
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 27.01.2018

Tomatoes "Mikado": pink, black, gold, yellow and red

general information

Recently, the lack of control in the seed market has led to the emergence of new varieties and hybrids, which may not be new and fruitful, but packaged into famous varieties.

If earlier vegetable growers clearly knew that the mikado is a large pink tomato, then today the information is blurred and confused.

The only true thing is that “Mikado is pink” and not “pink Mikado” is the only legitimate variety. It is possible that others, already “walking” in the gardens of the Mikadas, will also be tested and after a while the registration commission will take them to the register of breeding achievements. The variety is not entered in the register of selection achievements of Ukraine.

Until this happens, we will do what the seed packers offer us.

"Mikado Pink"

Applicant and originator of the variety Gavrish Breeding Company LLC, Moscow Russia. The variety was accepted for testing in 2013, and in 2015, the registration commission entered the variety in the register number 8653901.

The variety was recommended for cultivation in all regions of the Russian Federation as a medium early for cultivation under film shelters in personal subsidiary farms.

Characteristic and description

Tomato of this variety has a salad destination. Its fruits are as large as one can make a dish for the whole family from just one tomato.

The plant is indeterminate, tall. The height of the main shoot varies in the range of 160-180 cm.

The sheet plate is not large, medium in size and nothing prevents you from going to “bathe” in the sun. Leaf color is dark green. Inflorescence "Mikado pink" simple.

The fruit is large and very large. The average weight is from 350 to 400 g. Those who grew this variety sharing impressions describe that tomatoes weighing 700-800 g are absolute reality. However, a feature of the variety is that the largest tomatoes are formed on the lower inflorescences, and rising higher, the tomatoes become smaller.

The shape of the fruit is flat-round with light ribbing. It should be noted that not all fruits are ribbed. The same shrub can bear both smooth and slightly ribbed fruits.

By color, the fruit is ripening in a light green color with pronounced dark green spots at the base of the stem. Gradual ripening makes the greens less intense and at the time of full maturity the tomatoes become completely pink. On the color can not be said that it is intense and uniform, but rather a dull pink.

Variety "Mikado pink" growers compared with the variety "Miracle of the Earth." Externally, the only difference is that the "Mikado" a little more flat in shape.However, when tasting it becomes clear that no “miracle” can match the taste of the fruits of “Mikado Rose”. The smell of both varieties are very fragrant.

The tasting commission, evaluating the variety, rated it “excellent”. Vegetable growers believe that the variety rightfully deserves it. Many say that of a dozen varieties that grow in the beds, this tomato has the best taste. The balance of sugars and organic acids is so selected that the tomato seems surprisingly tomato and tasty.

Tomato density is average. The section shows that there are six seed nests, and there are not many seeds themselves. Seed chambers are not filled with juice, and the seeds are right in the pulp of the fruit.

Disease and Pest Resistance

Since the tomato is intended for greenhouses, it would seem that there is no reason for particular concern. However, reviews of vegetable growers are not so optimistic.

In greenhouses and greenhouses, the tomato is almost not affected by fungal and bacterial diseases, but in the open ground of the phytophthora the plant of this variety is “missing” the first.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the variety include:

  • Large fruit;
  • Great taste of fresh fruit;
  • Excellent texture and taste of tomato products.

The disadvantage of the variety can be considered:

  • low yield;
  • some tomatoes are cracked at the stem.

See also: Summer cottage tomato: characteristic and description of the variety

Features of growing varieties

The yield of the variety varies in the range of 5.0-6.0 kg per square meter. Given that no more than three plants can be planted per meter, each can yield up to 2 kg.

However, vegetable growers who grow a variety from year to year claim that the variety produces higher yields, but for this it is necessary:

  • Keeping the plant in one shoot;
  • Maintain high nutritional value of the soil;
  • Timely watering and dressing.

"Mikado black"

Tomato "Mikado black" released the TM "Spring". This variety is considered to be collectible, but its authorship is unknown.

Characteristics and description

The plant is indeterminate, its height is within 150 cm. It is possible to cultivate a variety both under a film cover and in open ground.

