Parsley - the benefits and harms to the health of men and women, healing properties

21.04.2019 Greens and herbs

Parsley belongs to the umbrella family. Another name for it is celery. Translated as celery, stone, or mountain. Curly or leaf parsley is a biennial plant. Homeland of the Mediterranean. Its height is from 30 to 100 cm. It has become known for its useful, medicinal and medicinal properties even before our era. Later, contraindications were revealed in the use of this plant, harmful to health. Spice came to Russia, according to various sources, in the 13-18th centuries, took an honorable place on our table.

Chemical composition

By the number of trace elements parsley is not equal. It contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, bioflavonoids, ash, nicotinic, folic acid, essential oil. Spice is rich in dietary fiber. Parsley contains many vitamins: C, A, B1, B2, PP. It also includes: inulin, enzymes, as well as the substance apigenin, which slows down the growth of a cancerous tumor.

Curly plant blooms in June-July. The flowers are small greenish yellow. For the treatment of diseases, seeds and shoots of spices are used. Parsley seeds have abundant beneficial properties. It is in them that most of all essential oils. Parsley seeds are also known for their medicinal properties. The root of the plant is rod. Ever since the times of Avicenna, it, along with seeds and shoots, has been used for food and for medical purposes. Avicenna described the healing properties of this herb. That the plant helps cough, asthma, is beneficial for the liver and spleen.

Parsley: useful properties and contraindications

Doctors recommend eating no more than 100 grams of parsley per day. The plant contains meristicin, the concentration of which causes seizures, headaches, hallucinations, and causes weight loss.

Overuse of spices threatens kidney and liver problems. Parsley brings not only benefits, but also obvious harm to human health. Spice can increase blood pressure, with diabetes - blood sugar, increase pain in cystitis.

The plant is not recommended for people who have intolerance to any greens, kidney disease, cystitis, diabetes, hypertension.

For men

Curly parsley is endowed with the property of an aphrodisiac. Increases potency in men, improves testosterone production. Suppresses female hormones, normalizes sex drive. Helps relieve inflammation of the prostate gland, cures urological infections.

The benefits of parsley for men doubtless. Juice prevents prostate adenoma, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the genitourinary system. The root is used to treat prostatitis, urolithiasis.

What is useful for women

The benefits of parsley for a woman’s body are invaluable. It is recommended to combine the juice of the plant with beetroot. So you can get rid of pain during menstruation, reduce bleeding.Plant juice helps with sleep disorders, treats neurosis, eliminates various mental illnesses.

Beauticians recommend a weaker sex to use miracle grass for the face to improve color, smooth out fine wrinkles. The property for women of this spice is to normalize metabolic processes in the skin.

During pregnancy

For expectant mothers spice is useful in its vitamins and minerals. They fill the body with antioxidants, strengthen the immune system. Calcium and phosphorus, which are part of the plant, develop the musculoskeletal system of the child, keep the pregnant woman’s teeth from damage. Iron protects against anemia, fills the cells with hemoglobin.

The benefit and harm for women is that during pregnancy women suffer from constipation, bloating, diarrhea. Curly grass improves digestion, helps to cope with these troubles. Due to its diuretic properties, the plant helps fight heart and kidney edema. But abuse this herb during pregnancy is not worth it. Frequent use can harm it.

The benefits and harms of juice for human health

Juice is a true elixir of health and youth. One of the most powerful. The most useful are infusions and decoctions. For better absorption, the juice of the plant is mixed with other healthy juices. It has the properties of saturating the body with oxygen, adrenal and thyroid glands. When diluted with carrot juice, a delicious drink that improves vision is obtained.

Drinking an elixir, you will forget about swelling, inflammation, pathogens. If you drink the drink regularly, the stones dissolve, sand comes out of the kidneys. It is useful for the digestive system - it helps to improve intestinal motility. Juice is recommended to drink with indigestion, appetite problems, and gastritis with low acidity. Diabetes helps lower blood sugar. In children, it improves mental functions, eliminates hyper-excitability.

Green juice is quite concentrated. Therefore, before the course of treatment, you need to check whether you are allergic to it. It can be beneficial and harmful to the body. You can not drink the drink with inflammation in the kidneys, since it has a strong diuretic effect. Not recommended for use during pregnancy. Everything can end with premature labor, or a miscarriage.

Parsley juice is concentrated and potent. Therefore, it should not be drunk undiluted.

How to choose fresh herbs when buying, and which is better to refuse

Fresh greens is one of the main fighters with spring vitamin deficiency. Curly parsley is a prebiotic for the development of beneficial body microflora. When buying spice on the shelves of shops and markets, pay attention to its color. It should be uniform and green. The richer the color, the fresher the plant.

