Potatoes Adretta: characteristics, photos, reviews

22.01.2018 Potatoes

The potato Adretta was invented by German breeders and in the last few years has become increasingly popular in Russia. Selection potatoes are distinguished by a high level of productivity, a pleasant taste, and quite early ripening, which is why it deserves the attention of beginners and experienced gardeners.Potato Adretta is a potato variety that is becoming increasingly popular in Russia. The German selection of potatoes is actively gaining popularity due to its unpretentiousness and high quality.

Description and characteristics of potatoes Adretta

Adretta is a famous potato variety that was bred in Germany about 20 years ago. The main reasons for its popularity are high yield, impeccable taste and rapid ripening of the crop.

Adretta is distinguished by yellow flesh. Previously, such tubers were given only to cattle, since potatoes were considered tasteless. However, the vegetable crop still pleased with its friable and delicate structure, because the percentage of starch often reaches 16 percent. The Adretta potato variety is ideal for most potato dishes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Adretta has important advantages:

  • high level of productivity;
  • early ripening potatoes;
  • neat and large tubers, most of which have a high-quality commercial appearance;
  • the possibility of long-term storage;
  • lack of special requirements for soil and weather;
  • resistance to many potato diseases and parasites.

Adretta practically does not have any disadvantages, so the presence of advantages determines the high level of popularity of potatoes. The only potential disadvantage is the low resistance to viral diseases.

Features of growing potatoes Andretta

Site selection and soil requirements

One of the main tasks is to choose the right place for growing potatoes. Drained loamy and loamy sand soils are ideal. Manure in the soil is undesirable to add, since such a fertilizer affects the taste characteristics. At the same time, sandy loam soil is considered the best, as it guarantees the production of starchy vegetables.

Another important point is the choice of a site with groundwater, which will be located no higher than 1 meter.

Potatoes are preferably planted in open and well-lit areas.

Landing rules


Adretta seeds are small tubers that can be planted in the open ground in April. However, the potato planting dates for the northern regions of Russia are shifting, since it is desirable to focus on weather conditions. To increase the chances of successful growth of potatoes, it is advisable to harden the potatoes, therefore it is recommended to put the soaked seed material overnight in the refrigerator (the temperature should be about +1 - 2 degrees), and the optimal daily temperature is +22 - 24 degrees.

Preparing planting material

For planting potatoes, seed tubers are used that are previously germinated. Tubers are scattered in advance in a dry room on the floor. After a few weeks, green shoots appear on the tubers.After this, potato tubers are slightly sprayed with water and covered with a plastic film to sprout the roots. It is advisable to carry out this process in early April, since in May potatoes are planted in the ground.


It is advisable to plant the Adretta potato variety correctly. On peat soils, potatoes can be successfully grown, and it is required in pairs - three hundred kilograms of sand per hundred. If potatoes are supposed to be planted on heavy loam, use up to 500 kilograms per one hundredth.

Before planting, potato tubers are cut into pieces, with a couple of eyes left on each of them. Such a division will contribute to a plentiful and high-quality crop. After cutting, the place of cut is treated with wood ash.

Landing technology must be observed:

  • the distance between the holes should be about 40 centimeters;
  • the distance between the rows is 50-60 centimeters;
  • the depth of the holes should not exceed 10 centimeters.

The correct seating plan guarantees a high-quality crop, as there will be enough space for the development of potatoes. At the same time, it is advisable to put a clove of garlic in each hole, which will scare away the bear and contribute to the preservation of potato tubers. Before placing in the well of planting oil, add 1 tablespoon of cow humus and urea, after which the tuber is sprouted up.

At the last stage of planting, the ground is leveled with a rake to prevent excess moisture evaporation.

How to care for potatoes Andretta

The description of the Adretta potato variety indicates that proper care guarantees a quality crop on time.

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Hilling and cultivating

Hilling potatoes is a mandatory procedure in the care of potatoes. The main task is to preserve moisture in the soil, stimulate the development of the root system and the appearance of new tubers, improve the access of oxygen to the soil. It is recommended to spud potato bushes twice a season, and in the case of the Andretta cultivar, the first procedure is carried out with a bush growth of 8 - 10 centimeters, the second - at 20. Before hilling, moisten the soil.

Hilling is carried out in the morning or in the evening, as the daytime sun is dangerous for plants. If hot arid weather is established and it is impossible to provide full-fledged irrigation, soil eradication is not carried out. In loose dry soil, tubers will deteriorate. However, loosening the soil between the rows is allowed, as excessively dry lumps and weeds are undesirable for potatoes.


For potatoes, moderate watering is required, so it is recommended to focus on the state of the soil. For the 1st bush, approximately 3 liters of water is required. For irrigation, such methods as the sprinkling method and the use of special furrows are suitable. A day after watering, the soil is loosened.

Top dressing

Characteristics of potatoes Adretta confirms the mandatory application of fertilizers. This procedure is preferably carried out in good weather. Usually, fertilizers use urea, ammonium nitrate, mullein or bird droppings. However, during the flowering period, it is required to use ash, potassium sulfate. Usually, 500 milliliters of mineral solution is required per bush.

Such a feeding scheme ensures the maintenance of a good and full development of the Adretta variety.

Diseases and Pests

Adretta is resistant to potato diseases and parasites. However, the greatest risk is observed when attacking a black leg, black scab, common scab. For prophylaxis, fungicides are used, but proper planting is considered mandatory.

The potato variety is not susceptible to attacks by harmful insects, but sometimes the Adretta is attacked by a Colorado potato beetle. Harmful insects are collected manually, after which the plant is treated with insecticides.

Storage rules

Potato Adretta can be stored for a long time. In this case, the tubers maintain their healthy state.

Store potatoes preferably in a ventilated area. For example, vegetables can be stored in the cellar. Freezing root vegetables is not a cause for concern, as the potato retains a pleasant delicate taste and does not acquire a sweet aftertaste. For the organization of proper storage requires a minimum of effort.



“Adretta is a good potato. A rich quality crop allows you to stock up on useful vegetables for a long time. However, Adretta is boiling hard. If required, the vegetable can be cooked in a double boiler or cook in the microwave. In any case, tasty good potatoes are available even to beginner gardeners. ”


“Adretta is one of the best potatoes. I grow this vegetable regularly, but at the same time the soil of my site is not considered special. I use only mineral fertilizers. I practically do not use organic complexes. However, potash solutions are also optimal for growing Adretta potatoes. ”


“Adretta is an early potato variety. As a result, potatoes can be planted earlier than the other varieties. In addition, minimal care is required before harvesting. In the future, the potato pleases with a high-quality crop and is stored well. ”


“Adretta table potatoes with proper care pleases with a good harvest and long-term storage. Potato is resistant to weather conditions, because it is medium early. “I’m using the addretta for preparing salads and soups, since the tubers contain a minimal amount of starch.”

The characteristics of the Adrett potatoes and reviews about it indicate that this variety is one of the most promising in vegetable farming.

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  1. Avatar


    Adretta is a well-known potato variety that was bred in Germany about 20 years ago — Potato Adretta appeared in the GDR in 1975

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