When to plant potatoes in May 2018: auspicious days

10.05.2018 Potatoes

Traditionally, Russians plant potatoes during the long May holidays. However, in order to get a truly abundant, strong and healthy crop, you must clearly determine the most favorable days for planting.

As a rule, lunar-solar calendars designed specifically for gardeners and gardeners help to choose the right time. They take into account the natural biological rhythms of different varieties of plants and suggest summer residents the best planting dates for certain crops. The basis for the compilation of this kind of calendars is the data obtained from astrologers, as well as scientists engaged in the field of biodynamics.

The month of May

No matter how long the winter is, as a rule, in May there is no trace of ice, snow cover and night frost, and the scorching summer heat is still very far away. The earth is gradually saturated with moisture and evenly warms up. That is why our fellow citizens are trying to do all the basic work on the site in the very first days of this month, so that they can catch it before the start of the heavy rains and spring thunderstorms.

So, on what days is it worth planning a trip to the country in the current 2018 year?

May 1

Experts unanimously declare that the long-awaited holiday of Spring and Labor is better for summer residents in their beds. After all, the waning moon in the constellation Scorpio will ensure the rapid and friendly emergence of viable seedlings literally on the 20th day after planting, as well as high endurance of the future crop to various infections and pests, in particular to late blight, all types of fruit rot and the Colorado potato beetle.

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However, do not forget about such precautions as, for example, the disinfection of tubers with potassium permanganate or boric acid.

May 4, 5, 6

The waning moon slowly moves to the constellation Capricorn, which means that the soil well rested during the winter has already warmed up and is completely ready for planting pre-sprouted and high-quality seed potatoes.

Those who perform the sowing work these days will surely be satisfied with a rich and strong crop.

Nevertheless, to increase the productivity of tubers, many gardeners practice the following methods:

  • nutrient baths with the addition of superphosphate, nitrogen and other mineral fertilizers;
  • a special transverse or annular incision of the tuber to the level of eye growth, stimulating the intensive growth of potatoes;
  • rational watering in the dry period;
  • regular application of saturated organic top dressing, etc.

May 9, 10

As the moon moves into the constellation Pisces, the most favorable days are approaching. Summer residents need to remember that potatoes planted on Victory Day will surely delight them with large, juicy and fragrant tubers.

Of course, the rains, which usually occur in the middle and second half of May, will only accelerate the appearance of the first seedlings and create excellent conditions for the development of seed tubers.

Of particular note is the question of planting potatoes through purchased seeds. As a rule, they are germinated in special peat pots for a week, and then when the air warms up to 15 degrees Celsius, the seedlings are placed in open, pre-fertilized soil.

So, the fact of the influence of the lunar phases on the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the harvest obtained in September is proved by the centuries-old experience of the ancestors, and therefore, before heading to the garden, it is better to look into the gardener's calendar and carefully choose the date of planting potatoes. In addition, special attention should be paid to the direct preparation and thorough disinfection of planting material.

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