How to plant onions: the most common mistakes gardeners

1.08.2019 Onion

To grow a good, large onion or a juicy green feather for salads, you need to know some nuances. Rules for planting onions include a careful selection of seed, preparing it before planting. Of great importance is the air temperature and soil moisture. Often gardeners do not take these points into account and make mistakes, as a result of which they receive a poor-quality crop.

Improper preparation

Bought bulbs need to be sorted out, and shriveled, slightly rotten mercilessly discarded. The remaining whole, dry, without damage, with a shiny smooth husk, leave for planting.

luk sevok

Next, you need to warm the planting bulbs a little, especially if they are purchased, and it is not known at what temperature they were stored. A few hours at + 40 degrees will be enough to start the growth process. Before planting, hold the seeds in a weak manganese solution for 20-30 minutes. The bulbs are now ready for planting.

It is not necessary to trim the tails of the bulbs in order to accelerate growth, this can lead to infection in the seed. For faster sprouting of roots, it is enough to soak the seeds for several hours in warm water before planting.

Not prepared bed

The second mistake of gardeners is to plant bulbs in an unprepared bed. To get large heads of onions, the garden bed must be prepared in the fall. To do this, select the site, taking into account crop rotation, soil composition and location of the site. To get a quality crop, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. The bed should not be in the lowland, because increased soil moisture will lead to rotting of the bulbs and the appearance of the onion fly.Sroki-posadki-luka
  2. In autumn, you need to make rotted manure, dig it up, in the spring just level it and lightly loosen the bed.
  3. Consider crop rotation: do not plant onions in one place for more than two years in a row. This culture feels good after cabbage, nightshade and cucumbers. It is not advisable to plant after carrots and legumes.
  4. In spring, the bed should be moist and loose, rich in humus. Carrots planted next to each other are mutually beneficial, repelling pests.

Failure to comply with the landing times and temperature conditions

This is the third mistake that can ruin a crop. Although onions are a hardy crop, they don't like stress. It can not be planted in cold, not warmed up to 15 degrees, otherwise it will go in the arrows. The best time for landing in the southern regions is the end of April - early May, in the middle lane - the first ten days of May, in the northern regions it is better to plant in late spring.

Watering with cold water is another mistake. During the growing season, the onion requires a rare (once a week) watering with warm, settled water and loosening of the beds.

Seed is planted in cloudy and dry weather. Bulbs are immersed in the ground “on the shoulders” and sprinkled with ash and earth on top. This makes it possible to take root well and enhances the nutritional and protective properties of the soil.

Incorrect landing procedure

Too thickly planted bulbs can be another mistake.Thickened plantings lead to a plexus of roots and a lack of nutrients. Sevka should be located in rows no closer than 10 cm between the bulbs. The distance between the rows should be 20-25 cm.

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An exception may be planting, both on the head and on the greens at the same time. In this case, the bulbs are planted densely. When green shoots appear, the feather is removed with the root, thus landing under the head is thinned out.

All these tips will help to avoid mistakes when growing onions and get an excellent harvest. You can soak the seeds before planting in Fitosporin, saline (spoon per liter of water), or in a combined composition: ash, potassium permanganate, salt. This will improve the growing conditions. Birch tar also helps a lot by repelling pests (a spoonful of tar per liter of water). Soak for 15 minutes. Such a solution is useful for watering the beam during the growing season.

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