Pear processing in the spring from pests and diseases, folk methods

4.07.2018 Pear

Spring Pear ProcessingRegular and dosed processing of pears in the spring increases productivity, and reduces the likelihood of pests and various diseases. Processing is carried out only with a freshly prepared solution and after the mandatory removal of keratinized particles of bark, lichen and moss. Before using this or that drug, the instruction is studied, and personal protective equipment is put on. Strict adherence to the indicated dosage is the key to success.

Features of spring processing

Spring pear sprayingThe optimal time for processing is evening or dawn. It is necessary to refuse the specified procedure before rain or in windy weather. Before starting work, the climatic features of the region are taken into account. To a certain extent, they shift the terms up or down.

Regardless of the plan, you should adhere to watering standards:

  • 1-2 years to the plant - up to 15 l for every 1 m2 of the trunk circle;
  • 3-4 years - up to 30 liters per 1 m2;
  • fruit tree - you need to achieve water penetration to a depth of at least 60 cm.

Immediately after watering or heavy rain, the soil is loosened in the area of ​​the base. Reception improves oxygen access to the root system. Another practical goal of cultivation is to reduce the likelihood of developing fungal diseases.

Mulching pear stem trunksDrying of the root system should not be allowed during the spring months. One way to provide the minimum necessary level of moisture is to mulch the trunk. For such purposes, a circle or straw is suitable. It is better to refuse to use sawdust, otherwise the level of soil acidity increases significantly. The recommended thickness of the mulch layer is 5cm.

Pruning is another important step in pear processing in the spring. Held from early March to mid-April. The date is selected taking into account the climatic features of the region. Trimming is possible only at air temperature not lower than + 5 + 7C. Young trees are pruned to give the crown a shape, and old trees for sanitary purposes.

Completes the list of necessary spring vaccination procedures. The purpose of the procedure is to improve the organoleptic characteristics of the fruit. As in the previous case, the dates are determined taking into account the weather.

Processing Phases

  1. The optimal time for 1 spraying is early spring. Snow will disappear from the surface of the earth. The gardener's task is to remove pests that winter there from the bark. If everything is done correctly, then by the time the juice begins to move and the buds appear, the tree will be in good shape.
  2. Time for 2 treatments comes in April. Its purpose is to prevent the emergence of bacterial and fungal diseases.
  3. The third gardener sprinkles in May. As a signal of the need for its beginning, the first green and the beginning of active flowering will become. Final processing is carried out in May. It is necessary to protect the tree from the activity of the stem.

Before buddingProcessing pears to the kidneys

Pruning a young tree at a distance of 1 / 2m from the ground. If the pear has reached 2 years of age, then it should be cut 1.5 meters from the ground. Mandatory make nitrogen fertilizers that improve the formation of the crown.

The task of the spring treatment itself is to prevent moniliosis. The task of the gardener is to carry out all manipulations until the buds swell.Simply put, everything needs to be done while the tree is still “bare”. The only drawback of the first treatment is that it is necessary to select the time of its holding with jewelry accuracy, otherwise the tree does more harm than good.

The list of recommended substances is as follows:

  • iodine;
  • Home
  • Bordeaux mixture (3%);
  • "Rake";
  • Oksikhom;
  • "Speed";
  • "Chorus" - is applied at a temperature not higher than + 5C;
  • inkstone;
  • Nitrafen.

The solution is prepared immediately before processing. It is forbidden to underestimate or overestimate the recommended concentration.

On a note!

Processing occurs using only one drug.

Green coneTreatment during the green kidney cone

The onset of active swelling and bursting of the kidneys is a signal of the need for spraying. Novice gardeners should pay attention to the shape of the buds. If it has become conical, then you need to process the tree. The more accurately the deadlines are met, the less likely the weevil will appear.

The list of recommended drugs is as follows:

  • "Spark";
  • Inta-Vir;
  • "Decis Profi";
  • "Tanker";
  • "Furafon";
  • Kinmix.

The positive aspects of such processing include the ability to reduce the likelihood of crop loss, and the negative - the need to determine the exact time the start of its harvest. Even a minor mistake will make the procedure useless.

Extension of green budsPear glue trap

To a greater extent, the emphasis is on popular advice - the use of glue traps for insects. They hang out on the trees. If there is no desire to buy them in the store, then you can do everything yourself. Pieces of white paper are taken, on top of which a biologically neutral adhesive is applied.

Pinking budsProcessing during the pinking of buds

It is forbidden to spray after the beginning of the opening of flower buds. The right time is the key to success. Moth is physically unable to lay eggs. To a greater extent, the crown is subject to processing.

The list of recommended drugs includes the following substances:

  • "Caviar";
  • Fitover;
  • "Tanrek";
  • Kinmix.

The disadvantage of this treatment is the temperature factor. The action of drugs begins only if the window is not lower than + 13 + 14C. Sudden frosts will make the procedure pointless. If we talk about the positive aspects, then attention should be paid to the exclusively natural composition of the substances used.


Not carried out. Otherwise, there is a great risk of destroying the bees.

