
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 12.10.2017

Description varieties tomato "Mongolian dwarf"

Mongolian Dwarf Tomato

Do eat tomatoes that produce high yields require little attention, are they not afraid of diseases? Maybe now ask someone. Of course, there is, and planting a tomato "Mongolian dwarf", you see this. It is a pleasure to grow it, and the variety is very unusual, and below you will understand why your garden beds will raise rapturous questions from the cottage neighbors.



Reserve in advance seeds for the next season, as gardeners love this tomato, and all seeds are snapping up very quickly. If there is no such variety in regular stores with seeds, then you can find them on the Internet.


general description

So, we told you that tomatoes are very unusual. And what are their advantages? Well, firstly, you should not worry about diseases, secondly, agricultural technology is simple, and you do not have to spend time on a number of tricks to get a harvest, and, thirdly, the return is very good. You can plant this tomato, even if the weather in your area is often unfavorable, the drops are not bad for the “Mongolian dwarf”.

And it is also very short, so strong winds, which in our time have become an unpleasant norm, will also not be able to spoil the bushes. Not only that, you will get tomatoes very early after planting. Such a wonderful tomato was brought out by breeders from Novosibirsk, and they were not mistaken. Let's move on to a more detailed signing.

See also: Tomato varieties for Siberia, with photo and description

Tomato "Mongolian dwarf." Characteristics and description of the variety

  • It has ultra early ripening. You can harvest your first yields at about 80–85 days after sowing the seeds.
  • Due to such early ripeness, the insects do not attack the variety.
  • It is highly resistant to tomato diseases, including the hated phytophthora.
  • The bush has a unique low growth - only 15-25 cm. It grows on the ground, creeps, which helps from the wind, looks very unusual.
  • At the same time, the “Mongolian Dwarf” tomato does not interfere with giving a consistently high yield - up to 10 kg from one bush, which is a lot.
  • Tomatoes weighing 200 grams. This is also a very good size for such low bushes.
  • Universal table appointment - you can make delicious fresh salads, preserve fruits, including in the whole form, make sauces, pasta and juice.
  • It can grow well in the greenhouse and on the street, but there are subtleties.
  • The color of the fruit - scarlet saturated.
  • Good taste and aroma.
  • Fruiting long - from early summer until autumn.
  • Not afraid of changes in temperature, wind, lack of doge. Drought-resistant, while the yield is not affected.

Agree, this is true, a unique variety. There is nothing to complain about even a very picky summer resident. Grow under the force of "Mongolian dwarf" and a novice, then we will tell how to do it.

See also: Tomato "Mazarin": characteristics and description of the variety, reviews


First, let's talk about some of the nuances. We have already said that this variety can grow in the greenhouse and on the street, but still the latter option prefers tomato more. This is because the “Mongolian Dwarf” can easily tolerate drought, but it does not treat the excess moisture very well. Moreover, it is better to plant on the street, if you do not have time to carefully monitor the greenhouse, so that every time it opens and closes after watering, rain.

Does not like this grade and heavy ground without air, also sour. It is better to take care of this in advance - to add sand, lime or chalk.The soil for seedlings is suitable shop-it is easy to buy, it has a balanced composition. If you decide to use your land, then a great option is garden soil, sand, humus. You can also mix your soil and purchase in equal proportions. Such land use cottagers very often, also this option is ideal for planting potted flowers.

But what else loves a tomato is mulch, and it is grown most often, you can use straw, sawdust. Even on the soil gardeners lining different materials so that the tomatoes do not lie on the ground, as slugs often live here, and tomatoes will be dirty after the rains.


For information!

A remarkable fact is that tomato grows best in Siberia and in warm regions. In the past it is planted without a seedling method. Also, seedlings can be planted under cover even when the threat of frost has not passed.


So, we have already said the seeds of the tomato “Mongolian dwarf”, buy in advance, after which they can be processed with Epin growth stimulator before sowing. This will help the seedlings to be strong and well grow roots and green mass. The disembarkation is carried out quite early in order to receive a harvest in the first days of summer. According to the dates - this is the beginning and middle of February, by May the tomatoes should already have greens in color. Crops can be produced in peat tablets, which is very convenient, since the seedlings do not need to dive, and during the transfer to the ground outside the roots will not suffer, and this will further accelerate fruiting.

Otherwise, everything is quite simple, and the growing technique is very common. Seedlings need to be monitored - it is watering and light, if its oil, then at the beginning of spring you can use lamps. Crops spend under the film. First, they are moistened with a spray bottle. At the beginning and in the middle of May they disembark at a permanent place.

See also: Tomato "Krasnobay": reviews, photos, yield


Since the variety is crawling on the ground, it needs a lot of space. Do not plant one meter more than two plants.

We have already said that the soil should be oxygenated, the acid removed, if there is one. To better grow bushes, add a spoonful of superphosphate to the wells. Next, the seedlings are planted, if there are still frosts, then they make a temporary frame, which can be covered with something. “Mongolian Dwarf” is watered infrequently, if the summer is rainy, then watering is not needed at all.

One of the biggest advantages is that it is not necessary to puttling bushes, to form. They have such a feature that their stepchildren are very small in size, while at the same time good fruits grow on them. That saves time, simplifies the process itself, remember, we said that tomatoes will not require a lot of work from you.

For the season, also add another 1-2 times mineral feed with less nitrogen, and your harvest will not take long. It is possible to pour chicken droppings under the root, which are bred at the rate of 1/20 due to strong concentration. If the summer is rainy, do not forget to loosen the soil so that there is no stagnation, if you have a mulch, then you need to stir up it to give air. Also, many gardeners use a simple method - so that tomatoes do not lie on the soil or sawdust, they enclose boards or any other material at hand. To whom that is convenient. This was the varieties of tomato "Mongolian dwarf" description, a very worthy option for the next season.

A little effort and you can feast on very tasty tomatoes. Having grown a variety once, you will love it, and it will become a favorite.

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Mongolian Dwarf TomatoMongolian Dwarf Tomato

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