing them for planting, the gardener will relieve himself from unnecessary trouble. Persistent immunity to the disease have:

  • Sanka;
  • Liang;
  • Ray;
  • Alex;
  • Aurora;
  • Golden bullet;
  • Hope;


Dry rot on tomatoes is quite common, it is hard to fight it, but still possible. For this, a huge number of special tools have been developed, they can be purchased in specialized stores. The sooner the symptoms are identified and the treatment started, the outcome will be more favorable there.

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