
The best hybrids of tomatoes with photos and descriptions 3.02.2018

Tomato "Jubilee Tarasenko": very fruitful and equally popular

Tomato "Yubileyny Tarasenko" reviews, photos and description of the variety can be ambiguous and different, but experienced growers who have already mastered the secrets of growing this super fruitful variety will never give up the "Anniversary Tarasenko."

general information

The author of the variety is an amateur breeder (physics teacher) F. Tarasenko. His works hybrid Tarasenko 2, 6, “Legend of Tarasenko” he created in the 80s of the last century in the Sumy region with. Voronezh, Ukraine.

Varieties, although they are called hybrids (this is a common noun), have not been entered into the register of selection achievements of either Ukraine or Russia. However, rumor, reviews, yield and taste for many decades kept varieties on the market.

“Jubilee Tarasenko” was created by the author in 1987 and coincided with his anniversary, he turned 75 that year.

The forefather of the variety is the Mexican San Marzano. It was his gene material that made it possible to create resistance to phytophthora and brown spot.

Tomato medium ripening.

Characteristics and description

The tomato is tall, it is not even called indeterminant, but is called lianoid. The main shoot easily reaches a height of 3 meters and would continue to grow if the vegetable grower did not stop it himself.

Vegetative form has a weak foliage. Nothing closes beautiful clusters of tomatoes from sunlight. The bush itself at the time of maturation turns into a garland with red multiple lanterns.

Laying the first cluster occurs on the 3-4 sheet, then after 1-2. It also happens that after forming the first cluster the tomato immediately lays the second and third, and then after 2.

At the time of flowering tomato bush looks extremely amazing. It is so densely covered with yellow flowers that the foliage is almost imperceptible. However, not all colors are destined to be tomatoes. Complex inflorescences, flowering very magnificently lay the ovary is not at the same time and not together. Initially, the ovary appears in the center of the inflorescence, and then there is a transition to the periphery. This feature adjusts its prints on the collection of tomatoes, since one brush can carry both mature and just-started tomatoes.


Tomatoes are round or flat-rounded in shape, and the tip is decorated with a “nose”. Many vegetable growers, initially fell in love with this variety for the “nose” and only then figured out that the tomato has many other advantages.

Fruits are not equal in size. One brush can carry on itself as a 200 gram tomato, and 100 gram. At the same time, growth and ripening of fruits also does not occur evenly. Looking at the brush, which can contain up to 30 fruits, we initially observe a sort of raznosortitsu, but gradually ripening, the tomatoes pick up color and turn into a rich, orange-red.

The first tomato clusters have a weight of up to 5 kg, then they become an order of magnitude smaller.

Considering two tomatoes of the same brush, but of different sizes one can observe that the large ones can have light ribbing and their “nose” is slightly drawn. The smaller tomato is almost perfectly round, and the spout is only slightly perceptible.

When cut, you can count 6-8 chambers, but they are not hollow, and the seeds are firmly held in the pulp. During the tasting, the assessment by all members of the commission will be set “excellent”. The tomato is dense, with a rich taste and a persistent finish. Many will recognize tomato juice.

To the touch the tomato is dense. He keeps his form for a long time and only after 1.5 months begins to gradually soften.

Tomato peel is quite dense, elastic, it is she who does not allow ripe tomatoes to crack and holds the flesh after heat treatment of the fruit.

See also: Summer cottage tomato: characteristic and description of the variety

Fetal use

Tomato "Tarasenko jubilee" is suitable for use fresh, canned, pickled, fermented, in salads and ketchups.

When preserving fruits in the same jar with other varieties, the hand itself involuntarily reaches for the “nosed one”. Initially, I want to bite him just for the “nose”, but then, when not slushy mash gets into the mouth, but the rich flesh with a pleasant taste, gourmets begin to realize that it is the perfect tomato for preservation.

Tomato products from the fruits of this variety are thick, rich, bright and tasty.

A special feature of the tomato is the fact that it retains its qualities perfectly for 1-1.5 months after full ripening. Often, growers remove tomatoes in bunches and store them in limbo, plucking them as needed.

Disease and Pest Resistance

Jubilee Tarasenko inherited from the parent a unique resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases of tomatoes.

This tomato is loved by those vegetable growers whose cultivation region is located in an area with frequent temperature and humidity variations. Having tried a lot of varieties, vegetable growers give the first place to Jubilee Tarasenko.

Pest variety is affected to the same extent as all other tomato varieties and hybrids.

Advantages and disadvantages

In honor of his anniversary Tarasenko brought a variety that has certain advantages:

  • high yield;
  • excellent taste of fresh fruit and tomato products;
  • high resistance to disease;
  • interesting shape and "spout".