If the greens lie for several days and begin to wither, it makes no sense to buy it. This means that the foliage has lost moisture, along with it the beneficial properties of parsley and it is harmful to the body. Good greens smells fragrant, has a juicy and tight stem. Pay attention to the leaves. The smaller the leaves, the younger the spice. It is best to store fresh herbs in water, pruning the stems.

How to grow parsley

There are three varieties of parsley: root, leaf and one in which the tips and roots. Beginning gardeners are interested in learning how to prepare the soil for planting, what to prepare for proper care of plants. Not everyone can grow parsley. Greens grow for some reason with small leaves.

Root parsley is planted for root crops. It is convenient to grow, the roots perfectly tolerate winter. In autumn, we cut the leaves for the last time, and leave the roots in the ground. In early spring, we begin to water and care for the garden with last year’s roots. Soon the first green appears.Due to the nutrition accumulated in the roots, the plant releases the first leaves earlier than others. Then the peduncle sprouts, seeds appear. You can plant a plant under an apple tree. It is a shade-tolerant culture. She feels great there, growing magnificently. If the soil in your garden is sandy, fertilize it with grass compost.

Parsley "Italian giant" as opposed to root, gives lush greens. It has large leaves, due to which it is confused with a parsnip. The spice root is small, it grows only one season. Another Gloria cultivar occupies an intermediate place between the root and leaf. Its roots, like the root, can winter. Parsley cultivars "Athlete" grow tops and roots. But the parsley "Peter" curly. Her leaf is not simple, but corrugated. Long enough does not lose shape. It is great for decorating dishes. Looks nice on the flowerbed.

How to keep fragrant greens as long as possible

It is believed that a long time to keep greens fresh helps the cold. But in order for this rule to work, it is necessary to adhere to some recommendations. Washing the spices before storage is not recommended. In its raw form, it quickly deteriorates and loses its useful qualities. Rinse immediately before serving.

A suitable place for preservation is the lower shelf of the refrigerator. But before you put the bundles there, carry out a cleaning procedure. Remove the leaves that have turned yellow, carefully fold the branch to the branch. If you nevertheless washed the plant, save it in a paper towel - wrap and put in the refrigerator. Please note that the greens should be moist but not wet. Otherwise, the paper will sprawl.

If desired, fresh spice can be frozen. Frozen parsley will retain its properties much longer. Before freezing it in the freezer, rinse with running water, dry on a towel. Then wrap the blanks with cling film, or lay them in plastic bags. Please note that air must not enter the bag. Grind greens for the preparation of first courses.

Do you use greenery for decoration and do you need it to look attractive? Place in a deep container - the tips will be saturated with moisture.

Parsley recipes

For cooking, use green foliage and the root of the plant. Young greens are best suited. The older the plant, the harder the leaves become, their juiciness is lost.

Parsley is added to soups, side dishes, salads to give dishes a refined flavor. Due to the taste and aroma, the plant occupies a leading position in all world cuisines. In Italy, almost no dish is complete without this spice. If you follow the storage rules, it stays fresh for a long time and does not lose its properties during heat treatment.

Parsnip and parsley root fries

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Parsnip is a carrot-like root vegetable with a sweet nutty flavor. According to the finished structure, it is very similar to potatoes. Fries are done quickly, it turns out delicious.

  • with a knife for peeling vegetables, we clean the parsnips and roots. We make sure that the roots are not dried out. Cut into thin strips, put in a bowl;
  • add three tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil, one tablespoon of dried garlic, salt to taste, black pepper;
  • mix everything well, put it on a baking sheet, covered with pastry paper, evenly distribute;
  • bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally;
  • put the ready-made fries on a plate. It is advisable to eat the dish warm.

Harvesting parsley for the winter

In winter, all root crops are three times more expensive than in summer. Therefore better prepare parsley in advance. Such blanks are always useful to you in the winter.You can easily cook borscht from them, stew vegetables, add to the side dish.

  • wash the root, peel, grate on a coarse grater;
  • spread in portions into bags, release air, tie into knots;
  • fold all portioned bags into one big one, sign it;
  • put the bag in the freezer.

Whipped Celery and Parsley Salad

If you eat parsley every day, you can put your body in order, maintain weight and not get better. Do you want to eat? Cook as much as you eat in one day. The use of salad in its freshness.

  • celery, parsley root, grate half an average apple on a coarse grater, put in a plate;
  • squeeze the juice of half a lemon, mix all the ingredients thoroughly. You can add nuts, raisins, dried apricots, prunes. Bon Appetit.
Saturated concentration suggests that only one tablespoon of a drink can be consumed per day.

How can I use it for medicinal purposes?

