Potato Lasunok: description and characteristics of the variety, reviews

22.01.2018 Potatoes

Potato “Lasunok” (variety description, photos, reviews see below) has been very popular among vegetable growers in Russia and neighboring countries for more than 25 years. Breeders brought him out of Belarus. This variety can rightfully be called "classic."

In the description of the Lasunok potato variety, it is necessary to note such a quality as unpretentiousness. Judging by the photos and reviews, the potatoes of this variety are large, even, yellow. Even novice gardeners can get a good harvest of this variety. It should be noted and the excellent taste of dishes prepared from potato "Lasunok".

Characterization and description of the variety

Potato variety “Lasunok” is medium late. The time of the growing season in most cases depends on weather conditions. On average, this variety ripens in 100 days. Potato Lasunok is suitable for cultivation in all regions of the country, including northern ones. The main advantages of the variety are high yield, disease resistance and excellent taste.

The plant forms a tall straight bush, with developed stems and powerful roots. The leaves are large, green, covered with a hard pile, which protects the plant from the Colorado potato beetle, which is another significant advantage of Lasunok variety. The flowers are large white, bloom for a long time. The tops of plants can be up to one meter high.

The tubers of this variety are oval in shape with small eyes and a light yellow skin. The average weight of potatoes is 200 g, the starch content is 15%. From one bush you can get up to 15 tubers. The variety is known for excellent taste. When cooking, the potato does not lose its original color and turns friable, ideal for baby food.

Good to know! Even if you plant potatoes at a distance of 40 cm, between the rows leave 70 cm of bushes will close. Such dense plantings will not leave any chance to weeds, and green mass will help to maintain moisture.


For planting this variety choose a place in partial shade. The sucker is undemanding to soils, however, on too heavy lands, potatoes are planted in the ridges. Before planting, the tubers are germinated at a temperature of +7 degrees, if large potatoes are cut into two or three parts. After about 20-30 days, the tubers will be ready for planting.

The lassoon is planted in late April or in early March. In this case, the soil should warm up by at least +7 degrees. The depth of planting of potato seeds is 10-12 cm, the distance between tubers is 40 cm, and the distance between rows is 70 cm. Wood ashes (1 cup) or humus (0.5 liters) are put in the holes with seeds.


Special care for potato lassoon is not required. The first hilling is carried out when the sprouts are about 10 cm. For this, the soil is raked from the row-spacing, picking it up to the potato trunk from all sides. Two weeks later, a second hilling is carried out. Watering planting during flowering, as well as when the sultry days last long enough. Plants are fed during budding; for this, fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus are used. Such feeding is Monofsfat Potassium, Diammofoska Nitrophos. They are used in 40-60 g per 1 m² of landings.

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Important! It must be remembered that top dressing is carried out only on moist soil, and the optimum time for this is early morning or evening.

Pests and diseases

This variety has a good immune system, so the plant is not affected by late blight, mosaic, verticillous wilt, scab, nematode and various viruses. Thanks to the hard hairs on the leaves of the plant, Colorado beetles bypass it. In order to prevent the processing of potato bushes, it can be done before flowering. For this, such drugs as Prestige, Iskra, Lightning, and Micron are suitable.

The larva of a nutcracker beetle or in the common people the wireworm can spoil the tuber crop. To avoid this, traps are set up on the site a week before planting potatoes. As a trap, use plastic glasses or cut-off bottles. The container is filled with potato peelings and dug into the soil at the level of the neck. After 2-3 days, hungry larvae will slide down to eat potatoes. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. This simple option allows you to get rid of wireworms without chemistry. For the purpose of prevention, they dig a plot in late autumn and observe crop rotation.

Harvesting and storage

Harvest of potato lassoon harvested in late August, if the weather is rainy, then this can be done until mid-September by choosing a favorable day. They dig up potatoes manually or using technology. Before laying for storage, the tubers are dried for several hours in the open air.

Next, the potatoes are sorted to eliminate damaged tubers and put into storage in the cellar. Potatoes are stored in wooden boxes or in boxes at a temperature of +2 degrees, and humidity 70-80%. Under favorable conditions, the potato crop is perfectly stored until spring.

Advice! Before laying in the cellar of the crop, use a smoke bomb, this will get rid of pathogenic microflora, which can harm potato tubers.


Natalia, 45 years old:

“The sucker is a very good variety because the Colorado potato beetle does not eat it. We fertilize the soil for planting in the fall, and during the growing season we don’t feed the plants, but the harvest is always good. The boiled potatoes are crumbly, the dishes are delicious, especially the classic mashed potatoes. ”

Victor, 39 years old:

“In our garden, the Lasunok variety is growing for the fifth season. We tried different modern varieties, but so far Lasunok is the best, because it is not whimsical and always gives excellent harvests. Among my acquaintances of summer residents, many switched to the cultivation of potatoes of only this variety. ”

Leonid, 50 years old:

“A sucker is a variety that does not take much time to care. My wife and I do not go to the cottage so often, so potato plantations only spud and process once a season from pests. The harvest is always good; we collect 10-12 tubers from one hole. ”

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