Planting and growing potatoes according to the method of Galina Kizima: reviews

3.02.2018 Potatoes

Specialists distinguish 2 categories of summer residents: workers and lazy people. Famous gardener Galina Kizima has developed a unique method of growing potatoes. It represents the golden mean. With minimal labor and time, you can get amazing results.

According to the Kizima method, not everyone is engaged in growing potatoes. Many summer residents prefer the classic way. They just do not know that you can harvest a good crop without even putting much effort.

Who is Galina Kizima?

Galina Kizima is a gardener. Based on her own experience, she developed a unique method of growing potatoes. In addition, she has written many books on this subject.

The essence of its method is that the culture should not be planted in the ground, but laid out in beds and covered with hay. During the summer period, crops must be covered with weeds.


Please note that potato stalks cannot be covered, they must be on the surface.

The presented method allows you to grow an excellent crop without spending time and effort.

Preparing planting material

Before embarking on planting, tubers must be properly prepared. For starters, you should do the following:

  1. Rinse the tubers well, put in a container with hot water, the temperature of which should be 45 degrees.
  2. Potatoes should lie in a bowl until the water reaches room temperature.
  3. In the container, dilute potassium permanganate and slowly pour the solution to the tubers.
  4. Stir the water until it turns pink.
  5. Let the tubers lie down for 15 minutes, then rinse and dry them.

In addition, in order to prepare potatoes for planting, you can use another way. To do this, take Fitosporin, dilute it in water, pour the potatoes with the mixture for half an hour. After which the potatoes must be dried.


Please note that after treating tubers with Fitosporin, they do not need to be washed with water.

Next, you need to carry out the greening procedure. This requires at least 20 days. To simplify the process, dried tubers should be placed in glass jars and placed on a windowsill. Also, potatoes can be laid out in a newspaper, and stored on a cabinet.

Then the potatoes need to be sprouted. You should pick a dark and warm place in advance. Tubers must be put in boxes, each layer separated by newspapers. It is advisable to put the box on a chair and keep it near the battery. Germination will take 3 weeks.

Step by step process of planting potatoes

How potato planting is carried out according to the Kizima method is of interest to many summer residents. As you know, the soil does not need to be dug. Germinated tubers must be laid out on the bed. It is advisable to make 2 rows, the distance between them should be 50 cm. The distance between the tubers should be 25 cm.

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Regarding the size of the tubers, it is best to take potatoes with an egg. Small specimens will not be able to give a good crop, and large ones will have to be cut lengthwise.

Sunlight should illuminate the area with potatoes throughout the day. Otherwise, the tops will grow, and the tubers will be small.

Potato Care

Protecting beds from frost is an important procedure. To protect crops, it is necessary to cover them with hay.For shelter, you can use newspapers, wrapping paper.


Important! You can’t cover crops with straw. Otherwise, mice can ruin the crop.

The top of the bed must be covered with bags. The film should not be used, the crops will begin to shed.

As soon as the threat of frost passes, the bags need to be removed, weed vegetation should be put on the bed. Grass can only be laid on hay or paper, protecting seedlings. Throughout the summer period, weeds should be covered with crops. Hood crops need mowed grass.

As soon as the potatoes bloom, tubers will begin to appear on the stolons. During this period, it is necessary to cut off all the flowers. This will help the tubers to be larger.

When and how to harvest

Having familiarized yourself with how to plant potatoes using the Kizima method, you can get a good harvest. However, harvesting should be carried out correctly. You can start harvesting at the moment when the flowers become sluggish.

First you need to move the compost, select large tubers, return the compost to its place. This will allow you to harvest again after a while.

After all the potatoes are harvested, the tops need to be dried. It cannot be stacked in a compost pile. This is due to the fact that the tops contain corned beef, which under the influence of sunlight is destroyed.


Alexander, 34 years old:

“I’ve been using Galina’s method for 3 years now. I don’t understand why they call him lazy. To cover the crops with hay, you need to make a lot of effort. I would especially like to note the harvest, clean and large potatoes. "

The method of Galina Kizima is gaining popularity every year. Many summer residents use it in their difficult business.

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