What to plant after potatoes next year, table

17.10.2016 Potatoes

What to plant after potatoes next year, tableTo date, many summer residents are completing the last harvest and begin preparing land for the next year. And, of course, an important task of gardeners is that it is necessary to achieve a fertile and good harvest. Inveterate amateurs, who from year to year are engaged in the cultivation of various crops, know that before harvesting a good crop, you should adhere to some rules for planting plants.


For example, what to plant after potatoes the next year, the table of plant compatibility, as well as their similarities and differences, largely depend on what crops eat. Therefore, experienced gardeners always adhere to crop rotation rules.


According to the conclusions of many agronomists, it can be concluded that not every crop will produce a high-quality crop in the place where the potatoes grew. The circumstances of such a crop rotation have certain rules that must be followed.


In order to correctly and competently organize the rules for the order of planting, it is necessary to take into account their similarity and features. After all, it is known that a culture such as potato requires a lot of phosphorus and potassium for proper nutrition. In this regard, after harvesting, a certain amount of additional fertilizer should be applied to the soil.


To carry out such work, cow manure is often used, as well as urea. To replenish potassium and phosphorus reserves, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added. It is not uncommon for when digging a land plot to add ash, as well as pre-prepared compost.

What to plant after potatoes next year

Many experienced gardeners often resort to the help of green manure, which can give the earth a full recovery. And it is best when these "helpers" are sown in late autumn and again in early spring. Fertilizers such as siderates include mustard, peas, oats and many others.


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In no case should you plant plants that may be susceptible to the same diseases as potatoes. For example, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and so on. Because the likelihood of contracting the same diseases increases and the yield is poor quality.


After potatoes, the best option is to plant cabbage, for example, cauliflower, white, Brussels or kohlrabi. You can also take the same potato bed for garlic, onions, squash or various greens.


Some gardeners make a big mistake by planting strawberries after potatoes. Not many people know that these cultures have full compatibility in common diseases. In this connection, even with careful and scrupulous care, a meager yield of berries is not rare.

What to plant after potatoes

Undoubtedly, with the right approach to agriculture, one can observe a lot of positive factors. After all, it is not in vain that experienced amateurs harvest a rich harvest almost every year, and all this because knowledge of the treatment of summer cottages helps to grow an enviable crop.


With a competent approach to the land, it is possible to ensure soil fertility rich in minerals and important nutrients. In addition, proper land treatment can reduce the risk of plant disease, and also destroys a lot of unpleasant pests that spoil the fruits.


Based on all this, we can conclude that crop rotation does not exist in nature for a reason, but a person is able to regulate its correctness.You just need to try a little to listen to the opinions of experienced professionals and gardeners who have repeatedly shared their experiences and personal observations.


Before winter, you can plant onions, or garlic. How to do it right, we study in our article here.

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