
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 10.04.2017

Tomato "Japanese truffle". Characteristics and description of the variety

Yes, nobody wants to play “lucky”, “unlucky”. Yes, and not necessary. Just before going for new seeds, you often visit our website. After all, it is here that the most current varieties with a detailed description. Moreover, we invite you to get acquainted with unusual tomatoes. And today this is exactly the article about the tomato "Japanese truffle", its characteristics and description of the variety. But that's not all. This variety has several very attractive varieties, you will also get to know them further.

general description

Below we will tell you about each type of tomato, but first a few words about its origin, pros, and minuses. So, "Truffles" were bred in our country at the beginning of the new millennium. This exotic name of the variety received for the shape of the fruit, which, in fact, is somewhat reminiscent of truffles. This tomato is ideal for canning, as it gives neat fruits, rarely exceeding 150 grams. You can eat them fresh, make salads, but due to the high content of dry substances, tomatoes are not very suitable for making juices and sauces.

See also: How to feed tomato seedlings to be plump?

It is also worth noting that the “Japanese Truffle” tomato has good reviews, a photo of you is introduced to it, and all types produce high yields. Varieties are resistant to diseases, their ripening period is medium, fruits are tasty and can be stored for a long time. Also, all tomatoes love good watering and fertilizer. By the way, in general, tomatoes are well perceived dressing and "Truffle" is no exception. You can grow a variety both outdoors and in a greenhouse. In the second case, the harvest will be higher.

For information!

Tomato seeds are produced by different companies, how not to get lost in them? For example, the tomato "Red Truffle" from the company "Siberian Garden" is always excellent reviews. Seeds germinate evenly, the seedlings grow well and develop. This company is popular among summer residents.

In general, it should be said that these tomatoes are tall, their stem can reach up to 170 cm, which suggests that you need to make supports. You can use both simple ropes, wire, sticks, and a trellis. Crops begin from the end of March to April. For a permanent place the transfer is carried out when the seedlings comes about 60 days.


Experienced gardeners say that the tomato “Truffle red”, as well as all its varieties, is better to additionally process with a growth stimulator before sowing. Often used for this "Appin", "Kornevin", "Zircon".

In principle, there is nothing complicated and special in the agrotechnology of growing these tomatoes. Shrubs need to form 1-2 stems, feed every 10-14 days. Here you can buy a finished product, use traditional methods or organic. Do not plant more than three plants per square meter. Otherwise, everything is as usual. No complications. So let's go directly to the description of the species themselves.

Tomato "red truffle"

Characteristics and description of the variety

  • Fruits weighing 150 grams. Very convenient for whole canning.
  • Requires good feeding and watering.
  • It has a universal table appointment.
  • In the phase of full maturity, the fruits become red.
  • The skin is thick, does not crack during cooking.
  • There are many dry substances.
  • Tomatoes unpretentious to weather extremes, heat, cool.
  • Highly resistant tomatoes to major diseases.
  • Most of all fruits give at formation in two stalks. This means that stepchildren need to remove everything except that in the upper sinus to the right or left. Leave him and the main stem.
  • The fruit is sour, but they are delicious, fragrant.
  • Intederminant bushes that do not have a final growth point.
  • Tomato "Red Truffle", according to reviews, gives a harvest in about 110 days. The photo shows how ripe fruits look. They are glossy, pear-shaped, attractive for their unusual appearance.
  • Preseeding disinfection can be omitted.
  • Insects attack rarely.

So, as you see a good tomato, but it has other types. Breeders, most likely, created them for a reason, because if the main variety were not remarkable, then there would be no further development. Let's get to know more.

See also: Tomato "Mazarin" - characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato "Yellow Truffle"

Characteristics and description of the variety

  • This variety is distinguished by its taste. There is no acid here. In general, yellow varieties are always famous for their high taste.
  • Due to the content of a large number of nutrients, including lycopene, this type is great for feeding children, for female beauty.
  • Also, the yellow fruit "Truffle" for baby food are suitable due to the fact that they do not cause allergies.
  • Plants grow to 170 cm.
  • Equally well fruited both in the greenhouse and on the street.
  • A distinctive feature in appearance is a pale yellow color, an elongated shape and edges, which the red “Truffles” do not have.
  • As for the rest, these tomatoes have similar characteristics, agricultural techniques, we already spoke about growing them before.

It is worth noting, do not confuse the tomato "Truffle yellow" with orange. This is another variety. But they are more in weight, rather than all other types - up to 200 grams. The ribbing is strongly pronounced, these fruits are susceptible to cracking. But you can get up to 7-8 kg from one bush. Also, the orange view is better not to plant more than two bushes per meter. Early ripening plants.


All "Truffles" have very fragile branches, even though the bush grows powerful in appearance. But with the garter, which is simply necessary, you must be very careful. Potash and phosphate fertilizers will also help to increase the strength of the bush.

Black "Truffle"

Characteristic and its description

  • Tomato "Black Truffle" has a very unusual appearance, due to which attracts the attention of summer residents, they also always eagerly buy it on the market.
  • The skin of the fruit is red with dark brown.
  • This variety has a very useful composition. It is suitable for feeding people who are after rehabilitation after surgery.
  • These bushes are not as big as all the previous ones - about one and a half meters. They also need a garter. Also for this variety, three stalks are left on the bushes.
  • Extra shoots are best removed, as experience has shown. It helps to achieve high yields.
  • They contain a large amount of vitamins PP, B and K.
  • Fruit weight 150 grams, pear shape.
  • One brush forms 5-6 tomatoes.
  • It contains few seeds.
  • It is better to grow a tomato "Japanese black truffle", according to reviews, in the greenhouse. Take a look at the beautiful fruit in the photo. So the yield in the warm regions and in the protected ground of these dark purple or brown fruits will be higher.
  • It ripens quickly and evenly.

As you can see, each "Truffle" has many similar features, but there are still some nuances. But one thing is for sure, all kinds are popular with summer residents. Because they are all unusual, tasty and healthy. Well, there is another "Truffle". About him further.

See also: Summer cottage tomato - characteristic and description of the variety

"Pink truffle" and its characteristic

  • It refers to the medium-early species. The first harvest you will collect at 105 about a day.
  • Fruits can be different - from 130 to 200 grams.
  • The tomato "Japanese pink truffle" according to the description is in many respects similar to all the above species.
  • Fruits well in the street and in the greenhouse.
  • Grows more than 170 cm.
  • Skin color - crimson.
  • Taste is saturated sweet, aroma tomato.
  • Universal table appointment - can be preserved whole, can be used fresh.
  • Disease attacks are not terrible.
  • It can be grown in all regions of our country.

So you met with all the "Truffles". Everyone has a certain feature. Each is individual, as we are with you. But Siberian tomatoes are always very good. In addition, they have strong immunity and the possibility of growing in most regions.

Grow different tomatoes to choose the best. "Truffles" will be able to please you and surprise your summer cottage neighbors.

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