Potato Hostess: description and characteristics of the variety, photo

3.02.2018 Potatoes

Description of the hostess potato variety, photos and reviews allow many gardeners from Russia to appreciate this vegetable crop. Minimal care according to classical principles guarantees a rich and tasty harvest of the Hostess variety.Description of the hostess potato variety, photos and reviews indicate that this potato is one of the best and most delicious. At the same time, even beginner amateur gardeners can appreciate such a vegetable crop, because minimal care allows you to count on an impeccable and very useful crop.

Description and characteristics of potatoes

The hostess is a variety of potatoes, which appeared thanks to the Russian breeders of the Siberian NIIKH. Subsequently, the variety became popular in all regions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. The experience of many gardeners confirms that the best region for growing potatoes is the southern and middle strip of Russia, Siberia. The hostess is characterized by increased resistance to adverse weather conditions, including sharp temperature fluctuations, heat, cold.

Gardeners always grow upright bushes with numerous leaves. The height of the bushes reaches 50 centimeters. Fruits of elongated shape are medium and large, but their weight does not exceed 200 grams. One of the main differences is the high starch content, which makes culinary special love for the potato variety under consideration. Such a crop contributes to the fact that the Hostess variety becomes more and more popular.

Variety Productivity

The hostess grows best on sandy and loamy soil with a high content of black soil. At the same time, it is recommended to plant potatoes in areas that will subsequently be maintained in a loose state for the successful supply of oxygen and the full development of the root system of a vegetable crop.

In most cases, potatoes are harvested approximately 3 months after planting. However, in Siberia, harvesting is carried out later by about 2 weeks and is oriented to September. From 1 hectare you can collect up to 550 - 600 quintals of tasty and healthy potatoes, which will be stored for up to six months. For long-term storage, 96% of tubers that retain their original qualities are suitable.

Fact! The hostess is a variety with high commodity indicators (85-98 percent), and it can be successfully sold in markets, in supermarkets and in private stores.

Advantages and disadvantages

The hostess has many important advantages:

  • versatility in growing conditions;
  • optimal yields;
  • pleasant taste of starchy potatoes, which is ideal for almost any culinary purpose;
  • the possibility of long-term storage;
  • resistance to external factors, which ensures the collection of high-quality crops;
  • good immunity, as a result of which potatoes often remain healthy.

It should be noted that in adverse weather, growth cracks appear on the potato tubers, which worsen the appearance of the crop, but the taste characteristics still remain at a decent level.

Growing rules


The Hostess variety is suitable for cultivation only in open ground, and it is best planted in early May. At the time of planting, the soil should warm up to about +7 degrees.

Before planting, a kilogram of humus and 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska and ash are added to the wells. They also add a half dose of superphosphate. Fertilizers are sprinkled with a 2-centimeter layer of soil, on which potatoes can be laid.

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The optimal landing pattern is 35 by 60 centimeters. The depth of the landing holes may be different, but on average the figure is 7-10 centimeters.

After planting potatoes, the soil is leveled with a rake so that moisture is better absorbed.

Care Rules

Description of the hostess potato variety and crop photo indicate that comprehensive care becomes mandatory.

  1. Weeding is carried out in 2 stages. Weeds are removed initially. After 2 weeks, weeding is repeated to remove the remaining weeds.
  2. Watering is required, but the requirements for the procedure vary with the growing conditions. Water will be absorbed by the vegetable crop if it reaches a depth of half a meter.
  3. Hilling is carried out only at the first stage of development of a vegetable crop. This procedure guarantees protection against spring frosts. Hilling is also recommended after watering, rain.
  4. Before loosening and hilling, feeding is mandatory. Fertilizing is advisable only before the flowering of potato bushes in order to prevent the appearance of nitrates in the tubers.

Proper care ensures a quality crop.

Diseases and Pests

The hostess shows good resistance to almost any disease and parasite. Potato tubers in hot weather can infect scab. Good immunity greatly simplifies the care of potatoes, but prevention still remains relevant.



“The hostess is one of the best potato varieties for gardeners, regardless of their experience. This variety has managed to gain a particularly high level of popularity, because it can be stored for a long time and always pleases with excellent results when used for culinary purposes. Minimal care guarantees a decent harvest due to the fact that potatoes are resistant to heat and cold. "


“I am actively involved in the garden, as growing vegetables is my weakness. Recently, I have appreciated Potato Hostess, which has gained particular popularity throughout Russia. Easy care and a guaranteed harvest is what every gardener can count on. ”

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