Cochia: growing from seeds when to plant

3.06.2016 Kohiya

Cochia: growing from seeds when to plantEven a budding gardener can plant a wonderful kohiya plant, which is also called summer cypress, without doubt and fear, but if you are still afraid, you can look at the plant on our website by asking the question: kohiya: growing from seeds, when to plant and a search engine will give you many options. After all, its cultivation is a rather fascinating activity, which you will really like.


Kokhiya is considered the most unpretentious plant and easily grown, since its seeds have good germination. Since this is an annual plant, it needs to be planted every year. Some varieties reach a height of up to one meter, so they can be used as hedges. Beautiful flowers are almost invisible to her, but thanks to them, from the side she looks like cypress, and you might also think that she belongs to the Coniferous family, but this is not so, and you will only understand it when you touch it. It grows in light green color, but in the fall it is repainted in bright red color, which is its unique feature. It has only one minus: it does not tolerate cold, even the smallest frost will ruin the plant. This flower has quite a lot of advantages: it treats the haircut very well, it is very easy to care for it, it grows quickly and simply multiplies. Having looked at all these qualities, we can safely say that this is the dream of any summer resident and gardener, since you do not need to devote a lot of time to it.

Cochia: seed cultivation

Let's start by choosing a place and soil. Kokhiya, by nature, is not whimsical to the soil and gets along in any land, but at the expense of space it is a little picky and requires sunny places, as it comes from the south, and if you plant it in the shade, it will lose its beautiful decorativeness. The plant is very fond of free space, so when you plant it, then make a distance between each bush up to 40 cm.


When you only plant cochia on seedlings, make sure that the earth is always moist, and when it grows up, it will need to be watered much less, since it can withstand drought well. Of course, do not forget to loosen it, especially during the growing season, because it will need more air. Do not forget about top dressing, especially after pruning, for this use nitrogen fertilizers, because they are good for growth and recovery.


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The most important advantage of this culture is that it does not need to be tied up, because it has a strong stem, and most importantly, this flower is very rarely sick, but if you fill it, it will rot. She may also have a dangerous pest - a spider mite. If this is the case in your garden, then urgently spray the plant with a special chemical preparation, for example: neoron, after processing wait 15 days and spend it again to be sure that the pest has disappeared and will no longer touch your plant.

Cochia: growing

It multiplies on its own when it drops seeds and, unfortunately, it is very difficult to track this moment, but when new cochia bushes grow next year, you will understand that it can reproduce without your help and care.


Since kokhiya tolerates a haircut and maintains a given shape for a long time, neat curbs are created from the bushes or even individual compositions are cut out. Its shape can be changed at least every month, as it grows very quickly.


Perhaps, kohiya is one of the ideal plants in the world, since no problems arise with it. Advise this beautiful plant to your family and friends, and if necessary, help them grow these obedient bushes, because your knowledge will help your friends much more than letters written on the Internet.


Along with annual flowers in the garden, there must certainly be perennial flowers, for example, like such.

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