Acidanthera planting in open ground and caring for it

13.04.2016 Acidanthera

Acidantera, landing and care in the open ground, photoMany gardeners like to grow flowers like acidanthera. This is easy to explain, because the buds of this flower, with a mysterious name, resemble stars in the night sky. The bud rests on a long stalk, which, despite all its elegance, is a strong and powerful support for the flower. These flowers are considered exotic, not only because of their appearance, but also because they came to us from hot Africa.

You can see exotic flowers acidants not only in the photo, but also live, if you know the rules for planting and care of acidants in the open ground (photo). Indeed, in spite of all the exotic flowers, it can be grown in its own area, if you go a little deeper into all the nuances concerning the cultivation of this beautiful flower. What kind ampel flowers can be grown.

The most common varieties of acidants

Like other flowers, acidants have several varieties that produce flowers of different sizes and colors. Consider the most popular of the varieties:

  • Tropical acidanthera - a variety that is grown in a greenhouse, with the aim of abundant flowering. The flowers are white in color, and closer to the core on the petals, raspberry-colored spots flaunt. As for the size of the plant, it grows to a height of 1.3 meters;
  • White acidanthera - according to its name, gives snow-white flowers without spots, which differs from all other varieties. It has a characteristic, strong aroma;
  • Two-color acidanthera - flower stalks reach a height of one meter, a lot of dark green foliage grows on it, and the flower itself has a delicate creamy white color. To match the stem, the bud is also massive, about 12 centimeters. At the core of the bud you can see red-black spots that make the flower unique and very elegant. At the moment, this variety is the most common in our area;
  • Cape Acidanthera - has snow-white buds on which lilac streaks shimmer with a soft shade of red, due to which they look in a special way and stand out among other colors.
  • Acidantera Fourcade - a distinctive feature of this variety is that no more than two flowers of delicate pink and purple color grow on the stems, due to its minimalism, the flower looks exclusive and elegant.
  • Pink-white acidanthera - has white flower petals with a light shade of raspberry color. Most often, this variety is used for crossbreeding with other varieties.
Acidanthera, landing and care

How to plant plants in open ground

In order for the plant to grow fully, and also to please its healthy appearance and abundant flowering, it is important to recreate all the favorable conditions for it. A few simple rules about planting and caring for acidacea (photo) in the open ground will help both the ungulate and the novice gardener:

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  • Acidanthera loves the sun, therefore, prefers places where the plant can soak in its rays;

Important! Acidantera is very fond of heat and does not tolerate cold. Therefore, for growing in open ground, the plant is suitable for residents of the southern latitudes. If the climate in the region is cool, then you should take care of the presence of a greenhouse, and grow flowers in them. Perfectly combined with the flower in question in the flowerbed daylilies.

  • The soil for the plant should be slightly acidic, with a good drainage system, a little peat can be added to the soil to improve the quality of flower growth;
  • For planting, you should choose a sunny place, and plant there sprouted flower bulbs;
  • In spring, bulbs can be planted in open ground immediately, without prior germination. However, you need to make sure that the earth has already warmed up enough. The bulb should go into the soil no deeper than 12 centimeters. It is important to consider the distance between the planted bulbs. If the bulbs are small, then they are planted at a distance of 12 centimeters from each other. If the bulbs are large, then an acceptable distance between them is 20 centimeters. After planting, the plant should be immediately watered;
  • Before planting in open ground, bulbs can be sprouted. Bulbs are planted in ordinary flower pots (to a depth of about 4 centimeters), then exposed to a warm place, which is well lit, and wait for May. Of course, do not forget about watering the plant, without this procedure, it will quickly die. Pre-germination of acidanthera bulbs allows you to grow a more hardy and strong plant.
Acidanthera, landing and care in the open ground

How to care for acid acid

All care for the plant in warm weather consists in the systematic implementation of the following actions:

  • Soil loosening;
  • Weeding;
  • Fertilizer;
  • Watering;
  • Pruning dried flowers;

In the cold season, care for acidanthera is to cover the tubers of the flower with dry foliage, straw or other materials that could warm the plant.

Where are Acidanthera flowers used?

Acidanthera flowers are very beautiful and unusual, therefore they are often used in landscape design, on alpine slides, for artificial reservoirs. Often, flowers are also used for the harmonious design of ordinary flower beds around the house, or near the gazebo. How can grow a rose from a handle at home with a photo.

Acidantera, landing in the open ground, photo

Care and planting acidants in the open ground are not so difficult, despite the fact that the flower is quite whimsical. The most important thing is to find a suitable place and provide regular watering, not forgetting about fertilizing the soil. You should take into account the unusual aroma of the flower, and choose a place near the place of rest, such as arbors, or benches to catch these charming notes of delicate exotic flowers.

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