When in 2018 to plant onion exibischen on seedlings

19.02.2018 Onion

Excibishen is a popular variety of onions with a rather original taste. In order for the crop to please farmers and gardeners, it is important to know when to plant exibis onion seedlings in 2018.

Onion seed preparation

A correctly selected planting time allows the onion to develop in a planned manner and delight with its taste, as well as the size of the fruit. The fruit of the cultivar is more exibish than that of the classic onion varieties.

The best time for planting onions is the end of February - the beginning of March. To ensure the onion quality is high, experts recommend processing the planting material with special solutions. If there is no special solution, then you can soak the seeds in water at room temperature.

Soaking seeds should occur in advance. This is necessary so that before planting the seeds absorb a sufficient amount of moisture. Pre-soaked seeds must then be wrapped in a rag or gauze and left in this form for several days. The room in which soaked seeds will be stored should be well ventilated. After this procedure, the seeds are disinfected. To do this, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate or other professional means. The temperature of the solution should reach 40 degrees.

When to plant onion seeds

For the cultivation of excisers in the middle zone of Russia, a seedling method is suitable. If in the region there is no scorching sun and moderate humidity, then you can plant onions immediately in the ground. If you follow the lunar calendar, then to plant a culture stands on the growing moon. A favorable constellation for growing is Cancer and Taurus. For central Russia, landing is recommended on April 29 in open ground, if the soil is sufficiently warmed up.

Favorable days for landing are also considered days from March 21 to 26, as well as from April 19 to 24. In May, late landing can be done from 13 to 21 numbers. Adhering to the lunar calendar, do not forget about the climatic conditions in the region and stick to the weather outside the window, and do not strictly follow the lunar prescription.

Growing through seedlings

For growing through seedlings, special equipment is needed, as well as soil and mineral fertilizers, and the components necessary for growing. Chernozem and peat are the best soil for these purposes.

In the prepared soil, small excavations are made, in which you need to sow the seeds. After this, the wells are watered for emergence. The container can be tightened with foil and sent to a cool, well-ventilated area. The film will help create the effect of a greenhouse. Seeds begin to sprout much faster. In order for the crop to germinate, it is important to water the plant and avoid temperature extremes. Storage location should be darkened. Storage time is from 7 to 10 days. This number of days is enough for the first shoots to appear. Preferably, the room is on the south side.

The first top dressing of the soil is carried out 14 days after sowing seeds. The most popular soil fortifier is mullein. After another 14 days, the plant must begin to harden. The room with seedlings should be well ventilated. The temperature in the room should be kept at 20 degrees.

Planting in open ground should occur in early May in non-acidified soil. To do this, you need to make special manipulations with the ground.The site should have sufficient illumination, as well as drain. You can’t bring manure before planting, since the flesh of the future bulb will become soft and loose. Wells for planting need to be done with a finger, and the deepening of the set should be 2.5-3 cm.

Soil acidity reduction

Manure is the best remedy against soil acidity. Wood ash and ground limestone also help improve soil quality. In the May period, the soil begins to warm up, so the exhibition can be planted in open ground. If the air temperature is low and the soil does not warm up, then the crop will not appear. If the spring of 2018 is warm, then the onion planting can begin at the end of April, of course, provided that the soil is warm enough.

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The quality of onion is exhibition

  • exibishen has a mild sweet taste without burning characteristic of the onion;
  • the variety of this onion is indicated for people with problem digestion;
  • the weight of one bulb reaches 700 grams. Some gardeners boast a crop weight of 500 grams to 1 kilogram;
  • aroma of onion does not cause tearing of the eyes, which is a huge advantage over other varieties;
  • exibischen requires constant care and high-quality seed, so not all gardeners get such a variety;
  • requires special storage, so it’s hard to keep the fruits. The maximum shelf life is up to December.

Description of onion variety

Excibishen is a gigantic onion with excellent taste. Growing this culture requires certain skills and knowledge. You can grow onions in 80 days. If the cultivation of excibers takes place in a region with a cold summer, then planting should occur through seedlings. Seedling technology requires a lot of costs, effort and skills. Violation of technology leads to the lack of the desired result. It is with the seedling method of planting that the onion can reach its gigantic size. The plant perfectly transfers the transplant to the soil. That is why the plant can be grown even in an apartment.

To get onion, you need to sow onions in early March. Seeds should be absolutely healthy without any signs of mold or disease. If the seeds are frozen, then they will not germinate.

The most common disease is bottom rot. If the roots begin to rot, then the bulb will die. Treatment of a culture with such a disease is impossible, therefore, the fetus must be removed.

Another disease of culture is smut. Symptoms of infection are dark streaks on the feathers of onions. By properly watering the plants and observing the principles of crop rotation, such diseases can be avoided. In addition, onions can overcome ticks, thrips, onion moths and flies. A drug such as Agrovertin, Fitoverm can help get rid of pests.

Fitoverm has a specific smell and provides biological protection of the bulbs. The drug helps even in hot weather, which helps out in the summer season. The effect of the drug appears five days after application. This drug is incompatible with pesticides, but it can be used with a bulb growth stimulator. It is important to know that the drug has a third hazard class. Use the drug in clothing and special goggles, a respirator and gloves. After finishing the work, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and rinsed the mouth several times with water. The packaging from the drug should be thrown into the trash, after being wrapped in a bag.

Seed Harvesting

Such a method exists, and is used, but does not guarantee a quality crop. Since both the seedling method and growing from seeds require special preparation and knowledge.

It's important to knowthat growing from seeds will allow the fruits to gain weight up to 250 grams.First of all, the seeds should be checked for germination and a few days before the planned planting, soak the seeds in water and carry out the disinfection procedure using potassium permanganate. After that, the seeds are planted in the ground. If the seeds sprout, then it will be possible to plant the entire batch to get the crop.

For convenience, the seeds are glued to a napkin. Such manipulation will help not to lose them. The adhesive base is a special paste of our own manufacture. It is prepared from 1 teaspoon of starch and 150 mg of water. AVA fertilizer is added to the preheated mixture. This method helps reduce the amount of fertilizer. Glue the seeds at a distance of 5 cm from each other. A roll with seeds, which dried out during the day in expanded form, must be folded into a plastic bag, where the seeds will wait for the moment of planting.

You will need to plant seeds in the soil that has been treated with Fitospirin. Seeds are placed in pre-prepared trenches and watered abundantly with water.

Proper Exibishen Care

  • watering should be moderate and regular. It is proper watering that makes the onion juicy. Stop watering at the end of July. If this is not done, then the onion nourishes a large amount of moisture, will be watery and will not be able to be stored for a long time;
  • peat spread between plants will prevent the soil from drying out quickly;
  • loosen the soil after each watering;
  • growing crops near carrots will help protect the plant from harmful insects. It is also worth carrying out preventive work aimed at protecting against insects and diseases;
  • fertilizers suitable for maintenance are potash, phosphorus and magnesium;
  • weed weeding should be done carefully so as not to harm future fruits.

How to harvest

Harvesting is as easy as a crop of any other variety. Signals the onion that it is time to remove the greens, which are laid down. While the root system is dying, the tops also lose their juice. If the crop is not harvested on time, the bulb can reapply the root system, which will significantly reduce the shelf life of the crop.

Harvesting takes place in mid-August on a dry and windy day. A dug onion should dry in the sun for a while. After that, for a month, the crop should be dried in the attic or in the barn. Further, the onion is peeled of dry husk when the neck becomes thin and prepares for winter storage.

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