Lunar potato planting 2016

1.05.2016 Potatoes

00082646Many gardeners, regardless of whether they are beginners or experienced ones, often wonder when to plant potatoes in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar. Rather, this issue remains relevant every year and this is correct. It has been noticed for a long time, and we can only preserve this unique knowledge that different lunar days affect the growth of a variety of cultures, including potatoes.

If we consider specific favorable days when to plant potatoes in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar in Ukraine or other countries with the same climate, then we can note:

  • April: 4,5, 8, and 9, 23
  • May: 1,2, 5 19-20, 29-30 number.
  • June: 2 and 3, 25-26 number.

Potatoes in our country, as well as in countries that are old and good neighbors for us, regardless of the current political circumstances, are not just a garden crop for cultivation. This is a real cult and potatoes on the site are always grown without fail. How can I spend mixed planting vegetables: schemes.

About choosing a landing time

In order to get a good potato crop, it is extremely important to carry out all stages of planting and growing this crop in accordance with specific days and recommendations. In particular, do not plant potatoes too early. If there are still frosts from three degrees below zero, this culture will simply perish.

Advice! Experienced gardeners advise when choosing the optimal time for planting potatoes to focus on the weather. As soon as birch and bird cherry begin to bloom, this is the ideal period to plant tubers of culture.

The best time for planting potatoes can be determined by the weather, and then look into the lunar calendar to select the optimal and most suitable phases of the moon for planting at a specific time. Since the potato sits somewhere to a depth of 10 cm, it is imperative that the earth warms up to 6-10 degrees of heat.

However, of course, few people in the garden can afford to walk around the site and measure the temperature of the earth in depth. In this case, you need to focus on air temperature. Once it is set at around 15 degrees Celsius, you can plant.

If we consider the southern territories of Russia, then they begin to plant potatoes somewhere around the end of March. As for Moscow and the middle region of our country, the approximate landing time is May 10, you can also focus on the end of April and the beginning of May for those who live in Voronezh, Tambov, Saratov and near these cities.

Important! After May 25, it is too late to plant potatoes in Central Russia. If you are even ten days late from the time of planting, this will sharply reduce the yield of each bush.

When to plant potatoes

How to choose a place

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In addition to accurately determining the most appropriate time frame when planting potatoes in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, you must also choose the right place for planting. The culture in question is by no means planted where plants from the nightshade family used to grow. First of all, this is the potato itself, as well as tomatoes and eggplant, pepper.

Advice! For planting potatoes this year, you can safely choose plots of land where any greens or cabbage, legumes, beets or cucumbers grew before that.

About the choice of planting material

It must be remembered that potatoes are propagated by tubers. You can’t just lay a tuber in the ground, you should be able to properly prepare it. The choice of high-quality planting material is the key to success and a whole science.Attention should be paid not only to taste and color, but also yield, regionalization of a particular variety. Also, potatoes can be early, medium or late in speed of planting and ripening.

As for the characteristics of the selected variety, pay attention to the fact that it is resistant to various fungal infections, as well as to the development of nematodes. For sowing, tubers are selected quite large, excellent if they will lead about 50-100 grams. Such tubers will be able to give growth to a strong and healthy plant, which in the end will please an excellent crop. When is the best plant cucumbers.

Depending on the maturity of a particular potato variety, the crop can be harvested at different times:

  • Early harvest for full ripening requires from 50 to 65 days.
  • Mid-early varieties ripen within 65-80 days.
  • There are also mid-season potato varieties that ripen within 80-95 days.
  • Medium-late potatoes ripen in the period from 95 to 110 days.
  • Later varieties of potatoes can be dug out only after 110 days or more from the moment they are planted in the ground.

It is clear that early potatoes will not be as productive as other varieties. Also, its tubers are less resistant to various diseases, they have less starch. As for the central part of our country, it is best to choose early and mid-ripening varieties for growing on your site. Because, other varieties of this vegetable may simply not have time to ripen.

When to plant potatoes in 2016

Specific dates when to plant potatoes in 2016 according to the lunar calendar:

  • Landing is carried out 4-5, as well as April 23. You can also plant potatoes on May 1,2, 5 and 29-30, and planting can be carried out on the 2nd and 3rd, 25th and 26th.
  • Conditionally favorable days for landing, if we consider the lunar calendar, will be April 8 and 9, as well as May 19 and 20.
  • Watering the vegetable can be carried out at any time, with the exception of the phases of the full moon and new moon.
  • You can also consider the most favorable days for fertilizing the soil. This is May 3-5, 22-26, also on June 4 and 5, 23, 24 and 27, June 28, followed by the beginning of July and the very end of the second summer month.

Potato growing conditions

The last point that I would like to note in this material is the presence of the most favorable days every year. The point is that every month in each year may be the most successful day for this or that manipulation. Suppose on February 4 this year you can plant potatoes in a greenhouse. From March 15, the active laying of tubers of early varieties of potatoes for germination begins.

You can also mark the day of March 17, when it is best to spread the tubers for 30 days in the light at an average temperature, so that in the end a month later, by the time of planting, get an excellent planting material. The best days to plant potatoes in April are 13-15, and in May pay attention to 6-7.

If we talk about the general rules and terms, when to plant potatoes in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, then they begin to do this at the end of April, and finish somewhere until mid-May. The best time is the period of spring when the soil has already warmed up enough.

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