Alyssum: growing from seeds when to plant

8.04.2016 Alissum

alissum seed cultivation when plantedIf you are interested in alissum, growing from seeds, when planting it interests you - you have come to the right place. Let us tell you what this plant represents, how to plant it and when, what benefit this wonderful and beautiful honey plant can bring to your garden garden.

The benefits of alissum in the garden

Its advantages are not only the ability to create beautiful flowering carpets on the site and attracting bees like a honey plant. It is also an unpretentious, drought-tolerant plant, so suitable for summer cottages, the owners of which are rarely there, and cannot fully care for the plants.

Alyssum is not demanding on the soil at all, as well as on watering, the main thing is that it is better to provide it with loose and fertile soil, choosing a well-lit area, because in the shade it blooms much less and is not so beautiful.

There is also an interesting variety of alissum - marine, this does not require watering at all, and it needs only rare rains, unless you need to water a little in drought. As for top dressing - for annuals 3-4 times per season you need to feed, perennials in the spring of one time will be enough. In order to maintain a beautiful shape, it is necessary to trim it several times in the season several times, this, by the way, will extend the flowering time.

Look how grow a rose from a cuttings at home, photo.

Grow seeds

Alyssum is rocky, for example, you can just plant the seeds by sprinkling the seeds on a rocky surface, fertilizing it with this calcium. Just press the seeds with your palm and it’s enough, you don’t need to sprinkle the earth with the earth, because in order to grow alissum seeds you need a lot of sun.
In a week you will see the sprouts that appear, in another week, thin out, leaving 10-15 centimeters between the sprouts. So they will bloom better and will not get powdery mildew. And soon, after about a month and a half, you will see the flowering of alissum.


seed growing

You can significantly accelerate flowering, if you resort to the seedling method. In March-April, fill any suitable containers with a light soil mixture, spill the soil, scatter the seeds on the surface, gently squeeze with your palm, pour from the watering can again, cover with a film and leave it to rest in the warmth until the sprouts come up. After a week, remove the film, put the containers in the light, as the three real leaves appear - you can dive them in separate houses, complex fertilizers are not too actively fed in about a week and a half once.

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In May, begin to take out a little plant for hardening, and by the end of the month, young plants can be transferred for planting in the garden. By this time, the bushes should already grow to 15 centimeters and get stronger, because they will not be afraid of relocation. Prepare the bed, fertilize it, loosen it well, dig out small holes about 15 centimeters apart and transfer your alissum.

alissum cuttings

By the way, the bushes are beautifully propagated by cuttings. Dig out the old bushes in April, carefully divide them into parts, but see that there are several buds on each of them. Seedlings 30 centimeters apart from each other.

Alyssum is not so demanding, cold-resistant, some species can stand with foliage all winter - how not to plant it in your garden!
Another look: petunia - when to plant for seedlings in 2016.

Pests and diseases

Alissum can hurt if it is planted on heavy soil without drainage, then its roots will rot, or if it is over-watered, then the alissum is susceptible to fungal diseases. This can be prevented by treating the soil with fungicides before planting.

You need to look closely at the pets, alissum can be damaged by turnip whites, cabbage moths, cabbage whites can cling to it, and also the cruciferous flea loves it. But these are rare occurrences, mainly with proper care, alissum without problems all summer pleases its owners.

alissum in pots

Alyssum looks great in group plantings; in partners, irises, phloxes, delicate forget-me-nots and late tulips are great for him. You can use alissum to decorate balconies, placing them in pots or special containers.


• In order for the alissum to bloom beautifully and for a long time, you need to remove all the old last-year peduncles in the bushes in the spring, water in moderation so that the flowers do not drop ahead of time.
• How to finish flowering - remove the flower stalks, and after a while it can bloom again.
• Twice a year, add nitrogen fertilizers under the alissum (you can buy just complex ones).
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