Lollo Rossa salad: benefits and harms, cultivation features

17.06.2018 Salad

Leafy salads are becoming more and more popular every year among the population. And the matter is not only in taste, but also in the enormous benefits for the human body. Lollo Rosa Salad is used to decorate banquet and festive dishes.

With its help, you can lose weight, because in 100 grams of the product only 16 Kcal.

Grade description

“Lollo Rossa” is a variety of lettuce, it was brought to us from Italy. Belongs to annual plants, it can be grown all year round, in heated greenhouses or window sills. The growing season of Lollo Rosso salad is 40-50 days. Some people call it “Coral Salad,” and that’s all because it has an external resemblance to these marine plants.

The salad is represented by a loose bunch with light wavy leaves, in diameter it usually does not exceed 20 cm. Near the root, the salad is painted white, the stems are light green, the upper part is purple or burgundy red. Taste is excellent, unlike many varieties, it is not bitter, has a subtle nutty flavor. It is used both for cooking light summer vegetable salads, and for more satisfying dishes. It can be combined with vegetables, any kind of cheese. Season with various sauces, lemon, olive oil. Salad can be used as a separate dish or side dish for meat or fish. In restaurants, it is used to decorate dishes. It is also widely used for making sandwiches, cold dishes and snacks.

Interesting! Plants can withstand temperatures down to -20 degrees.

Low calorie is not the main privilege of the salad; the leaves contain a huge amount of micro and macro elements such as: calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as iron, zinc, selenium and copper. In addition, it is characterized by a high content of B vitamins, Beta-carotene, as well as vitamins A, C, E, K. Therefore, even with diet, the body will not need additional vitamin-mineral complexes.


  1. Lettuce leaves are easily digested and processed quickly.
  2. Due to its iron content, lettuce increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  3. It is recommended to eat for people with diabetes, as it regulates water metabolism and reduces the content of suspended salts.
  4. Increases mental abilities, improves memory.
  5. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the immune system, improves the outflow of bile and removes toxins from the body.
  6. Potassium, which is contained in lettuce, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.
  7. Lollo Rosa salad is indicated for food intake for patients with hypertension, as well as various thyroid diseases.


Eating salad is contraindicated only for people with individual intolerance, which is very rare. Limit the amount of salad should be to people who have a history of urolithiasis, an acute form of enterocolitis and colitis.

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Application in traditional medicine

  • with daily use of lettuce, you can get rid of insomnia;
  • a decoction of lettuce leaves well for sunburns, it is also used to relieve skin inflammation;
  • to moisturize the skin, you can prepare a mask and lettuce leaves, they need about 10 pieces. The leaves are crushed to a mushy state, then add 3 tablespoons of sour cream and mix well. Apply a mask for 15 minutes at least 1 time per week;
  • from 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil, 1 tsp lemon juice and 3 tbsp. l grated salad also produces an excellent nourishing mask that nourishes the skin with vitamins and perfectly tones and refreshes.

Cultivation and care

Seeds are planted around the beginning of May, as soon as the weather is warm outside. The place should be sunny, slight shading is allowed. For salad, it is better to choose loose, nutrient-rich soil. Before planting, shallow furrows are made in it, the seeds are laid to a depth of 1-2 centimeters. The recommended planting pattern is 20 by 25 cm. The first watering should be done very carefully, using a sprayer so that the seeds do not move. The first shoots appear in about 7-10 days. After the sprouts hatch, the planting should be thinned out.

Throughout the entire growth period, plants need regular watering and loosening of the soil. With a lack of moisture, the taste of lettuce deteriorates. It is also necessary to remove weed in time. During the season, the Lollo Rossa salad needs to be fertilized at least two times; complex mineral fertilizing is used for this. The plant is characterized by active growth; during the season you can harvest up to three times.

Growing lettuce on a windowsill

Seeds are sown in a prepared container with soil, the sowing depth is 1-1.5 cm. Then they are watered and covered with a plastic film. After emergence, the containers are placed on a well-lit window sill. However, it should be noted that direct sunlight is unacceptable. The optimal air temperature for the salad is considered to be + 18-22 degrees Celsius. Plants are watered as the soil dries, the earth must not be allowed to solidify, otherwise it will be difficult for the sprouts to hatch.

Plants need full daylight. If the planting of seeds is carried out in the winter, then the salad is lightened with the help of a phytolamp. Place it approximately 50 cm from the container with the plants. Minimal salad care is required, watering and feeding, and this does not take much time.

Interesting Facts

  1. You need to tear the salad with your hands, because when it comes in contact with metal, it loses many useful properties.
  2. If bitterness is present in lettuce leaves, it must be soaked in water for 10-15 minutes and it will disappear.
  3. If lettuce leaves are completely stained with a dark color, this indicates that it is overripe.


Lollo Roso salad is an excellent variety, you can grow it not only in the garden, but also in an apartment on a windowsill or a glazed loggia, the main thing is to provide the plants with enough light. In care, the variety is not whimsical, and the amount of useful substances in it is just off scale. It is recommended to eat for many diseases and for preventive purposes.

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