Parsley is readily used in home medicine. In diseases of the liver and kidneys, as a wound healing, anti-inflammatory agent, as a diuretic for urolithiasis, to relieve itching after insect bites. Spice is an effective tool for strengthening gums, with poor appetite, with swelling in the legs. With its help treat anemia. They say that greens can increase mood, remove bad breath. For example, the smell of garlic and alcohol.

For medicinal purposes, usually harvest leaves and roots. The roots should be one year old. They are dried at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees. The leaves are dried in the shade, in a room with good ventilation, or outdoors under a canopy. It is advised to harvest grass before flowering. Dried parsley is used in cooking, for the preparation of healing broths.

Application in home cosmetology

Housewives use a fragrant plant, making masks for oily and dry type of face, freeze ice cubes from a decoction of spice to tone, smooth small wrinkles. Use infusions of acne, acne, hair care, in getting rid of freckles.

Whitening face lotion

Lotion is useful not only for women. It helps teenagers with acne and problem skin. It has long been known that parsley lotion rejuvenates the skin, restores its elasticity, smoothes small wrinkles, and helps to cope with bags under the eyes. It is also useful for those who have age spots, who want to whiten the skin on their faces.

To prepare the lotion, boil the kettle. Place a small handful of greens in a bowl and pour about 200 g of boiling water there. Cover and let cool. Get an infusion of the plant. You can cook a decoction. To do this, put the boiled water greens on a minimum heat, bring to a boil and then heat for 10-15 minutes on low heat.

Lotion is made from infusion, or decoction. Strain the cooled infusion (or decoction) and pour into the molds. You can store the lotion in the refrigerator for no more than a week. It cleanses pores, evens out bumps on the face, moisturizes dry skin, and eliminates peeling. It has a rejuvenating effect and slows down the aging process. Wipe your face with lotion in the morning and evening. The result will be visible in a month. The course of wiping is a month. Then take a break for one month and you can continue.

Before use, make sure that you are not allergic to parsley - apply lotion on the back of your hand. If there is no rash, itching and redness, feel free to use it.

Magic ice

  • make ice from a decoction. Cool, fill in an ice mold, put in the freezer. This is an excellent tonic that gives the skin a healthy glow and improves blood circulation;
  • mix the broth with low-fat cottage cheese, apply on the face. Hold for 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Mask for oily skin

  • chop greens into small pieces, grind oatmeal in a blender;
  • mix the ingredients in equal proportions;
  • apply the mixture to your face, hold for 25 minutes;
  • rinse off the mask with warm running water, wipe your face with an ice cube.

Mask for dry skin

  • mix one tablespoon of finely chopped greens with a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • after cleansing your face, apply a mask for 25 minutes;
  • wash with warm water, wipe your face with a cube of ice.

From acne and acne

  • pass the stems and leaves of the spice through a juicer to get the juice;
  • pre-clean the skin with a tonic;
  • lubricate the affected areas with the juice of the plant;
  • wipe your face three times a day for a month.

Hair Care, Freckle Removal

Prepare a decoction from all parts of the plant: seeds, root, stems and leaves. Rinse the head with a decoction after washing. It will give hair strength and shine. Infusion of crushed seeds on vodka, or vegetable oil, is good for alopecia. He is rubbed into problem areas. If you have oily hair, dandruff, parsley lotion will help: pour 20 grams of greens into 200 ml of vodka, insist in a dark place for two weeks. Rub the lotion three times a week.

Chop four teaspoons of greens in a blender, place on problem areas, excluding the lower eyelid region. Keep the pulp for about 30 minutes. Then rinse with cool water, apply cream. At the same time, remember that freckles can be prevented if you protect the skin from sunlight.


Hope 35 years

I grow parsley in the garden. Last year, planted root and leaf. The husband loves her bite with meat. And the children eat in bunches directly from the garden. I am preparing a decoction for rinsing hair after a bath. I really like the result - the hair is shiny and healthy.

Dmitry 51 years

I have had vision problems for a long time. Friends advised to drink tincture from the root of greenery. Found a recipe and made a tincture. I’ve been drinking it for the second year. Vision began to improve, I think, thanks to tincture and exercises for vision.

Oksana 43 years

I use masked parsley leaves. My skin is dry with fine facial wrinkles. They advised to do masks on the face. Now it's nice to look at yourself in the mirror. The face became moisturized, wrinkles around the eyes disappeared. I also freeze the ice and tone my face and décolleté with it.

A juicy, bright, rich in vitamins and microelements plant with a simple name fell in love with us for its taste, color and smell. There are legends about the healing properties of parsley. She is good at the festive table, and in traditional medicine, and in home cosmetology. It is a recognized tool for improving potency in men.

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  1. Avatar


    The benefits of parsley for men are largely based on the content of the chemical compound apigenin. This substance reduces the estrogen content in the male body, allowing testosterone to show its purely masculine qualities.

    To answer

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