Potato Slavyanka: description of the variety, characteristics, reviews (photos)

2.02.2018 Potatoes

Description, photos, reviews suggest that Slavyanka potato is a unique variety. Its main advantage over other varieties is its rich taste. In addition, the crop is stored for a long time, the tubers have a neat appearance.

Having studied the description of the variety, photos, reviews, many summer residents begin to grow Slavyanka potatoes. Growing culture on your own site is not difficult. In addition, the variety does not have high requirements for cultivation. With a minimum expenditure of time and energy, it will be possible to harvest a good crop.

Description and characteristics of potatoes Slavyanka

The variety was bred by Ukrainian breeders. In Ukraine it is considered the most popular.

The bushes are sprawling, well branched. Leaves have a green color, large size. When flowering, pale purple inflorescences appear.

The variety belongs to late ripening. Harvesting can be done 120 days after planting the crop. The average yield is 250 c / ha.

Note: subject to growing technology, the yield can reach 400 kg / ha.

Potatoes are resistant to weather conditions. In addition, it is able to be stored for a long time. At the same time, taste does not change. The variety is resistant to many diseases.

The tubers are quite large, represented by an oval shape, pink color. The mass of each is 90-175 grams. The vegetable is rich in vitamins, amino acids, protein.

Tubers have a presentation. The variety is ideal not only for home growing, but also for sale. Potatoes are slightly boiled, suitable for cooking various dishes. In addition to the usual potato delicacies, you can easily make french fries and chips.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Potato Slavyanka has a lot of advantages. The main ones are the following:

  • good taste;
  • high productivity;
  • early ripening;
  • the fruits are salable and neat;
  • the crop can be stored during the winter period;
  • the variety is unpretentious to temperature extremes;
  • resistance to many diseases.

The main disadvantages include the following:

  • the variety is unstable against mechanical damage. Tubers spoiled during harvesting are not subject to storage;
  • tubers can affect late blight.

Rules for growing potatoes Slavyanka

Before embarking on planting, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures.

Before planting, tubers need to be soaked in a potassium permanganate solution, then dried.

It is important to get a good harvest, planting the crop should be in small beds.

When growing potatoes in a small area, experts recommend using the following planting method:

  • dig a trench 25 cm high, 35 cm wide;
  • lay the remains of leaves, grass, stems;
  • to fill in compost or other fertilizers;
  • place tubers on top, cover them with earth;
  • dig a trench nearby, it will be used in the future for hilling plants.
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Care Rules

It’s easy to take care of a potato variety Slavyanka. It is unpretentious, usually there are no difficulties. Caring for the crop consists of the following activities:

  1. Weeding.Potatoes negatively relate to weeds, so vegetation must be disposed of as it appears on the site.
  2. Loosening. The procedure is important. It allows you to remove the crust from the ground. As a result, air will enter the root system.
  3. Processing plants from diseases. You can protect crops from late blight and macrosporiosis with the help of chemicals.
  4. Watering. The first watering should be carried out during the flowering of the bud. In the future, the procedure must be repeated after a week. Please note that the variety can tolerate drought. However, the tubers will be small, and the yield will decrease several times.
  5. Top dressing. For the entire season, feeding is required twice. The first procedure is necessary during the period when the plants reach a height of 15 cm. After a few weeks, the procedure must be repeated.

Diseases and Pests

Diseases such as potato cancer, nematode, and scab of the Slavyanka variety are not terrible. A variety of viruses threaten crops in rare cases. Copper containing preparations are recommended for use with plants.

You can protect crops from rot and fungal diseases with the help of a drug such as Fitosporin.

As for pests, the most dangerous are the Colorado potato beetle, thrips. With a massive lesion, the bushes must be treated with insecticides. In addition, the tops should be removed and burned.

The wireworm is also found on potato beds. You can protect plants from pests by treating tubers and soil before planting.


Vladimir, 46 years old:

“I studied the description of the variety and photos of Slavyanka potatoes, I decided to plant a crop in the summer cottage. Started planting potatoes in April. Of all the planted varieties, only Slavyanka pleased with a good harvest. ”

Tatyana, 38 years old:

“The Slavyanka variety is one of the most beloved. Its main advantages: taste, good keeping quality. Even under adverse growing conditions, it is possible to get a good harvest. ”

Mila, 25 years old:

“We cultivate the Slavyanka variety for many years; we give it preference. The potatoes are cooked perfectly, the taste is soft.

In addition, growing a vegetable is not difficult. With minimal labor and time, you can get a good result. It’s important to fertilize the soil and the harvest will be excellent. ”

Irina, 63 years old:

“I recommend the Slavyanka variety to all summer residents. The yield is excellent, from 15 acres we collect up to 3 tons of tubers. However, such a result can be obtained only when manure is introduced into the soil.

What I would like to note more, potatoes are well stored. We lay it in the cellar and enjoy the amazing taste of fresh vegetables all winter. Dishes are excellent, the whole family is delighted with the treats. ”

The Slavyanka variety has proven itself perfectly. It is grown on its own plot, in farms, for industrial production. Subject to certain technology, you can get a good harvest.

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