The fruits of the tomato of this variety are more rounded than that of the pink mikado. The color of the fruit is brown-purple, large, in the range of 250-300 g.

According to the taste characteristics of tomatoes balanced, tomato taste, pleasant, fragrant.

Tomato "Mikado black" characteristic and description of the variety, reviews, photos, yield do not have much information, because the variety is still not very familiar to vegetable growers.

Disease and Pest Resistance

The variety of this tomato is moderately resistant to the main diseases, and requires timely and regular spraying with fungicides.

Those who have already managed to get acquainted with the variety say that after treatments the variety is not affected more than the plants growing in the neighborhood.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the variety:

  • unusual color;
  • early ripeness;
  • harmonious ripening;
  • interesting taste.

The disadvantage may occur that the indicator that the tomato is cracking at the stalk.

Features of growing varieties

The peculiarity of growing a variety is its formation in one shoot. Timely pasynkovanie will not distract nutrients from tomatoes to the growth of unnecessary vegetative mass, and thereby increase the yield.

"Mikado Gold"

A variety of golden Mikado was published under the auspices of the company "Ural summer resident." Who is the breeder and author of the variety remains unknown. The color of the tomatoes is yellow, why they were called golden while also remains a mystery.

Characteristics and description

Tomato "Mikado Golden" reviews, photos, who planted, say that it is a variety of medium ripening and tall.

The fruits of this variety are round or slightly flat-rounded, and the same plant can bear fruits of different shapes. Tomato size on average 300-400 g, some copies reach 500 g

Golden Mikado tomatoes are fleshy, have many (6-8) seed chambers filled not with a liquid fraction, but with a “body”, but the number of seeds is absolutely small.

The taste of the tomatoes is very pleasant, balanced, with a good proportion of sugars, but with a palpable tomato flavor and aftertaste. The increased content of beta carotene puts this variety in the category of dietary product. These fruits are recommended for baby food, as well as allow to consume people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders.

The fruits are very good in fresh form, and the excess crop can be used for processing to produce puree, juice, pastes and ketchups.

Disease and Pest Resistance

Tomatoes require preventive treatments for dangerous fungal diseases.

There is no point in risking everything with a plant and growing it up, losing it. Modern drugs:

  • available;
  • effective;
  • are complex.
In due time having processed a plant there is no need to be afraid, and the crop can be collected big and healthy.

See also: LO Description of a variety of tomato "Mongolian dwarf"

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety of this tomato has true virtues:

  • large fruits;
  • great taste;
  • perfectly tolerates temperature differences.

As a drawback it can be noted that sometimes tomatoes crack.

Features of growing varieties

Each tall tomato requires shaping and tying. The peculiarity of the golden Mikado is that its fruits are huge. Without human help, the plant will not be able to form huge fruits, much less keep them on the shoots.

To get the super fruit need to pinch. For this, as soon as the stepson reaches 4-5 cm, it must be removed. A feature of the variety is that stepchildren are not formed constantly. After 2-3 pasturing, the plant remains formed.

"Mikado yellow"

Tomato Mikado "Yellow" growers compared with the sun. Its fruits are flat-rounded and bright yellow.

Characteristics and description

It is not possible to get mature fruits of this variety early - it is medium late.

Plant indeterminant, height up to 180 cm. The first fruits are laid over 78 leaf, then 2-3. The weight of fruits on average 200-250 g, however, is also found larger up to 500 g. Each brush, in which 3-4 fruits bear in themselves a very large fruit and smaller. There is no evenness of fruit.

Fruits are bright yellow in color from the outside, but when cut, the tomatoes are pale yellow and in some places are almost white. The tomato has no green spot at the stem. Seed chambers 7-8, they are filled with pulp with a small amount of seeds. The flat-rounded tomato has ribbing, on some rib fruits they divide the tomato into several parts.

A feature of the fruit is the fact that the opposite side of the peduncle always has grooves, which keeps vegetable growers from further growing it.

The fruits of pronounced tomato taste with sour. Mikado yellow lettuce variety, you can make tomato products with excess fruits, but they will be pale in color.

Disease and Pest Resistance

Tomato of this variety has an average resistance to major fungal diseases.