Some vegetable growers also point out flaws, although they can be regarded as features of the fruiting of this variety:

  • uneven ripening and fruit set;
  • heterogeneity in magnitude.

Features of growing varieties

Considering the tomato "Yubileyny Tarasenko" characteristic and description of the variety emphasize that this plant form must be grown, taking into account the biological features.

Growing seedlings

Vegetable growers, who constantly sow the seeds of the Yubileiny Tarasenko and the rest of the Tarasenki, note that the seedlings appear 2-3 days later for all other varieties and hybrids. Given this feature, sowing time should be chosen a little earlier and sowed first.

Tomato seeds need to warm and germinate. To do this, they are wrapped in a damp cloth, placed in a plastic bag and sent to a warm place for 3-4 days. Sowing is carried out only those seeds that showed signs of good quality.

When sowing seeds, it is necessary to take into account that this variety is lianovid and initially can be sown, as well as other varieties into a common container. However, the picking should be done taking into account individual features.

Having grown seedlings to two true sheets, it is necessary to pick it up into individual containers.

The choice of packaging for growing

In order to get a good harvest of lianoid tomatoes during the seedling period, it is necessary to grow not only the shoot, but also the root system.

The author himself - F. Tarasenko, still in the 80s, making publications in journals, tried to teach vegetable growers to properly increase the root system during the seedling period.

See also: Tomato "Moneymaker": high-yielding and transportable variety

In order for the development of tomato seedlings to pass optimally, not the width of the individual capacity, but the height is necessary. As a rassadnogo pot, he recommended making containers from plastic film. Having measured 20–25 cm in height and turned into a roll with a diameter of 5 cm, the bottom is initially tucked in, and the upper part is filled with nourishing soil. The sprout is planted up to the cotyledon leaves, and is placed on the light window-sill. As it grows, and the “Jubilee Tarasenka” grows quickly and dramatically, the lower part of the bag turns and pulls up, then, so that there is an opportunity to fill the soil constantly as it grows.

You can use other containers, but pouring the soil is a mandatory process.

Transplant into the ground

Features and there are transplanting seedlings. The root system of lianoid tomatoes tends to penetrate deep into the earth in search of nutrients for its fruits, this should be taken into account.

Experienced vegetable growers, who constantly grow lianovid tomatoes, have a special drill for planting, which is easy to make deep holes. If there is no such device, then it is worth working with a shovel and making a pit for planting at least 50 cm. Depth.

The distance between the plants should be at least 50 cm, this will make it possible not to overshadow each other, but the distance between the rows should be at least one meter.

Next, do the following:

  • pre-prepare the soil mixture consisting of humus, compost, soil in the ratio of 1: 1: 1.
  • For each bucket of the mixture add 0.5 kg of furnace ash and 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate;
  • mix thoroughly and give as much as possible for 2-3 weeks;
  • we dig a hole;
  • we fall asleep a hole with the prepared soil mix and we water carefully;
  • we carefully release the seedlings from the reservoir, so as to preserve the earth bed as much as possible and not damage the root system;
  • we plant in a hole to the first leaves;
  • we fall asleep ground mixture;
  • abundantly water and mulch.


"Jubilee Tarasenko" very fruitful variety. The one who has grown it once with the observance of agricultural technology, was able to verify the unpredictability of this tomato. However, to achieve this result, regular feeding is necessary.

The first feeding is carried out 15 days after disembarkation, and then every 1520 days.

The best results are achieved with alternating feedings with organic and mineral fertilizers.

It is necessary to stop feeding in the middle of July, to give an opportunity to ripen all fruits in time.

Formation and garter

Experienced growers advise to form a variety of 2 or 3 stems. But pinch the top is necessary in late July. This will allow all fruits to gain weight and ripen completely.

Particular attention should be paid to the garter. The clusters of the “anniversary” are very weighty and can break off without fixation. It is better to start fixing in the period of the tying of tomatoes, and then continue to hold it constantly.

See also: Tomato "Honey drop." Characteristics and description of the variety

Disease control

No matter how stable the variety, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment at the moment when the fruits begin to set.

Modern fungicidal drugs are complex and low-toxic, nor can they help prevent spore multiplication and infection of the crop.

Tomatoes "Jubilee Tarasenko" very fruitful. So that they could show their entire genetic potential, maximum effort is needed when sowing and growing seedlings, watering, feeding and shaping. The resulting crop of a tomato of the universal variety will be a reward for the efforts made.

Video: All about the variety "Anniversary Tarasenko"

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