After flowering

Completes the spring treatment cycle. A signal about the need for it will be the ovaries that appear. Their size should be no less than a pea. In such a situation, the risk of the appearance of moniliosis increases several times. In a geometric progression, the raids of the moths increase.Insect syrup

Use of chemicals is prohibited. "Grandfather" techniques will come to the rescue. The easiest way is to cook saturated apple syrup. Pour the liquid into small containers, hang on the branches. Within a few hours, the pest will be at the bottom.

Fertilizers and folk remedies

Dosed application of correctly selected fertilizers provides high productivity and resistance to pathogenic factors. The task of the gardener is to correctly determine the need of a tree for certain nutrients. It is important to remember that shortages, as well as excessive fertilization, equally bring a lot of problems.

Urea (urea)Urea

Saturates the soil with minerals. The prepared solution is introduced in a weak concentration. The next step is spot spraying the leaves. The disadvantage of this method is an increased risk of provoking a burn. In addition to urea, phosphorus and potassium sulfate are used. Its task is to accelerate the growth of shoots. The soil acidity level is checked without fail.


If the indicator is too high, then the growth rate of the tree slows down. Increased attention is paid to the level of calcium concentration.If it is not enough, ash is introduced into the soil. It contains phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. The listed types of dressing are carefully scattered around the trunk, and then watered abundantly.

The recipe is as follows:

  • prevention of diseases and pests: 800 g of dry matter per 10 liters of water;
  • foliar top dressing: 50 g per 10 l of water.

Urea for pearsThe recommended volume for the first treatment in early spring - for every 10 liters of water, 700 g of dry matter is taken. Spraying is carried out before the onset of active swelling of the kidneys. Strengthen the effect will help 50 g of copper sulfate, added to the solution. The advantages of the resulting solution include the fact that it does not burn leaves. Urea is considered a universal top dressing that activates the growth of seedlings in any soil.

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If we talk about the shortcomings of the substance, then it is necessary to mention the following facts. The first - processing is carried out only in protective clothing. The second drawback is that it is forbidden to mix urea with other fertilizers.

Bordeaux mixture

It is carried out once before the start of budding. The solution, including a balanced combination of copper sulfate and lime, has proven itself in the fight against pests and pathogenic flora. The only drawback is the non-compliance with the dosages that are relevant for a particular pear variety, will lead to sad consequences.Cooking Bordeaux Mix

The correct cooking recipe is as follows:

  • 400 g of lime, 300 g of copper sulfate are taken to create a 3% solution;
  • in a separate container, lime is quenched with water;
  • in a separate container of 5 l of water, copper sulfate is bred;
  • lime is bred in a separate container of 5 l of water;
  • everything is carefully mixed in 1 container;
  • before use, the solution is filtered through gauze;
  • to prepare a 1% solution to the already described recipe, you only need to add 100g of vitriol and lime;
  • in the spring, up to 2 treatments are carried out;
  • sleeping kidneys are treated with a 3% solution;
  • during the period of active vegetation, 1% solution is used.

The positive aspects of a broad-spectrum substance include quick contact with a pathogenic culture. Even after rain, the substance remains on the surface. The therapeutic effect lasts at least a month.

The disadvantages of the Bordeaux mixture include an increased level of toxicity, so the processing is carried out no more than 1 time and with jewelry accuracy. Even the slightest non-compliance with the formulation will lead to serious damage to the tree.


Karbofos treatmentUsed for spraying. In order to correctly calculate the dosage, the surface area to be treated is taken into account. For 10 liters of water, 40 g of the substance is taken. The mixture is enough for 1-2m2 area. The recommended frequency of treatment is no more than 2 times per season, otherwise the fruit will lose its taste.

The positive aspects of the use of "Karbofos" include high efficiency. Enough 1 treatment to destroy pathogenic crops and pests, both adults and larvae. A significant drawback of the drug is a persistent unpleasant odor. Getting rid of him is almost impossible. In this regard, processing is carried out only in protective clothing. The second drawback is the failure to comply with the recommended dosages will lead to burns and the accumulation of sending substances in the fruits.


It is bred exclusively in rain or well water. Without fail, the solution is infused for 5 hours. The specified time period is necessary to activate beneficial bacteria. Processing is carried out once a month. Its disadvantage is that the activity of bacteria falls in the heat and cold. It is recommended to use substances at a stable moderate air temperature.

The recipe is as follows:

  • 5 g of dry matter is diluted with 10 l of water;
  • for preventive purposes, spraying is carried out at the stage of leaf spread, and then - as soon as the ovaries begin to form;
  • Processing is carried out only in a protective suit and in cool weather.

The positive aspects of the drug include a wide range of actions. The second advantage is the possibility of processing at any stage of tree development. If we talk about the shortcomings, the first place is the ban on processing in sunny weather. Under the influence of UV rays, the beneficial elements of the drug die.

Folk remedies

They proved their effectiveness only with a small amount of damage or for preventive purposes. It is recommended to regularly alternate folk methods so that pathogenic cultures do not develop immunity. A tobacco solution has become popular. Tobacco solutionThe recipe for its preparation is as follows:

  • in a ratio of 1:10, water and tobacco infusion are mixed;
  • mix and insist 24 hours;
  • filter the solution;
  • dilute with water a solution in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • add liquid soap - 4 g for every 1 liter.