To prevent the spread of spores, especially during periods of sharp temperature and humidity fluctuations, preventive treatments are necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the variety include:

  • excellent keeping quality of fruits;
  • large fruits;
  • taste qualities.

The variety is not without flaws:

  • cracking fruit;
  • striation of the upper part of the tomato;
  • pallor coloration of internal contents.

Features of growing varieties

The tomato is tall and bears on itself very large fruits. Without timely shaping, the plant cannot be dispensed with. The tasting and tying up of tall plants is an indispensable condition.

Vegetable growers, sharing their opinions, argue that this variety is very responsive to top dressing.

If cultivation is carried out in fertile soils, with timely and regular root and non-root dressings, the variety doubles its yield.

"Mikado Red"

Mikado red tomato has already been tested by many vegetable growers, but it’s a shame that there is no consensus on the variety. Packers and supposedly producers under this name pack a lot of different large-fruited tomatoes. If you manage to become the owner of a tasty and fruitful variety, collect the seeds and use.

Characteristics and description

"Mikado red" indeterminantny, tall variety. Plant height can be above 200 cm. Its large fruits up to 300 g in weight, many claim that almost every bunch carries a tomato up to 400 g and the rest is smaller.

Fruits are saturated red, dense, fleshy, with a lot of seed chambers. The seeds in the fruit are not large and they are located in the tomato pulp. The skin of the fruit is elastic, uniform, bright red saturated, uniform color.

Considering the tomatoes Mikado description is impossible without a tasting evaluation and it is put up by all gardeners as “excellent”. Balanced tomato flavor is very similar to those old tomatoes, tasted that received pleasure. Sugar and organic acid varieties are in such a balance that both lettuce products and processed products delight vegetable growers and consumers.

Tomato medium late ripening. It would seem that by August a person should already enjoy lettuce tomatoes and proceed to blanks. However, people continue to stubbornly wait for the ripening of Mikado red, since its taste is very good.

The processed products are dense, fragrant, tasty with excellent rich, red color and low seed content.

Disease and Pest Resistance

Many growers complain that this variety does not withstand high humidity, but in greenhouses and greenhouses it behaves well.

Selecting a variety for cultivation, you need to anticipate that if your region has an abundance of precipitation, then it is better to refuse the variety. If you grow mikado red in a warm, dry and hot climate, then the variety will show itself from the best side.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like every variety, Mikado Red has its pros and cons. Among the advantages of the variety:

  • long stored without losing organoleptic properties;
  • large fruits;
  • excellent taste of fresh fruit;
  • good product yield;
  • excellent qualities in the processing of tomato products;
  • high yield.

Among the disadvantages of poor resistance to high humidity.

See also: Tomato "Japanese truffle". Characteristics and description of the variety

Features of growing varieties

Mikado red is very picky about soil fertility. According to reviews of vegetable growers, if two plants are planted close, but one is fed, and the other is not, the difference will be so great that the variety becomes unrecognizable. Without proper care, large-fruited and refined taste is lost, and the yield drops to a minimum.

A good agrotechnology of the soil at the planting site is the main condition for obtaining a crop of tomatoes of this variety. Following the technological standards, you can get a high commodity shaft, and for this:

  • give the warmest and lightest beds to the tomatoes;
  • cultivate soils;
  • use crop rotations;
  • conduct timely shaping and garter;
  • feed regularly and in a timely manner;
  • do not refuse prophylactic treatments with fungicidal agents.

"Mikado sibiriko"

The tomato of this species of mikad is represented by the Siberian Garden company. Often these tomatoes are cultivated in areas of risk farming, where temperature and humidity drops are so high that only especially resistant varieties can show good results. Since the variety is designed for Siberian open spaces, it meets all the requirements.

Considering the Mikado sibiriko variety, reviews, photos, yields, vegetable growers noticed that the variety is very similar to the “Dad's” variety of breeders Dederko V.N and Postnikova O.V. This variety is included in the register of selection achievements in 2007 and enjoys legitimate respect among fans of tomatoes.

Video: All about tomato variety "Mikado yellow"

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