Calendula: growing from seeds when to plant

2.06.2016 Calendula

Calendula: growing from seeds when to plantCalendula: growing from seeds, when to plant? This question is asked by many gardeners and summer residents, by the way, it has another name for "marigold", which is used to a greater extent among the people. This is a fairly common plant, which is used not only for beauty, but also for medical purposes.


Marigolds come from southern countries, but they have taken root well in our country, where the weather can change instantly. In appearance, this flower is similar to chamomile, but has a bright yellow or orange color, which is not characteristic of chamomile. The plant is annual and it is very important not to miss the collection of seeds, as they will fall to the ground, and the wind will spread them throughout the garden and in spring you will have to pull out the flowers that have come out everywhere.


It is better to plant calendula in spring and immediately with seeds in the soil, but if you plant it first on seedlings, and then in the soil, then it will bloom faster.

Calendula: Seed Growing

1) If you want to plant it directly in the ground, then this can be done in April. Before planting, naturally you need to dig up the soil and plant the seeds no deeper than 2 cm. Or they will germinate longer. A week after planting, shoots should appear, between which the distance should be at least 30 cm.


2) You can plant seeds on seedlings, which are planted in separate boxes in March, and planting is done only when the sprouts have about five leaves. Seedlings should grow at a temperature of 15 degrees, and receive regular watering, with such care, seedlings will appear in a week.


Before planting calendula, choose the right place, as she loves the light, but eschews the heat. The best place for it will be partial shade and remember that it is a water-loving plant and in drought it will have to be watered up to three times a day and do not forget to loosen the soil so that fresh air enters the roots.

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In late summer or early fall, it will be possible to collect seeds that should be brown, and if they are slightly green, then there will be no seedlings next year and you will have to buy seeds in the store. After removing the seeds, they need to be dried on a wire rack or in a cardboard box so that all moisture comes out of them.


Like all plants, calendula can get sick, but treatment can only be applied after it fades. The most common diseases that she is sick with: powdery mildew, white spotting or black. Just not everyone knows what calendula disease looks like. In order to get rid of powdery mildew, you will need a fungicide, which will need to spray the infected flower.

Calendula: growing

At the beginning of the article, the healing properties of this flower were mentioned, so let's figure out what they are. Before being used in medicine, they are first dried, thereby removing all moisture from the flower. Many people ask, what are the beneficial substances in this ordinary flower? There is an exact answer to this question, because it is used in many medicines that are sold in pharmacies. So, the flowers of calendula contain:


Substances for increasing immunity - magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, calcium, anti-inflammatory substance - copper, a substance for improving the cardiovascular system - selenium.


From the flowers of marigolds make decoctions and tinctures, which are used for:

  1. angina,
  2. wounds and burns
  3. heart disease,
  4. female diseases
  5. gastritis, gall bladder disease.

Thus, you can grow in your flowerbed not only a beautiful flower, but also an effective cure for many diseases. Be sure to plant a calendula on your flowerbed and treat your family without expensive drugs that can help you. Appreciate our nature, because it gives us everything that supports our lives.


In combination with calendula, we think it’s suitable to plant primrose. It is worth taking a closer look at this flower.

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