
Pests and diseases of tomatoes description with photographs and methods of treatment 25.07.2017

Tomato rotting - control methods

Vertex rot on tomatoes: treatment of folk remedies

Originated top rot on tomatoes, the treatment of which must be sought immediately, because the delay is fraught with the loss of the entire crop. However, there are deviations. Not all the fruits on the plant are affected, and there is no point in immediately removing the tomato bush from the garden, but the affected ones should be removed at the first signs.


To choose the methods of treatment, it is necessary to understand the causes, and there may be several of them:

  • non-infectious;
  • bacterial.

How to understand and how to deal with top rot if not all tomatoes are affected. Probably, you should first look at which varieties are sensitive, and try to get rid of them, even if they are very tasty. After all, no one will definitely have a diseased tomato, and besides, it will serve as a source of over-infection from year to year.

Since your plantation is already affected by the pathogen, then choosing a cultivar should be carefully and carefully examined its pedigree, for susceptibility to vertex rot.

Sometimes the cause of the disease is associated with weather conditions, but communicating with neighbors, in the gardens of which tomatoes are not affected by top rot, it becomes clear that there is a dependence on heat, or there is no cold.

Signs of illness

The top of a tomato can be either dry or wet. The disease occurs in both hot weather and high humidity.

Tomatoes are amazed at the top, and the top is lowered down, and in order to consider whether all the fruits are healthy, each tomato must be viewed. If the plantation of tomatoes is huge, then it is very burdensome, so the survey is conducted selectively. Sometimes we do not notice that tomatoes are already affected and the brown spot continues to grow.

See also: Why do tomato leaves turn yellow in the greenhouse and how to deal with it?

It has long been legalized by the fact that the disease easily migrates through the site and even goes to the neighbors, therefore, both vegetation residues and insects are carriers. It remains a mystery whether the pathogen is transmitted by seeds, therefore, treatment of the tip rot of tomatoes with folk remedies involves treating the seed with a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate. Keeping the seeds in solution for 10-15 minutes, a strong oxidizing agent manganese, will kill the pathogen, and the seeds will be clean.


From the apical rot of tomatoes, at the first suspicion of the beginning of the process, it is necessary to use the preparation "Fitolavin VRK". On a ten-liter bucket of water, dilute 20 ml and spray the plants, and pour them under the root. Before diluting the drug, the contents of the vial must be diluted with a small amount of water, thoroughly dismissed and then combined with the rest of the water.

If the season of last year has already upset you with affected tomatoes, then the treatment should be started from the moment when the first leaves are shown on the seedlings, then after the picking, and then with an interval of 15-20 days.

The rates for watering a plant vary according to the age of the seedlings. At first, 20-30 ml is added to a single plant, then we slightly increase the dose, and then we add 150-200 ml to a plant planted in the garden.

The same drug can be used for seed dressing, in the same concentrations.

Penetrating through the system of vessels of a tomato plant, fitolavin “washes” microorganisms of a bacterial nature in its path; therefore, its effectiveness was found in such diseases as: root neck rot, soft tomato rot, and tracheomicy wilt. If vertex rot is found on the tomatoes, the treatment given by the Fitolavin will help to get rid of other associated diseases.

See also: Top dressing tomato during flowering and fruit set

Calcium top dressing

In case of insufficiency of one or another element, the immunity of the plant organism decreases, and the virulence of the microorganism increases and the disease manifests itself in all its signs.

Maintaining soil fertility is the first event that will increase the amount of the crop and its quality.

In repeated studies, it was found that the treatment of the apical rot of tomatoes turned out to be ineffective with low soil fertility and a shortage of certain substances, in particular calcium.

To raise the level of calcium in the soil, it is necessary to prepare a solution at the rate of 5 g of calcium nitrate per bucket of water. Watering with dressing is carried out twice a week.

Calcium nitrate from the apical rot of tomatoes helps, but you need to consider that at the slightest drying of the soil, the calcium stops being absorbed and the disease progresses.

Experimentally it was proved that in the soil, enough calcium, but at the time of drying, it is not absorbed. Therefore, timely and regular watering is an excellent preventive measure for the top rot of tomatoes.

A confirmation of this research is the use of drip irrigation. Where it is used constantly "vershinka" does not harm planting tomatoes.

Looking at the results of the experiments, it becomes obvious that the disease occurs when the water-salt metabolism is disturbed, and by settling the irrigation, the plant can be completely cured.

It makes no sense to carry out rare and deep watering. If the heat is strong and the mulch is not laid under the bushes, the upper layers of the soil dry up. It is better to water more often and in smaller portions, then the soil under the tomatoes will always have an optimal water balance.

See also: Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions

Liming, as a popular method

Using this or that treatment, the folk method is always more effective. This is because vegetable growers are eyeing, analyzing and sharing their secrets.

This is the case with top rot. It was noted that in those areas of the garden where the liming was carried out, or the furnace ash was constantly scattered, the tomatoes were not affected by top rot. Therefore, the conclusion is made - the annual introduction of lime increases the calcium content and at the same time makes it impossible for the survival of microorganisms that are causative agents of apical rot.

Crop rotation to help

Vertex rot tends to take up to 15% of the tomato crop. Even if the harvest is huge, this figure is unacceptably high. That is why you need to do everything we can to prevent the loss of fruits.

The annual change of the garden plot, the advance planning of plantings, is that small, thanks to which our harvest will not be destroyed by summit rot and other diseases.

It has long been observed that cabbage plants are the best predecessor for planting tomatoes. Under the cabbage planting liming is carried out, they are provided with a high, nutritious agricultural background and equipped with the possibility of irrigation. Tomatoma, all this remains "inherited" and they gratefully accept, responding healthy and abundant harvest.

Taking into account all the components of the technological process of growing tomatoes, it is possible to ensure that the tip rot forever leaves the territory of your garden.

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