Ageratum: growing from seeds at home

2.06.2016 Ageratum

Ageratum: growing from seeds at homeThe cute plant Ageratum comes from the Astrov family, and there are up to 60 species of such a plant. It also has the name "long-flowered", since it retains its freshness for a long time in a cut. Argentum flower is a bush with oval or triangular leaves having serrated edges, and which can grow from 10cm to 60cm. The flowers of argentum are small and fragrant, collected in small inflorescences, and their diameter can reach up to 1.5 cm. One gram of its fruit contains 7 thousand seeds, which retain their germination for up to 4 years.


To grow a long-flowered flower from seeds, it must first be planted for seedlings in late March. The soil should consist of three parts: humus, peat and sand, which are taken in equal parts and make sure that it is always wet. Shoots begin to appear only after a few weeks, and before they appear, be sure to cover the box with film or glass.


Seedlings will need to be planted when all the frosts have passed, and choose a sunny and calm place for it, because if you plant it in the shade, then instead of miniature bushes you will grow sloppy bushes.

Ageratum: seed cultivation

Caring for the ageratum is not difficult, you will need to water it, loosen the soil and of course remove weeds, and you can also feed it with mineral fertilizers. For long flower flowering, you need to cut off the faded buds. If you decide to collect seeds from your bush, then wait until it fades, and wait another 15 days for the seeds to ripen to the end and you can collect. Since it is very thermophilic, it needs to be transplanted into a pot for the winter, only it needs to be done in late summer or early autumn, then it will calmly survive the winter in your house or on the terrace and will delight with its flowering for a long time to come.


It happens that mold appeared on the flowers, and what you can’t understand. In fact, everything is very simple, you flooded the plant and it began to become moldy to get rid of it, you need to cut off the flowers with mold and thin out the bush so that more fresh air comes to the roots and then in a couple of days the mold will disappear. Also, your plant can be damaged by aphids or spider mites, so that this does not happen, make nettle decoction during its treatment and then your insect will not be afraid of any flower.

Ageratum: growing
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When you buy an argentum flower, see how a particular variety grows, you will now learn about some of them:

- the ocean is an early type of flower that grows to only 20 cm and has a lilac color,

- Bavaria - this flower gives large inflorescences and has two colors: in the middle is white or blue, and purple at the edges,

- blue mink - the color of the plant is lilac-turquoise, and the growth reaches 30 cm,

- white Hawaii F1 is a sweet plant of small stature, only 18 cm, but blooms with beautiful snow-white flowers,

- summer snow is a rather tall plant among its relatives, as it grows up to 40 cm, and its name says about the color of the buds,

- pink beauty - this wonderful flower will complete our list, it is rather small, only 15 cm, and its color is dark pink at first, and then it seems to fade and becomes pale pink.


Choose any option you like and plant in your flowerbeds, alpine slides, as well as decorate your yard with this beautiful Ageratum plant.


It is also interesting to plant perennial flowers in the garden that bloom all summer. We learn about them from this article.

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