The bark and leaves are subject to spraying. During the spring, 2 treatments are required. On the one hand, the mixture reduces the likelihood of insects, and, on the other hand, is not very effective in case of massive damage to fruit trees. Another recipe is based on red pepper. For 10 l of water, 500 g of dried fruit or 1 kg of fresh fruit is taken. The mixture is infused for 48 hours and then boiled for 120 minutes. 40ml liquid soap added


Spraying is carried out only before flowering. The resulting mixture is effective in combating tinnitus and aphids. The only drawback is that you need to observe the dosage with jewelry accuracy.

In addition to the options already listed, there are a number of other recipes:

  1. Potato tincture - 500 g of dry or 1 kg of fresh tops are taken. It is crushed and filled with hot water. The mixture is infused for 4 hours. Then it is filtered and 1 tablespoon of liquid soap is added. The resulting solution is used within 1-2 hours after preparation, otherwise it loses effectiveness, which is its drawback.
  2. Marigolds - 100 g of flowers and 1 liter of water. The mixture is boiled for 2 hours, after which it is infused for 5 days. Before spraying it is diluted with water to ½ volume. Processing is carried out 2 times - at the beginning and end of autumn.

Dandelion FlaskDandelion infusion is a powerful antiseptic that requires increased care. Take 1 kg of leaves and 3 liters of water. The mixture is infused for 72 hours. Before spraying, the solution is filtered and diluted with 30 g of liquid soap. It takes 1 treatment before flowering. If the pear is marked by mass activity of pathogenic flora, then the recipe given is useless.

Fighting Ants and Aphids

Aphid on pearWhen it comes to fruit trees, fumigation and various toxic fluids are prohibited. Even insignificant use of the listed methods will not affect the health of the pear in the best way. Do not spray tea. If we talk about other recommendations, they look like this:

  • you need to sound the alarm at the moment when the leaves began to curl;
  • the presence of traces of a sweet liquid and partial falling of flowers is another 1 sign of pest activation;
  • short-term cold shower for a tree - an effective way to destroy aphids;
  • it is forbidden to use the funds used in the past year - immunity from pests is formed to them;
  • it is forbidden to plant green plantations next to the pear, attracting pests such as linden, bird cherry and mallow.
On a note!

Aphids are a formidable and rapidly breeding enemy. If ignored, the crop will die in a matter of weeks. With a severe form of damage, you need to pick up insecticides. Processing the pear with a powder based on phosphate rock and hexachloran will help reduce the likelihood of infection.

Fans of folk methods can try to treat the plant with a mixture of soapy water and ash.A mixture of soapy water and ash

The recipe is as follows:

  • grate 2 bars of laundry soap on a coarse grater;
  • 10 liters of warm water;
  • mix everything in a bucket and bring to a homogeneous state;
  • add 1 kg of ash.

Processing is carried out at a rate of 1-2 liters per 1 m2 of area. The described recipe does not provoke the accumulation of toxic substances in the fruit tree. Its only drawback is not effective in a massive insect raid. In a similar situation, laundry soap is replaced by green. For 10 l of water, 200 g of the substance is taken. In both cases, 2 treatments are carried out with an interval of 4-5 days.

The recipe is not dangerous for a tree and a person, but for aphids it is fatal.

The fight against tinder funders

Tinder on a pearIn the list of places where the pathogenic mushroom appears, the pear takes far from 1 place, but this is not a reason to relax. The source of infection will be even a slight damage to the cortex, through which spores can easily penetrate. Quickly identifying the problem is the only way to save the crop. You can destroy the tinder fungus in one of the following ways:

  • constantly monitor and remove dead parts of the bark and branches;
  • Identify and cover up all damage as quickly as possible using a garden varic;
  • without fail, hollows are sealed using crushed stone or broken bricks, mixed with cement mortar.

If the listed methods were unsuccessful, then the mycelium is physically removed and burned. The procedure is performed in August, otherwise the disputes will remain. Relapse will not take long. Places where there was a tinder fungus before are processed with copper sulfate (4%). Then the wound is generously smeared with garden var.

Wasp fightThe drug Regent

Insects are attracted by the increased level of sugar in the fruit. The easiest way to destroy them is to process the discovered nest with dichlorvos. The second option is to collect and put rotted pears around the trees. The bait is preliminarily treated with the Regent drug. Regardless of the size of the wasp colony, it is forbidden to use insecticides.

Bird fight

The easiest way is to cover the trees with a protective coating. The mesh is made of plastic. The second way is to cover large trees with rustling packets. The noise will scare away the birds.


Regularly conducted processing of pears increases the productivity and resistance of the crop to pests and external negative environmental conditions. All manipulations are carried out strictly in the allotted time for them. Accuracy is important when choosing the dosage of the substances used for hilling, watering and spraying. Excess, as well as lack, nullifies all the efforts of the gardener. Do not forget about TB. Processing is carried out with gloves and a protective suit.

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